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To understand a proverb, and an enigma: the words of the wise and their parables.

For they a garland of grace to thy head, and necklaces for thy throat

If they shall say, Go with us, we will lie in wait for blood, we will hide for the innocent gratuitously;

We will swallow them down living, as hades, and whole, as they going down to the pit:

We shall find precious riches, we will fill our houses with spoil:

For gratuitously the net was spread in the eyes of all possessing a wing.

Ye shall turn back at my reproofs: behold, I will pour forth my spirit to you, I will make known my words to you.

In your terror coming as a destroying tempest, and your ruin shall come as a whirlwind; in the coming upon you of straits and distress.

To deliver thee from the evil way, from the man speaking deceit;

She is a tree of life to all holding upon her: and happy he holding her fast

Then shalt thou go thy way confidently, and thy foot shall not stumble.

Thou shalt not say to thy neighbor, Go, and turn back, and to-morrow I will give; and there is with thee.

Thou shalt not envy against a man of violence, and thou shalt choose in all his ways.

She will give to thy head a garland of grace: a crown of glory she will deliver thee.

And her latter state being bitter as wormwood; sharp as a two-mouthed sword.

And now, ye sons, hear to me, and ye shall not depart from the words of my mouth.

Remove far off from her thy way, and thou shalt not draw near to the door of her house:

And I heard not to the voice of him teaching me, and I inclined not mine ear to him instructing me.

As I was almost in all evil in the midst of the convocation and the assembly.

And wherefore, my son, wilt thou wander with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?

My son, if thou becamest surety for thy friend, thou didst strike thy hands for a stranger;

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to lie down:

And thy poverty came as he going, and thy want as a man of the shield.

A man taking fire in his bosom, shall his garments not be burnt?

If a man shall go upon burning coals shall his feet not be burnt?

A blow and contempt shall he find; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.

For in the window of my house I looked forth through my lattice,

Passing in the street near her corner; and he will step the way of her house,

For this, I shall come forth to thy meeting, to seek thy face, and I shall find thee.

With adornings I spread my bed, variegated with thread of Egypt

I sprinkled my bed with myrrh and aloes and cinnamon.

Come, we will be satisfied with loves till the morning: we will rejoice ourselves with loves.

He took a bundle of silver in his hand; he will come to his house the day of the full moon.

With much of her talking she caused him to turn aside; with the smoothness of her lips she will thrust him away.

Till an arrow shall cleave his liver; as a bird hastening to the snare, and not knowing that it is for his soul.

And now, ye sons, hear to me, and attend to the sayings of my mouth.

She stood upon the head of the heights, upon the way of the house of the beaten paths.

To you, ye men, I shall call, and my voice is to the sons of man.

Understand craftiness, ye simple: and ye foolish, understand the heart

Hear ye, for I will speak dear things; and the openings of my lips uprightnesses.

I wisdom dwelt with prudence, and I shall find the knowledge of machinations.

I shall go in the way of justice, in the midst of the beaten paths of judgment:

To cause those loving me to inherit existence: and I will fill their treasures.

From forever I was knit together, from the beginning, from the first of the earth.

In no depths was I begun; in no fountains abundant in waters.

Before the mountains were settled; before the hills I had a beginning:

In his preparing the heavens I was there: in his inscribing a circle upon the face of the deep:

And I shall be near him the builder, and I shall be a delight of day, day, smiling before him in all time

Who the simple, he shall turn aside here: he wanting heart, she said to him,

Come ye, eat of my bread, and drink ye of the wine I mingled.

A woman of folly being noisy, simple, and she knew not anything.

To call to those passing the way, making straight their paths:

Who is simple, he shall turn aside here: and he wanting heart, and she said to him,

Jehovah will not cause the soul of the just one to hunger: and he will thrust away the desire of the unjust