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Ye shall not announce in Gath; weeping, ye shall not weep: in the house of dust roll thyself in dust

In that day a parable shall be lifted up against you, and a wailing of a wailing was wailed, saying, Being laid waste, we shall be laid waste: he will exchange a portion of my people: how he will remove to me; for turning away, he will divide our fields.

Aforetime my people for the enemy: he will raise them up from before the garment; ye will put off the wide cloak from those passing by with confidence, turning back the war.

He breaking forth came up before them: they broke forth and they will pass through the gate, they will go forth by it; and their king will pass through before them and Jehovah at their head.

And it was in the last of the days the mountain of the house of Jehovah will be prepared upon the head of the mountains, and it was lifted up above the hills, and peoples flowed to it.

And many nations went and said, Come, and we will go up to the mountain of Jehovah, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us from his ways, and we will go in his paths: from Zion will instruction go forth, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

And he judged between many peoples, and he admonished to strong nations even to far off; and they beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning-knives: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, and they shall no more learn war.

For this he will give them up even till the time she bearing will bring forth: and the remainder of his brethren shall turn back to the sons of Israel.

And this was peace, for Assur shall come up into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces and we raised against him seven shepherds, and eight anointed men.

Thy hand shall be raised up against thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off

And I tore up thine images from the midst of thee, and I destroyed thy cities.

For I brought thee up from the land of Egypt, and from the house of servants I redeemed thee; and I shall send before thy face, Moses, Aaron and, Miriam.

Who is God as thee, lifting up iniquity and passing by transgression to the remnant of his inheritance? he held not his anger forever for he delighted in mercy.