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A fear fell upon me, along with trembling that caused all my bones to shake in terror.

People gaped at me with mouths wide open; they slap me in their scorn and gather together against me.

His archers surround me, slashing open my kidneys without pity; he pours out my gall on the ground.

Though he dodges an iron weapon, a bronze arrow will pierce him.

"Let me speak! I need relief! Let me open my lips and respond.

When he began speaking, he communicated only worthlessness; he added words upon words without knowing anything."

He'll deliver the afflicted through their afflictions and open their ears when they are oppressed."

to bring rain upon a land without inhabitants, a desert in which no human beings live,

Their young are strong; they grow up in the open field; then they go off and don't return to them."

Who dares to open his mouth, since it is ringed with his terrible teeth!