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This, then, is the charge that I lay upon you, Timothy, my Child, in accordance with what was predicted of you--Fight the good fight in the spirit of those predictions,

My desire, then, is that it should be the custom everywhere for the men to lead the prayers, with hands reverently uplifted, avoiding heated controversy.

They should be tested first, and only appointed to their Office if no objection is raised against them.

It should be the same with the women. They should be serious, not gossips, sober, and trustworthy in all respects.

Those are the points on which you should dwell, that there may be no call for your censure.

A widow, when her name is added to the list, should not be less than sixty years old; she should have been a faithful wife,

and be well spoken of for her kind actions. She should have brought up children, have shown hospitality to strangers, have washed the feet of her fellow Christians, have relieved those who were in distress, and devoted herself to every kind of good action.

But you should exclude the younger widows from the list; for, when they grow restive under the yoke of the Christ, they want to marry,

The words of Scripture are-- 'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain.' and again-- 'The worker is worth his wages.'

All who are in the position of slaves should regard their masters as deserving of the greatest respect, so that the Name of God, and our Teaching, may not be maligned.

Those who have Christian masters should not think less of them because they are their Brothers, but on the contrary they should serve them all the better, because those who are to benefit by their good work are dear to them as their fellow Christians. Those are the things to insist upon in your teaching.