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and he had no sooner stepped out of the boat, than a man out of the tombs came to meet him, a man with an unclean spirit,

Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.

And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.

(For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of that man, you unclean spirit!")

And He gave them permission to do it. So, the evil spirits went out of the man's body and entered the bodies of the [wild] hogs. The herd then rushed down the cliff into the lake. There were about two thousand that drowned in the lake.

And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done.

And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine.

And he did not permit him, but said to him, "Go to your home to your [people] and tell them all that the Lord has done for you, and [that] he has had mercy on you."

And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him, and they were all astonished.

And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

He yet speaking, they come from the ruler of the synagogue, saying, That thy daughter is dead: why yet dost thou importune the Teacher?

And he suffered no man to follow him more than Peter, and James and John the brother of James.

And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly.

And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.

Then, taking her by the hand, He says to her, "Talitha, koum;" that is to say, "Little girl, I command you to wake!"

Leaving that place He came into His own country, accompanied by His disciples.

And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are His sisters not here with us?” And they were [deeply] offended by Him [and their disapproval blinded them to the fact that He was anointed by God as the Messiah].

And Jesus said unto them, "A prophet is not despised but in his own country, and among his own kin, and among them that are of the same household."

And he marveled at their unbelief. And he went about by the towns that lay on every side, teaching.

And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:

but should be shod with sandals. And that they should not put on two coats.

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

And king Herod heard of him; (for his name was spread abroad:) and he said, That John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.

Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.

But Herod hearing said, That, He is John, whom I beheaded; He is risen from the dead.

For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.

And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief estates of Galilee;

And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.

And he swore to her that he would give her whatever she asked him--up to half his kingdom.

And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.

And the king was exceeding sorry; but for the sake of his oaths, and of them that sat at meat, he would not reject her.

The apostles [who had been sent out on a mission] gathered together with Jesus and told Him everything that they had done and taught.

Then He said to them, "Come away, all of you, to a quiet place, and rest awhile." For there were many coming and going, so that they had no time even for meals.

And already the hour being late, His disciples coming to Him, say, That it is a desert place, and the hour is already late:

Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.

But He answered them, "You [men] give them something to eat." And they replied, "Should we go and buy a supply of bread to give them to eat?" [Note: The amount mentioned here indicates that it was two hundred days of a farm laborer's pay, or about $14,000 in 1994].

And he commanded them that all should sit down by companies upon the green grass.

And having taken the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to heaven, he blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples that they might set them before them. And the two fishes he divided among all.

and they picked up the broken pieces and fish that were left over, twelve baskets full.

Jesus immediately insisted that His disciples get into the boat and go ahead [of Him] to the other side to Bethsaida, while He was dismissing the crowd.

Seeing the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night (3:00-6:00 a.m.) He came to them, walking on the sea. And [acted as if] He intended to pass by them.

but they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out;

But no sooner had they gone ashore than the people immediately recognized Him.

And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

and, coming from the market-place, if they do not baptize themselves, they do not eat; and many other things there are that they received to hold, baptisms of cups, and pots, and brazen vessels, and couches.

So the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law asked Jesus this question--"How is it that your disciples do not follow the traditions of our ancestors, but eat their food with defiled hands?"

He replied, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites (play-actors, pretenders), as it is written [in Scripture],

These people honor Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.

And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

he that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

When he withdrew from the people into the house, his disciples ask'd him the meaning of that maxim.

since it does not enter his heart, but [only] his stomach, and [from there it] is eliminated?” (By this, He declared all foods ceremonially clean.)

Jesus got up and left there and went to the region of Tyre [and Sidon, the coastal area of Phoenicia]. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know about it; but it was impossible for Him to be hidden [from the public].

The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.

"For saying that," he answered, "you may go. The demon has gone out of your daughter."

accordingly she went home, where she found that the demon was indeed gone out of her daughter, and she was lying on the bed.

And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it;

In those days, there being again a great crowd, and they having nothing that they could eat, having called his disciples to him, he says to them,

And he commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground. And having taken the seven loaves, he gave thanks, and broke them and gave them to his disciples, that they might set them before them; and they set them before the crowd.

They also had a few small fish; and when Jesus had blessed them [and given thanks], He ordered these [fish] to be set before them as well.

And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away.

And the Pharisees came out, and began to put questions to him, asking of him a sign from heaven, that they might tempt him.

Heaving a deep and troubled sigh, He said, "Why do the men of to-day ask for a sign? In solemn truth I tell you that no sign will be given to the men of to-day."

And they began to discuss with one another that they had no bread.

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