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And when the prince shall do a voluntary gift of a burnt-offering or peace a voluntary gift to Jehovah, and he opened to him the gate turning to the east, and he did his burnt-offering and his peace according as he will do in the day of the Sabbath: and he went forth and shut the gate after his going forth.

And if he shall give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, and it was to him until the year of liberty; and it turned back to the prince: but his inheritance his sons'; to them it shall be.

And the prince shall not take of the inheritance of the people to oppress them, from their possession; from his possession he shall cause his sons to inherit, so that my people shall not be scattered each from his possession.

And he will bring me through the entrance which is by the shoulder of the gate, into the cells of the holy place, to the priests, turning to the north: and behold, there a place upon the two thighs of the sea.

And he will say to me, This the place where the priests shall boil there the trespass and the sin, where they shall cook the gift; not to bring forth to the enclosure without to consecrate the people.

And he will bring me forth to the enclosure without, and he will cause me to pass through to the four angles of the enclosure; and behold, an enclosure in an angle of the enclosure; an enclosure in an angle of the enclosure.

And he will say to me, These the house of those boiling where those serving the house shall boil there the sacrifice of the people.

And he will turn me back to the door of the house; and behold, waters coming forth from under the threshold of the house to the east: for the face of the house eastward, and the waters coming down from under from the right shoulder of the house, from the south to the altar.

And he will bring me forth the way of the gate of the north; and he will turn me round the way without to the gate without the way looking to the east; and behold, waters flowing from the right shoulder.

And in the going forth of the man eastward, and the line in his hand, and he will measure a thousand by the cubit, and he will cause me to pass through the waters; the waters of the soles.

And he will measure a thousand, and he will cause me to pass through the waters; the waters of the knees. And he will measure a thousand, and cause me to pass through; the Waters of the loins.

And he will measure a thousand, a torrent which I shall not be able to pass through: for the waters rose, waters of swimming, a torrent which shall not be passed through.

And he will say to me, Didst thou see, son of man? And he will cause me to go, and he will turn me back upon the lip of the torrent

And he will say to me, These waters going forth to the circuit of the east, and they went down to Arabia and came into the sea: being brought forth to the sea and the waters were healed.

And they shall not sell from it. and it shall not be exchanged, and he shall not cause the first-fruits to pane away, for it is holy to Jehovah.