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No one puts new wine in old bottles: lest the new wine shall break the bottles, and the wine is poured out, and the bottles shall perish: but the new wine is put in new bottles.

And his disciples having heard, came and took his body, and put it in a sepulcher.

And taking him from the crowd privately, He put His fingers in his ears, and having spat, He touched his tongue;

Then again He put His hands on his eyes, and he looked up; and was restored, and saw all things distinctly.

And the chief priests and all the sanhedrim were seeking testimony against Him to put Him to death; and they found none.

And they put on Him a purple robe, and having plaited a thorny crown, put it on Him.

And when they mocked Him, they divested Him of the purple robe, and put on Him His own raiment: and lead Him away in order that they may crucify Him.