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And Daniel will say to Melzar, whom the chief of the eunuchs appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,

And every word of the wisdom of understanding which the king sought from them, and he will find them ten hands over all the sacred scribes, the enchanters which were in all his kingdom.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyAchievementWisdom, Source Of HumanAstrologersMagiciansTen TimesWise MenGod Giving Understandingpsychics

And in all that the sons of men dwelt, the beasts of the open field and the birds of the heavens he gave into thine hand, and gave thee power over them all Thou this head of gold.

Verse ConceptsAnimal LifeGiven Into One's HandsRelation Of Animals To ManBirds

And after thee shall arise another kingdom lower than thee, and another third kingdom of brass, that shall have power over all the earth.

Verse ConceptsBrassInferiorityThings Like BronzeThird Person

Then the king multiplied to Daniel, and gave to him many a great gift, and gave him power over all the province of Babel, and chief of the prefects over all the wise of Babel

Verse ConceptsRulersWisdom, Human NatureProvincesPromotionAdministration

And Daniel sought from the king, and he appointed out over the business of the province of Babel to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego: and Daniel in the gate of the king.

Verse ConceptsWaiting At Gates

And whoever shall not fall and prostrate himself in the same moment, he shall be cast into a furnace of flaming fire.

Verse ConceptsFurnacesDeath penaltyMartyrdom, Reasons ForPunishment, Legal Aspects OfThrowing PeopleHow Not To Worship

And whoever shall not fall and prostrate himself shall be cast into the midst of a furnace of flaming fire.

Verse ConceptsMartyrdom, Methods OfThrowing PeopleFurnacesHow Not To Worship

There are men, Jews, that thou didst appoint over the business of the province of Babel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego; these men set not an account to thee, O king: they served not to thy gods; and to the image of gold that thou didst set up they prostrated themselves not

Verse ConceptsConformityServanthood, And Worship Of GodAnger Of Man, UnrighteousAvoiding IdolatryHow Not To WorshipNot Worshipping Idols

Its heart shall be changed from man, and the heart of a beast shall be given to it; and seven times shall pass over him.

Verse ConceptsMind, The HumanChanged HeartSeven YearsChangeMen Similar To AnimalsEvil HeartsThe MindSeasons Changing

The word by the decree of the watchers, and the saying of the holy ones is the question: for the reason that the living shall know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom that he will, he will give it, and he will raise up over it the low of men.

Verse ConceptsDivine MessengerCivil authoritiesHuman Authority, Nature OfHuman Authority, Instituted By GodAuthority, of human institutionsGovernmentWhat God GivesSeasons, Of LifeThe Most HighAuthorityGod Saves From Sin And DeathJudicial PunishmentOther Unimportant PeopleSpecific Holy IndividualsKnowing About God's Kingdom

And that the king saw a watcher and a holy one came down from the heavens, and said, Hew down the tree and destroy it; but leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the open field; and with the dew of the heavens it shall be wet, and with the beasts of the open field its portion, even till seven times shall pass over him;

Verse ConceptsStumps Of A TreeFelling TreesSeven YearsIron ObjectsRelation Of Animals To ManSpecific Holy Individuals

And for thee driving from men, and with the beasts of the open field to be thy dwelling, and they shall feed to thee grass as oxen, and wetting to thee from the dew of the heavens, and seven times shall pass over thee till that thou shalt know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom that he will, he will give it

Verse ConceptsBanishmentdewGrassHistorySeven YearsPeople OstracisedRepulsive FoodMen Similar To AnimalsAuthorityDriven From Men

And from men driving thee out, and with beasts of the open field thy dwelling: and they shall feed to thee the grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee till that thou shalt know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and to whom he will, he will give it

Verse ConceptsGovernmentSeven YearsPeople OstracisedRepulsive FoodMen Similar To AnimalsAuthorityDriven From Men

In that time my knowledge will turn back to me: and for the honor of my kingdom, my splendor and my brightness will return to me; and my counselors and my nobles will seek to me: and I was established over my kingdom, and excellent greatness was added to me.

Verse ConceptsAdding BlessingRegaining SanityReinstating PeopleThose Looking For Peoplegreatness

And he was driven from the sons of men, and his heart was made level with the beasts, and with wild asses his dwelling: they will feed him with the green herb as oxen, and from the dew of the heavens his body will be wet; till that he knew that God the Most High ruled in the kingdom of men, and to whom he will, he will set up over it.

Verse ConceptsChallengesdewGovernmentGrassPeople OstracisedRepulsive FoodMen Similar To AnimalsWild DonkeysAuthorityDriven From MenKnowing About God's Kingdom

It pleased before Darius and he set up over the kingdom a hundred and twenty satraps, whom to be over all the kingdom;

Verse ConceptsA Hundred And Some

And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was one: that to them the satraps giving to them account, and the king not for him detriment

Verse ConceptsPromotionAccountabilityThree Men

Then this Daniel excelling above the presidents and satraps because that an excellent spirit was in him; and the king doing to set him up over all the kingdom.

Verse ConceptsPromotionRelative GreatnessAttitudeExcellenceLeadership Qualities

All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects and satraps, and counselors and governors, will counsel together to set up a statute of the kingdom, and to make strong an interdict that whoever shall seek a request from any God and man even to thirty days, except from thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithAgreeing For EvilConsultationsGovernorsLionsMartyrdom, Reasons ForProclamationsSuffering, Causes OfOne MonthThrowing PeopleIn Danger From LionsNot Praying

And the king said, and they brought these men that ate up Daniel piece meal, and cast into the lion's den, them, their sons, and their wives; and they not down to the bottom of the den even till the lions had power over them, and they broke all their bones in pieces.

Verse ConceptsFaultsBitingLionsBones BrokenThrowing PeopleChildren SufferingIn Danger From LionsOther WivesPeople Accusing PeopleWork Soon Doneaccusations

In one year to Darius son of Ahasuerus, from the seed of Media who reigned over the kingdom of the Chaldeans.

Verse ConceptsRulers

And the king did according to his will; and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself over every god; and against the God of gods he shall speak wonderful things,, and he prospered even till anger was finished: for that being determined was done.

Verse ConceptsBoasting, FoolishBlasphemy, At GodAntichrist, Names ForBlasphemyThe Wicked ProsperSpeed Of God's AngerProud PeopleSeeking HonourThe Will Of Men

And concerning the God of his fathers he shall not understand, and concerning the desire of women, and concerning every god he shall not understand; for he shall magnify himself over all.

Verse ConceptsWomen Doing WrongLoving EvilServing One's Own GodsProud PeopleRespectBeing A Woman Of God

And he did to the strong fortifications with a strange god whom he recognized, he shall multiply honor: and he caused them to rule over many, and he will divide the land for a price.

Verse ConceptsThe Honourable Will Be Honoured

And he ruled over the hidden things of gold and silver, and over all the desires of Egypt: and the Lybians and Cushites in his steps.

Verse ConceptsEthiopiaGoldSilverAmassing SilverGold TransferredPeople Following People