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For Yahweh thy God, hath blessed thee in all the work of thy hand, he hath considered thy traversing of this great desert, - these forty years, hath Yahweh thy God been with thee, thou hast lacked, nothing.

Verse ConceptsLackDesertsGod, The ProviderJourneyThe Number FortyWatchfulness, DivineDivine SuppliesanniversariesGod, All knowing40 To 50 YearsPlenty In The WildernessGod Has Been With YouBlessings From Godwandering

This day, will I begin to extend the dread of thee and the fear of thee over the face of the peoples under all the heavens, - who will hear the report of thee, then will they quake and writhe in pain because of thee.

Verse ConceptsAgony, In HeartPessimismAnguish, Causeterrorism

But Yahweh had been provoked with me for your sakes, and hearkened not unto me, - and Yahweh said unto me, Enough for thee! do not add a word unto me further in this matter.

Verse ConceptsGod Angry With Individuals

But thou shalt remember Yahweh thy God, that it was, he, who had been giving thee strength to get wealth, - that so he might establish his covenant which he sware to thy fathers as at this day.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TalentsGiving, Of OneselfAbilityGuardiansMaterialism, As An Aspect Of SinMoney, Attitudes ToProfitsRememberingWork, Divine And HumanFinancial AdviceGod Gives WealthGod Keeps CovenantRichesFinancesempowermentBelievers Remembering God

Remember - do not forget, how thou didst provoke Yahweh thy God, in the desert, - yea from the day when thou earnest forth out of the and of Egypt until ye entered as far as this place, have ye been quarrelling, with Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Of IsraelSin, Nature OfPainful Memories

Ye have been quarrelling, with Yahweh, - from the day that I first knew you.

Verse ConceptsRebellion against God

And, the sons of Israel, set forward out of Beeroth Bene-jaakan to Moserah, - there, died Aaron and was buried there, and Eleazar his son became priest in his stead.

take heed to thyself lest thou be thrust after them, after they have been destroyed from before thee, - and lest thou enquire after their gods, saying - In what manner, did these nations serve their gods, that, I too, may do likewise?

Verse ConceptsFalse ReligionParticipation, In SinImitatingEvil AssociationsNot Imitating EvilAsking Particular QuestionsEvil TrappingDo Not Have Other gods

and thou shalt enquire, and search out, and ask diligently, - and lo! true - certain, is the thing, this abomination, hath been done, in thy midst,

Verse ConceptsInvestigatingrumorsresearch

And, this, shall be the manner of the release, Every creditor who lendeth aught to his neighbour, his hand shall release it, - he shall not exact it of his neighbour or his brother, because there hath been proclaimed a release unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsDebtlent

and it shall be told thee and thou shalt hear, - and shalt enquire diligently, and lo! true - certain, is the report, this abominable thing hath been done in Israel,

Verse ConceptsInvestigating

lest the blood redeemer pursue the manslayer because his heart is hot, and overtake him because the way is long, and he smite him so as to take away his life, - he not being worthy of death, seeing that he had not been hating him aforetime.

Verse ConceptsMan AvengingNot HatingDeath Of A Family Member

and it shall be that the city that is nearest unto the slain, the elders of that city shall take a heifer of the herd which hath not been wrought with, which hath not drawn in a yoke;

Verse ConceptsTownYokesHeifersUnused

and, all the elders of that city who are nearest unto the slain, shall bathe their hands over the heifer that hath boon beheaded in the ravine,

Verse ConceptsDislocating

Neither he that hath been mutilated by crushing, nor he that hath had his privy member cut off, shall enter into the convocation of Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsCrushingeunuchsMutilationMale Genitalsmanhoodcrushescutting

then may her first husband who sent her away not again take her to become his wife after that she hath been defiled, for that were an abomination, before Yahweh, - lest thou bring sin upon the land which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee for an inheritance.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Perverse SexualitySecond MarriageDefilementHusband And WifeWifeA Good Husbandspousemarraige

And Moses and the priests the Levites spake unto all Israel saying, - Keep silence and hear O Israel, This day, hast thou been made a people unto Yahweh thy God.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual AdoptionCurbing Speech

And all the peoples of the earth shall see that, the name of Yahweh, hath been called upon thee, - and shall be afraid of thee.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual AdoptionCalled By God's NameBeing Scared

If they had been wise, they would have understood this, - They would have given heed to their here-after!

Verse ConceptsDeath, Preparation ForThoughtfulnessAcquiring Wisdomfate

And hath provided a first part for himself, For, there, a commander's portion hath been hid, - So he cometh with the heads of the people, The righteousness of Yahweh, he executeth, And his regulations, with Israel.

Verse ConceptsChoosing Things