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What survives of the trees in his forest will be so few that a child can count them."

Verse ConceptsFew Things

"The wolf will live with the lamb; the leopard will lie down with the young goat. The calf and the lion will graze together, and a little child will lead them.

Verse ConceptsLeopardMillennial KingdomLambsLionsAnimals, Types OfDeliverance From LionsWolvesChildren And The KingdomDeerPetsSleeping Peacefully

The nursing child will play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child will put his hand on vipers' dens.

Verse ConceptsNestsCobrasSnakesAnimals, Types OfCrawlingPower Over SnakesChildren And The Kingdombaby

Elam takes up the quiver with chariots and cavalry, while Kir unsheathes the shield.

Verse ConceptsQuiversThings Stripped

Like birds hovering overhead, so the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will protect Jerusalem; he will shield and deliver it; and he will pass over and bring it to safety.

Verse Conceptsdefence, divineGuardsRemnantShieldsWingsGod Being Our DefenceBirdsProtection And Safetyflyingpreservation

"Therefore this what the LORD says concerning the king of Assyria: "He won't enter this city, build up a siege ramp against it, shoot an arrow here, or threaten it with a shield.

Verse ConceptsAttacks On Jerusalem Turned Back

"To whom, then, will you compare me, and to whom should I be equal?" asks the Holy One.

Verse ConceptsGod, Holiness OfUniquenessLikeningBeyond CompareLikening God

The LORD was pleased, for the sake of his vindication, that he should magnify his Law and make it glorious.

Verse ConceptsThe Law Proclaimed

"This is what the LORD says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you how to succeed, who directs you in the path by which you should go.

Verse ConceptsGod, As RedeemerAbundant Lifediscipline, divinedecisionsGod's WaysLife, Of FaithRedemption, In OtGod As Our TeacherFollowing GodTrue GainBusinessCareer SuccessMillionaire Mentalityinvesting

For he grew up before him like a tender plant, and like a root out of a dry ground; he had no form and he had no majesty that we should look at him, and there is no attractiveness that we should desire him.

Verse ConceptsRiddlesTendernessProphecies Concerning ChristMessianic PropheciesGrowing UpDry PlacesNo BeautyAppearances ofChrist's Naturedignity

"Sing, you barren woman, even the one who never bore a child! Burst into song and shout for joy, even you who were never in labor! For the children of the desolate woman will be more than the children of her that is married," says the LORD.

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenBarrennessdisabilitiesMothers, As A SymbolSingingSinglenessBarren, LandChildlessnessAttitudes To BarrennessMusic To Celebratecredibility

"Among the smooth stones of the ravines is your portion there they are as your lot. To them you have poured out drink offerings; you have brought grain offerings. Should I be lenient over such things?

Verse Conceptsdrink offeringMaking Cereal Offerings And Libations