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The violence of the unjust shall sweep them away, for they refuse to do judgment

In punishing him mocking, the simple shall become wise: and in instruction to the wise one he will take knowledge.

He longed a longing all the day: and the just one shall give and not keep back.

Incline thine ear and hear the words of the wise, and thou shalt set thy heart to my knowledge.

For thy trust to be in Jehovah, I caused thee to know to-day, thee also.

Did I not write to thee three days ago in counsels and knowledge?

To cause thee to know the truth of the words of truth; to turn back the words of truth to those sending thee?

For Jehovah will contend their contention, and rob the soul to those robbing them.

If not to thee to requite, why shall he take thy bed from under thee?

If thou shalt sit to eat with a ruler, understanding, thou shalt understand what is before thee.

To whom wo? to whom want? to whom strife? to whom complaint? to whom wounds gratuitously? to whom dark fleshings of the eyes?

To those remaining at the wine; to those going to seek mixed wine.

High things to the foolish is wisdom: in the gate he will not open his mouth.

He purposing to do evil for himself shall be called the master of mischief.

If thou shalt say, Behold, we knew not this; will not he trying hearts, understand? and he guarding thy soul, knew? and he turned back to man according to his work.

My son, eat honey, for it is good; and the dropping of honey being sweet to thy palate.

So the knowledge of wisdom to thy soul if thou shalt find: and there is a latter state and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

For there shall be no latter state to the evil one: the light of the unjust shall be extinguished.

For suddenly shall their calamity rise, and who shall make known the misfortune of them two?

He saying to the unjust, Thou art just; peoples shall curse him, and nations shall curse him:

And it shall be pleasant to those reproving, and a blessing of good shall come upon them.

Thou shalt not say, According to what he did to me, thus will I do to him: I will turn back to the man according to his work.

For good to say to thee, Come up hither, rather than humbling thyself before the noble whom thine eye saw.

Thou shalt not go forth hastily to strive, lest what thou shalt do in its latter state in thy neighbor putting thee to shame.

Answer the foolish according to his folly lest he shall be wise in his own eyes.

The slothful one hid his hand in the dish; he was weary to turn it back to his mouth.

As charcoal to burning coals and woods to fire, and a man of strifes to kindle strife.

The words of a tale-bearer as dainty morsels, and they will go down to the chambers of the belly.

The full soul will tread down the honey droppings, and to the hungry soul all bitter is sweet

My son, be wise and gladden my heart, and I will turn back word to him reproaching me.

He blessing his friend with a great voice, rising early in the morning, a curse shall be reckoned to him.

The crucible for silver, and the furnace for gold, and a man to the mouth praising him.

In the transgression of a land many its chiefs: and by a man understanding to know, the place shall be extended.

He causing the upright to wander in an evil way, into his pit shall he fall: and the good shall inherit complete things.

He terrifying violence upon the blood of a soul shall flee even to the pit; none shall hold fast upon him.

He stripping his father and his mother, and saying, No transgression; is companion to a man destroying.

A ruler listening to the word of falsehood, all serving him are unjust

The words of Agur, son of Jakeh: the lifting up: the declaration of the man to Ithiel; to Ithiel and Ucal:

For I am brutish more than man, and not the understanding of a man to me.

Who went up to the heavens, and came down? who gathered the wind in his fists? who bound the waters in a garment? who set up all the ends of the earth? what his name and what his son's name, if thou shalt know?

Two things I asked from thee, thou wilt not withhold from me before I shall die: