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It may not be: and let God be true, and every man a liar; as has been written, That thou mightest be justified in thy words, and mightest conquer in thy being judged.

(As it has been written, That have set thee father of many nations,) over against him who believed God, making alive the dead, and calling things not being as being.

And not having been weak in faith, he observed not his own body already having been dead, being about a hundred years, and the death of Sarah's womb:

As has been written, That for thy sake we are killed the whole day; we were reckoned as sheep for slaughter.

And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us seed, as Sodom had we been, and as Gomorrha had we been likened.

As has been written, Behold I set in Zion a stone of stumbling and rock of offence: and every one believing on him shall not be ashamed.

For as also ye, when ye were disobedient to God, but now ye have been commiserated by the unbelief of these:

For it has been written, I live, says the Lord, for to me shall every knee bend, and every tongue acknowledge to God.

For Christ also pleased not himself, but as has been written, The reproaches of them reproaching thee fell upon me

And the nations to glorify God for mercies; as has been written, For this will I acknowledge to thee in the nations; and I will play on, the harp to thy name.

But as has been written, to whom it was not announced of him, they shall see: and they who have not heard shall understand.

That ye receive her in the Lord, worthy of the holy ones, and encourage her in whatever thing she have need of you: for she also has been the rule of many, and of myself.

Embrace Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are distinguished among the sent, who also have been in Christ before me.