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I manifested thy name, unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world: Thine, they were, and, to me, thou gavest them, and, thy word, have they kept:

I, concerning them, make request: not, concerning the world, do I make request, but concerning them whom thou hast given me, because, thine, they are, -

Not however concerning these alone, do I make request, but, concerning them also who believe, through their word, on me:

Now, Judas also, who was delivering him up, knew the place: because, oft, had Jesus been gathered there, with his disciples.

Jesus, therefore, knowing all the things coming upon him, went forth, and saith unto them - Whom, seek ye?

They answered him - Jesus, the Nazarene. He saith unto them - I, am he. Now Judas also, who was delivering him up, was standing with them.

Again, therefore, he questioned them - Whom, seek ye? And, they, said - Jesus, the Nazarene.

that the word might be fulfilled which he had said - As touching them whom thou hast given me, I lost from among them, not so much as one.

and led him unto Annas, first; for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the High-priest of that year.

Why questionest thou me? question them who have heard, what I spake unto them. See! these, know what, I, said.

And, when, these things, he had said, one of the officers who was standing by, gave a smart blow to Jesus, saying - Thus, answerest thou, the High-priest?

Pilate, therefore, said unto him - And yet, thou, art, not a king? Jesus answered - Thou, sayest, that, a king, I am: I, for this, have been born, and, for this, have come into the world, - that I may bear witness unto the truth: Every one who is of the truth, hearkeneth unto my voice.

For this cause, Pilate, began seeking to release him; but, the Jews, cried aloud saying - If this man thou release, thou art not a friend of Caesar, for, every one who maketh himself king, speaketh against Caesar.

The soldiers, therefore, came; and, of the first, indeed, brake the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him, -

and, again, a different Scripture, saith - They shall look unto him whom they pierced.

She runneth, therefore, and cometh unto Simon Peter, and unto the other disciple whom Jesus dearly loved, and saith unto them - They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we know not where they have laid him.

Then, entered, therefore, the other disciple also, who had come first unto the tomb, and he saw and believed.

Jesus saith unto her - Woman! why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She, supposing he was, the gardener, saith unto him - Sir! If, thou, hast borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him; and, I, will take him away.

Jesus saith unto him - Because thou hast seen me, hast thou believed? Happy, they who have not seen, and yet have believed!

There were together, Simon Peter, and Thomas, who was called Didymus, and Nathanael, who was from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and, two other, of his disciples.

That disciple, therefore, whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter - It is, the Lord! Simon Peter, therefore, hearing that it was the Lord, girded about him, his upper garment, - for he was naked; and cast himself into the sea;

Jesus saith unto them - Come! break your fast. Not one, of the disciples was venturing to ask him, Who art, thou? knowing that it was, the Lord.

Peter, turning about, beholdeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, - who also reclined during the supper upon his breast, and said - Lord, who is it that is delivering thee up?

This, is the disciple who beareth witness concerning these things, and who hath written these things; and we know that, true, is, his witness.