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He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies: He who is overcoming may not be injured of the second death.

He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies: To him who is overcoming, I will give to him to eat from the hidden manna, and will give to him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name written, that no one knew except him who is receiving it.

'But I have against thee a few things: That thou dost suffer the woman Jezebel, who is calling herself a prophetess, to teach, and to lead astray, my servants to commit whoredom, and idol-sacrifices to eat;

He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies.

He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies.

He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies.

He who is having an ear -- let him hear what the Spirit saith to the assemblies.'

if any one hath an ear -- let him hear:

Here is the wisdom! He who is having the understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for the number of a man it is, and its number is six hundred and sixty six.

and light of a lamp may not shine at all in thee any more; and voice of bridegroom and of bride may not be heard at all in thee any more; because thy merchants were the great ones of the earth, because in thy sorcery were all the nations led astray,

and he cast him to the abyss, and did shut him up, and put a seal upon him, that he may not lead astray the nations any more, till the thousand years may be finished; and after these it behoveth him to be loosed a little time.

and he shall go forth to lead the nations astray, that are in the four corners of the earth -- Gog and Magog -- to gather them together to war, of whom the number is as the sand of the sea;

having the glory of God, and her light is like a stone most precious, as a jasper stone clear as crystal,

and the nations of the saved in its light shall walk, and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it,

he who is unrighteous -- let him be unrighteous still, and he who is filthy -- let him be filthy still, and he who is righteous -- let him be declared righteous still, and he who is sanctified -- let him be sanctified still: