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That which has been, is that which is to be, and that which has been done, is that which will be done, and there is no new thing under the sun.

Is there anything of which men say, See, this is new? It has been in the old time which was before us.

And I became great; increasing more than all who had been before me in Jerusalem, and my wisdom was still with me.

Then I saw all the works which my hands had made, and everything I had been working to do; and I saw that all was to no purpose and desire for wind, and there was no profit under the sun.

Then said I in my heart: As it comes to the foolish man, so will it come to me; so why have I been wise overmuch? Then I said in my heart: This again is to no purpose.

And who is to say if that man will be wise or foolish? But he will have power over all my work which I have done and in which I have been wise under the sun. This again is to no purpose.

Because there is a man whose work has been done with wisdom, with knowledge, and with an expert hand; but one who has done nothing for it will have it for his heritage. This again is to no purpose and a great evil.

Whatever is has been before, and what is to be is now; because God makes search for the things which are past.

I said in my heart, God will be judge of the good and of the bad; because a time for every purpose and for every work has been fixed by him.

Yes, happier than the dead or the living seemed he who has not ever been, who has not seen the evil which is done under the sun.

All his days are in the dark, and he has much sorrow, pain, disease, and trouble.

That which is, has been named before, and of what man is there is knowledge. He has no power against one stronger than he.

Your heart has knowledge how frequently others have been cursed by you.

This only have I seen, that God made men upright, but they have been searching out all sorts of inventions.

This is the last word. All has been said. Have fear of God and keep his laws; because this is right for every man.