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And the frogs will be gone from you and from your houses and from your servants and from your people and will be only in the Nile.

And Moses said, When I am gone outside the town, my hands will be stretched out to the Lord; the thunders and the ice-storm will come to an end, so that you may see that the earth is the Lord's.

And take your flocks and your herds as you have said, and be gone; and give me your blessing.

And the Lord made the heart of Pharaoh hard, and he went after the children of Israel: for the children of Israel had gone out without fear.

Pharaoh's war-carriages and his army he has sent down into the sea: the best of his captains have gone down into the Red Sea.

And when the dew was gone, on the face of the earth was a small round thing, like small drops of ice on the earth.

And they took it up morning by morning, every man as he had need: and when the sun was high it was gone.

And when they had gone away from Rephidim and had come into the waste land of Sinai, they put up their tents in the waste land before the mountain: there Israel put up its tents.

And when my glory goes by, I will put you in a hole in the rock, covering you with my hand till I have gone past: