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And a messenger of Jehovah will go up from Gilgal to Bochim, and he will say, I will bring you up out of Egypt, and I will bring you in to the land which I sware to your fathers; and he said I will not break my covenant with you forever.

And I also said, I will not drive them out from your face; and they were to you for adversaries, and their gods shall be to you for a snare.

And Ehud came to him; and he sat in an upper chamber of cooling, which was to him alone: and Ehud will say, A word of God to me for thee. And he will rise from off the throne.

Curse ye Meroz, said the messenger of Jehovah: Cursing, curse ye her inhabitants; For they came not to the help of Jehovah To the help of Jehovah against the mighty ones.

And Jehovah will send forth a man, a prophet, to the sons of Israel, and he will say to them, Thus said Jehovah the God of Israel, I brought you up from Egypt, and I will bring you out of the house of servants;

And a messenger of Jehovah will come and sit under an oak which is in Ophrah, which is to Joash, father of Ezri: and Gideon his son threshed wheat in the wine press to place in safety from the face of Midian.

Now thou shalt not depart from here till my coming to thee, and I brought forth my gift and set it before thee. And he will say, I will remain till thy turning back

And the three hundred will clang the trumpets, and Jehovah will set the sword of a man against his neighbor and in all the camp: and the camp fled even to the House of Acacia of Zererath, even to the lip of Abel-Meholah, to Tabbath.

And his concubine which is in Shechem, she will bear to him a son, and she will set his name Abimelech.

And it will be when Gideon died the sons of Israel will turn back, and will commit fornication after the Baalims, and they will set to them Baal of the covenant for their god.

And his mother's brethren will speak concerning him in the ears of all the lords of Shechem all these words: and their heart will incline after Abimelech; for they said, He is our brother.

And the lords of Shechem will set for him liers in wait upon the heads of the mountains, and they will rob all who shall pass over by them in the way: and it was announced to Abimelech.

And also all the people will cut each a bough, and will go after Abimelech, and they will put upon the tower, and will set the tower on fire upon them, and all the men of the tower of Shechem will die; about a thousand men and women.

And Jephthah will go with the old men of Gilead, and the people will set him over them for head and for chief: and Jephthah will speak all his words before Jehovah in Mizpeh.

And he will say to him, Thus said Jephthah, Israel took not the land of Moab and the land of the sons of Ammon:

And Jephthah will gather together all the men of Gilead, and he will war with Ephraim: and the men of Gilead will strike Ephraim because they said, The escaped of Ephraim, ye of Gilead, in the midst of Ephraim and in the midst of Manasseh.

And the woman will go and will say to her husband, saying, A man of God came to me, and his sight as the sight of the messenger of God, very terrible: and I asked him not from whence he is, and his name he announced not to me.

And God will hear to the voice of Manoah, and the messenger of God will come yet to the woman, and she will sit in the field; and Manoah her man not with her.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Manoah, From all I said to the woman she shall watch.

And the men of the city will say to him in the seventh day before the sun will go down, What is sweet above honey? and what is strong above the lion? and he will say to them, Unless ye ploughed with my heifer ye found not out my enigma.

And her father will say, Saying, I said that hating, thou didst hate her, and I will give her to thy companion: is not her small sister good above her? Now she shall be to thee in her stead.

And Samson will lie till half the night, and he will rise in half the night, and he will seize the doors of the gate of the city and with the two door-posts, and will remove them with the bar, and will set upon his shoulders, and he will bring them up to the head of the mountain which is upon the face of Hebron.

And the people will see him and praise their god, for they said, God gave into our hand our enemy, and him destroying our land, and who multiplied our wounded.

And it will be when their heart will be joyful, and they will say, Call to Samson, and he shall play to us. And they will call to Samson from the house of bonds and he will play before them, and they will set him between the pillars.

And they will set up to them Micah's carved thing, which he made, all the days the home of God was in Shiloh.

And they will sit down and eat, they two together, and drink: and the girl's father will say to the man, Be willing, now, and lodge, and do good to thy heart.

And the man will rise up to go, and his father-in-law will press upon him, and he will sit down and lodge there.

And they will turn aside there to go in to lodge in Gibeah: and he will go in and sit down in the street of the city, and no man receiving them to the house to lodge.

And the people, the men of Israel, will strengthen themselves, and they will add to prepare war in the place which they set in array in the first day.

And all the sons of Israel and all the people will go up, and they will come to the house of God, and they will weep, and they will sit there before Jehovah, and they will fast in that day till the evening, and they will bring up burnt-offerings and peace before Jehovah.

And the sons of Israel will go up to the sons of Benjamin in the third day, and they will set in array against Gibeah as once upon once.

And the sons of Benjamin will say, They are smitten before us as at first. And the sons of Israel said, We will flee, and draw him away from the city to the highways.

And all the men of Israel rose up from his place and set in array against Baal-Tamar: and the ambush of Israel rushing forth from its place from the naked place of Gibeah.

And the men of Israel will turn about in the battle, and Benjamin began to strike the wounded among the men of Israel, about thirty men: for they said, Surely, smiting, he was smitten as the first battle.

And the men of Israel turned back against the sons of Benjamin, and they will strike them with the mouth of the sword, from the city, the men even to cattle, all being found: also all the cities being found they set on fire.

And the people will go to the house of God and will sit there even till evening, before God; and they will lift up their voice and weep a great weeping.

And it was when their fathers or brothers shall come to contend against us, and we said to them, Be merciful to us with them, because we took not a man his wife in the battle; for ye gave not to them according to the time, ye shall transgress.