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For indeed we who are in this tent groan, being burdened {for this reason, that} we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

because I know your readiness [to help], [concerning] which I keep on boasting to the Macedonians about you, that Achaia has been ready [to help] since last year, and your zeal has stirred up the majority [of them].

I wish that you would put up with me {in something a little foolish}--but indeed you are putting up with me.

For if the one who comes proclaims another Jesus whom we have not proclaimed, or you receive a different spirit which you did not receive, or a different gospel which you did not accept, you put up with [it] well [enough]!

For [because you] are wise, you put up with foolish people gladly!

For you put up with [it] if someone enslaves you, if someone devours [you], if someone takes advantage of [you], if someone is presumptious [toward you], if someone strikes you in the face.

that he was caught up to paradise and heard words not to be spoken, which [it is] not permitted for a person to speak.

Because of this, I am writing these [things] [although I] am absent, in order that [when I] am present I may not have to act severely according to the authority that the Lord has given me for building up and not for tearing down.