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and Jacob of Joseph the husband of Mary, who was the mother of JESUS who is called CHRIST.

"'And thou, Bethlehem in the land of Judah, by no means the least honorable art thou among princely places in Judah! For from thee shall come a prince--one who shall be the Shepherd of My People Israel.'"

"Rise from sleep, and take the child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the child's life are dead."

He it is who was spoken of through the Prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying aloud, 'In the desert prepare ye a road for the Lord: make His highway straight.'"

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he exclaimed, "O vipers' brood, who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

John protested. "It is I," he said, "who have need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?"

The people who were dwelling in darkness have seen a brilliant light; and on those who were dwelling in the region of the shadow of death, on them light has dawned."

Thus His fame spread through all Syria; and they brought all the sick to Him, the people who were suffering from various diseases and pains--demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He cured them.

that it may not be apparent to men that you are fasting, but to your Father who is in secret; and your Father--He who sees in secret--will recompense you.

For it is always he who asks that receives, he who seeks that finds, and he who knocks that has the door opened to him.

What man is there among you, who if his son shall ask him for bread will offer him a stone?

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad the road which leads to ruin, and many there are who enter by it;

"Every one who hears these my teachings and acts upon them will be found to resemble a wise man who builds his house upon rock;

And every one who hears these my teachings and does not act upon them will be found to resemble a fool who builds his house upon sand.

And the crowds were awe-struck when they saw it, and ascribed the glory to God who had entrusted such power to a man.

Simon the Cananaean, and Judas the Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.

Every one who receives a prophet, because he is a prophet, will receive a prophet's reward, and every one who receives a righteous man, because he is a righteous man, will receive a righteous man's reward.

and blessed is every one who does not stumble and fall because of my claims."

But what did you go out to see? A man luxuriously dressed? Those who wear luxurious clothes are to be found in kings' palaces.

"I solemnly tell you that among all of woman born no greater has ever been raised up than John the Baptist; yet one who is of lower rank in the Kingdom of the Heavens is greater than he.

"But to what shall I compare the present generation? It is like children sitting in the open places, who call to their playmates.

And if you knew what this means, 'It is mercy I desire, not sacrifice', you would not have condemned those who are without guilt.

"Which of you is there," He replied, "who, if he has but a single sheep and it falls into a hole on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out?

Aware of this, Jesus departed elsewhere; and a great number of people followed Him, all of whom He cured.

"The man who is not with me is against me, and he who is not gathering with me is scattering abroad.

Listen, every one who has ears!"

When a man hears the Message concerning the Kingdom and does not understand it, the Evil one comes and catches away what has been sown in his heart. This is he who has received the seed by the road-side.

He who has received the seed on the rocky ground is the man who hears the Message and immediately receives it with joy.

But he who has received the seed on good ground is he who hears and understands. Such hearers give a return, and yield one a hundred for one, another sixty, another thirty.")

Another parable He put before them. "The Kingdom of the Heavens," He said, "may be compared to a man who has sown good seed in his field,

The Son of Man will commission His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all causes of sin and all who violate His laws;

"Again the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a jewel merchant who is in quest of choice pearls.

"Therefore," He said, "remember that every Scribe well trained for the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a householder who brings out of his storehouse new things and old."

Those who had eaten were about 5,000 adult men, without reckoning women and children.

and they entreated Him that they might but touch the tassel of His outer garment; and all who did so were restored to perfect health.

Then there came to Jesus a party of Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem, who inquired,

Soon great crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were crippled in feet or hands, blind or dumb, and many besides, and they hastened to lay them at His feet. And He cured them,

Those who ate were 4,000 adult men, without reckoning women and children.

When He arrived in the neighbourhood of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus questioned His disciples. "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" He asked.

"But you, who do you say that I am?" He asked again.

I solemnly tell you that some of those who are standing here will certainly not taste death till they have seen the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom."

Then it dawned upon the disciples that it was John the Baptist about whom He had spoken to them.

When they had returned to the people, there came to Him a man who fell on his knees before Him and besought Him.

"Yes," he replied, and then went into the house. But before he spoke a word Jesus said, "What think you, Simon? From whom do this world's kings receive customs or capitation tax? from their own children, or from others?"

Just then the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who ranks higher than others in the Kingdom of the Heavens?"

"Alas for the world because of causes of falling! They cannot but come, but alas for each man through whom they come!

I also solemnly tell you that if two of you here on earth agree together concerning anything whatever that they shall ask, the boon will come to them from my Father who is in Heaven.

"For this reason the Kingdom of the Heavens may be compared to a king who determined to have a settlement of accounts with his servants.

But as soon as he began the settlement, one was brought before him who owed 10,000 talents,

But no sooner had that servant gone out, than he met with one of his fellow servants who owed him 100 shillings; and seizing him by the throat and nearly strangling him he exclaimed, "'Pay me all you owe.'