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For Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn cow.
Can the Lord now shepherd them
like a lamb in an open meadow?

For I am like a lion to Ephraim
and like a young lion to the house of Judah.
Yes, I will tear them to pieces and depart.
I will carry them off,
and no one can rescue them.

He will revive us after two days,
and on the third day He will raise us up
so we can live in His presence.

For they have gone up to Assyria
like a wild donkey going off on its own.
Ephraim has paid for love.

In fact, they are now saying,
“We have no king!
For we do not fear the Lord.
What can a king do for us?”

How can I give you up, Ephraim?
How can I surrender you, Israel?
How can I make you like Admah?
How can I treat you like Zeboiim?
I have had a change of heart;
My compassion is stirred!