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that he said unto him, "I am afraid of my lord the king, which hath appointed you your meat and drink: lest he spy your faces to be worse liking than the other springaldes of your age, and so ye shall make me lose my head unto the king."

He answered, and said to Arioch, being then the king's deputy, "Why hath the king proclaimed so cruel a sentence?" So Arioch told Daniel the matter.

O king, thou art a king of kings: For the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, riches, strength, and majesty:

And hath delivered thee all things that are among the children of men: the beasts of the field, and the fowls under the heaven, and given thee dominion over them all. Thou art that golden head.

And whereas thou sawest that without any hands there was cut out of the mount a stone, which brake the iron, the copper, the earth, the silver and gold in pieces: by that hath the great God showed the king, what will come after this. This is a true dream, and the interpretation of it is sure."

that when ye hear the noise of the trumpets, which shall be blown, with harps, shawmes, Psalteries, Symphonies and all manner of Music: ye fall down and worship the golden Image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up.

Then spake Nebuchadnezzar, and said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: which hath sent his angel, and defended his servants that put their trust in him: that have altered the king's commandment, and jeopardized their bodies thereupon, rather than they would serve or worship any other god except their own God only.

I thought it good to show the tokens and marvelous works that the high God hath wrought upon me.

till at the last, there came one Daniel, otherwise called Balteshazzar, according to the name of my God, which hath the spirit of the holy gods, in him: to whom I told the dream, saying,

This errand of the watcher, is a commandment grounded and sought out, in the counsel of him that is most holy: to learn men for to understand, that the highest hath power over the kingdoms of men; and giveth them to whom it liketh him, and bringeth the very outcasts of men over them.'

Thou shalt be cast out from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: with grass shalt thou be fed like an ox. Thou must be wet with the dew of the heaven: yea, seven years shall come and go upon thee, till thou know that the highest hath power upon the kingdoms of men, and giveth them to whom he list.

Thou shalt be cast out of men's company: thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, so that thou shalt eat grass like as an ox, till seven years be come and gone over thee: even until thou knowest, that the highest hath power upon the kingdoms of men, and that he may give them, unto whom it pleaseth him.'"

For why? There is a man in thy kingdom, that hath the spirit of the holy gods within him, as it was seen in thy father's days. He hath understanding and wisdom like the gods; Yea, the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father made this man chief of the soothsayers, charmers, Chaldeans and devil conjurers:

I have heard speak of thee, that thou hast the spirit of the holy gods, experience and understanding, and that there hath been great wisdom found in thee.

Now the interpretation of the thing is this: Mene, God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end.

It is he that delivereth and saveth: he doth wonders and marvelous works, in heaven and in earth: he hath preserved Daniel from the power of the Lions."

And he hath performed his words, which he spake against us, and against our judges that judged us: to bring upon us such a great plague, as never was under heaven, like as it is now come to pass in Jerusalem.

Therefore hath the LORD made haste, to bring this plague upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doth. For why? We would not hearken unto his voice.

These shall he carry away with great pride, forsomuch as he hath cast down so many thousands, nevertheless he shall not prevail.

So after that he hath taken truce with him, he shall handle deceitfully, that he may get up, and overcome him with a small flock: