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Get us the foxes, yea the little foxes that hurt the vines, for our vines bear blossoms.

So when I was a little past them, I found him whom my soul loveth. I have gotten hold upon him, and will not let him go, until I bring him into my mother's house, and in to her chamber that bare me.

His hands are like gold rings, having enclosed the precious stone of Tarshish; His body is as the pure ivory, decked over with Sapphires.

But one is my dove, my darling. She is the only beloved of her mother, and dear unto her that bare her. When the daughters saw her, they said, she was blessed: Yea the Queens and concubines praised her.

and thy throat like the best wine. This shall be pure and clear for my love, his lips and teeth shall have their pleasure.

I am the same that waked thee up among the apple trees, where thy mother bare thee, where thy mother brought thee in to the world.