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But the pride and self-reliance of Israel testifies against him.
Therefore Israel, and [especially] Ephraim, stumble and fall in their wickedness and guilt;
Judah also has stumbled with them.

Verse ConceptsStumblingDownfall Of IsraelThings As WitnessesNorthern Kingdom Of IsraelProud Peoplearrogance

Also, O Judah, there is a harvest [of divine judgment] appointed for you,
When I restore the fortunes of My people [who have been slaves to the misery of sin].

Verse ConceptsHarvestRestoring NationsSowing And Reaping

Though the pride of Israel testifies against him,
Yet they do not return [in repentance] to the Lord their God,
Nor seek nor search for nor desire Him [as essential] in spite of all this.

Verse ConceptsImpenitence, Warnings AgainstNot Returning To GodNot Seeking GodThings As WitnessesProud PeoplePridearrogance

They will not pour out drink offerings of wine to the Lord;
Their sacrifices will not please Him.
Their bread will be like mourners’ bread [eaten at funerals];
All who eat it will be [ceremonially] unclean,
For their bread will be for themselves;
It will not enter the house of the Lord [to be consecrated].

Verse ConceptsMournersPollutionsRepulsive FoodMourning DeathMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsNot Pleasing God

As for Ephraim, their glory will fly away like a bird;
No birth, no pregnancy, and [because of their impurity] no conception.

Verse ConceptsThe Glory Of ManPregnancyWombConceptionBirth Not Being PossibleThose FlyingLosing HonourHaving A Babyflyingteenagerchildbearing

They will come trembling and hurriedly like birds from Egypt
And like doves from the land of Assyria;
And I will settle them in their houses [in the land of their inheritance], declares the Lord.

Verse ConceptsdovesGroups Trembling

And by a prophet (Moses) the Lord brought Israel up from Egypt,
And by a prophet Israel was preserved.

Verse ConceptsWork, Divine And HumanGod KeepsUnnamed Prophets Of The Lordisraelpreservation