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And it will be that the days of drinking went round, and Job will send and consecrate them, and he rose early in the morning and brought up burnt-offerings for the number of them all: for Job said, Perhaps my sons sinned, and blessed God in their hearts. Thus did Job all the days.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job? for none like him in the earth; a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil.

This one yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, The Chaldeans set three heads, and they invaded upon the camels, and they will take them, and they struck the young men with the mouth of the sword; and I shall escape, only I alone, to announce to thee.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job, that none like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil? And yet he holding fast upon his integrity, and thou wilt stimulate me to destroy him without cause.

And he will take to him a pot sherd to scrape himself with it, and he will sit in the midst of the ashes.

And they sat with him upon, the earth seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word to him: for they saw that grief was great exceedingly.

The day shall perish I shall bring forth in it, and the night said, A male was conceived.

And thou knewest the multitude of thy seed, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth.

If I lay down, and I said, When shall I arise, and the evening be measured? And I was filled with tossings even to the twilight

For I said, My bed shall comfort me; my couch shall lift up in my complaint;

What is man that thou wilt magnify him? and that thou wilt set thy heart to him?

I sinned; what shall I do to thee, guarding men? wherefore didst thou set me for an assault to thee, and I shall be upon myself for a burden?

It is one: for this, I said, The blameless one and the unjust one he finishes.

And he shall announce to thee hidden things of wisdom, for they are the double for understanding. And know thou that God will set to thee from thine iniquity.

Behold now I set in order judgment; I knew that I shall be justified.

And thou wilt set my feet in the stocks, and thou wilt watch all my paths; thou wilt dig round the roots of my feet

Who will give thou wilt hide me in hades? wilt thou cover me till the turning away of thine anger? wilt thou set for me a limit, and wilt thou remember me?

I was secure, and he will break me in pieces: and he seized upon my neck and he will disperse me, and he will set me up to him for a mark:

Set up now, pledge me with thee: who is he will strike for my hand?

He set me for a parable of the peoples, and I shall be one spit upon to the face.

How long will ye set an end to words? Ye shall understand, and afterwards we will speak.

His strength shall be hunger, and destruction being prepared at his side.

Thou knewest this from everlasting when man was set upon the earth:

If evil shall be sweet in his mouth he will cover it under his tongue;

Their seed was established before their face with them, and their offspring before their eyes.

And the clods of the valley were sweet to him, and every man shall draw after him, and before him no number.

From the city men will groan, and the soul of the wounded will cry out: and God will not set folly.

And the eye of the adulterer watched the twilight, saying, Eye shall not perceive me: and secretly he will set the face.

And if not now, who will cause me to lie, and set my words for nought?

He set an end to darkness, and he searched out for all completeness: the stone of darkness and the shadow of death.

The depth said, It is not in me: and the sea said, Not with me.

In my going forth to the gate upon the city, in the street I shall prepare my seat

I shall choose their way, and I shall sit the head, and I shall dwell as king in the troop, as he shall comfort those mourning.

And now the younger than I laughed upon me, which I rejected their fathers to set with the dogs of my flock.

If the men of my tent said not, Who will give from his flesh? We shall not be satisfied.

For this, I said, Hear to me; I also will show my knowledge.

If thou shalt be able to turn back to me, set in order before me, stand forth.

For Job said, I was just: and God removed my judgment

For he said, It will not profit a man in delighting himself with God.

Who committed to him the earth? and who set up the habitable globe all of it?

For he will not yet set upon man to go to God in judgment

He shall break in pieces the mighty, not searching out, and he will set others in their stead.

For he said to God, I was lifted up, I will pervert no more.

He will not take off his eyes from the just: and with kings upon the throne, and he will seat them for glory, and they shall be exalted.

Who charged upon him his way? and who said, Thou didst iniquity?

Wilt thou spread out with him to the clouds, strong as the sight of a melted mass?

Make known to us what we shall say to him we shall not set in order from the face of darkness.

Who set its measures, if thou shalt know? or who stretched the line upon it?

And I shall break upon it my law, and I shall set bars and doors;

Knewest thou the laws of the heavens? or wilt thou set up its dominion in the earth?

To whom did I set the desert his house, and the salt land his dwellings?

Wilt thou believe in him that he will turn back thy seed and gather to thy threshing-floor?

Behold, his hope was false: shall he not be cast down at his sight?

He will cause the deep to boil as a pot: he will set the sea as ointment