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and, straightway, he called them, - and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat, with the hired men, they came away after him.

And, straightway, there was in their synagogue, a man in an impure spirit, - and he cried out aloud,

But, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority to be forgiving sins upon the earth, he saith to the paralytic:

And he entered again into a synagogue, and there-was there, a man having, his hand, withered;

And he saith unto the man who hath his hand withered, Arise into the midst!

And, looking round upon them with anger, being at the same time grieved on account of the hardening of their heart, he saith unto the man - Stretch forth thy hand! and he stretched it forth, and his hand, was restored.

Verily, I say unto you - All things shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, - the sins and the profanities wherewithal they shall profane;

And he was saying - Thus, is the kingdom of God: As a man may cast seed upon the earth,

And, when he went forth out of the boat, straightway, there met him, from amongst the tombs, a man, in an impure spirit:

For he was saying to him - Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man;

And the beholders narrated to them, how it happened to the demonized man, and concerning the swine.

And, when it was Sabbath, he began to be teaching in the synagogue, and, the greater part, as they heard, were being struck with astonishment, saying - Whence hath this man these things? - and - What the wisdom which hath been given to this man? - and - Such mighty works as these, through his hands, are coming to pass!

for, Herod, stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a man righteous and holy, - and was keeping him safe; and, when he heard him, he paid earnest heed, and, with pleasure, used to listen to him.

And, an opportune day arriving, when Herod on his birthday made a feast for his nobles, and for the rulers of thousands and for the first men of Galilee,

And they who did eat the loaves were, five thousand men.

Having, dismissed, the commandment, of God, ye, hold fast, the tradition, of men.

But, ye, say - If a man shall say to his father or his mother, Korban! that is, A gift, whatsoever, out of me, thou mightest be profited,

Nothing, is there, from without the man, entering into him, which can defile him; but, the things which, out of the man, come forth, are the things that defile the man.

And he saith unto them - Thus, are, ye also, without discernment? Perceive ye not that, nothing, from without, entering into the man, can defile him;

And he was saying - That which, out of the man, cometh forth, that, defileth the man;

all these wicked things, from within, come forth, and defile, the man.

And, laying hold of the hand of the blind man, he brought him forth outside the village, and, spitting into his eyes, laying his hands upon him, he was asking him - Anything, seest thou?

and, looking up, he was saying - I see men, because, like trees, I behold them walking

And forth went Jesus and his disciples, into the villages of Caesarea of Philip. And, in the way, he was questioning his disciples, saying unto them - Who, are men saying that I am?

And, as they were coming down out of the mountain, he charged them, that, unto no one, they should narrate what they had seen, save whenever the Son of man, from among the dead should arise.

And, he, said unto them - Elijah, indeed, coming first, restoreth all things; and yet, how is it written, regarding the Son of Man, that, many things, he must suffer, and be set at nought?

for he was teaching his disciples and saying unto them, The Son of Man, is to be delivered up, into the hands of men, and they will slay him, - and, being slain, after three days, will he arise.

And, looking around, Jesus saith unto his disciples - With what difficulty, shall, they who have money, enter, into the kingdom of God!

It is, easier, for a camel, through the eye of a needle, to pass, than for, a rich man, into the kingdom of God, to enter.

Lo! we are going up unto Jerusalem; and, the Son of Man, will be delivered up, unto the Chief-priests and the Scribes, - and they will condemn him to death, and deliver him up unto the nations;

But, to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine to give, except unto them for whom it hath been prepared.

And, coming to a stand, Jesus said - Call him! And they call the blind man, saying unto him - Take courage! rise! he calleth thee!

And, answering him, Jesus said - What desirest thou, I should do for thee? And, the blind man, said unto him - Rabboni! that may recover sight.

and saith unto them - Go your way into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, as ye are entering it, ye shall find a colt tied, upon which, no, man, yet, hath sat: loose him, and bring him.

And they come into Jerusalem. And, entering into the temple, he began to be casting out them who were selling and them who were buying in the temple, and, the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them who were selling doves, he overthrew, -

The immersion by John, Of heaven, was it, or, of men? Answer me!

But, should we say, Of men -- , they were in fear of the multitude, for, one and all, were holding John, in very deed, that he was, a prophet.

And he began to be speaking unto them, in parables, - A man planted, a vineyard, and put round it a wall, and digged a wine-vat, and built a tower, - and let it out to husbandmen; and left home.

And, coming, they say unto him - Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, - for thou lookest not unto the face of men; but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach: - Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not give?

And, taking his seat over against the treasury, he was observing how, the multitude, was casting in copper into the treasury, and, man rich, were casting in, much.

And ye will be men hated by all, because of my name; but, he that hath endured throughout, the same, shall be saved.

But, in those days, after that tribulation, the sun, shall be darkened, and, the moon, will not give her brightness,

As a man from home - having left his house, and given his servants the authority, to each one, his work, - and, unto the porter, hath given command, that he should watch: -

And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them - Go your way into the city, and there will meet you a man, a jar of water, bearing, - follow him;

Because, the Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, - according as it is written concerning him; but alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man is being delivered up, - Well for him, if that man, had not been born!

And he cometh the third time, and saith unto them - Ye are sleeping the remaining time and taking your rest: - It is enough! the hour hath come! Lo! the Son of Man is being delivered up into the hands of sinners.

And, a certain young man, was following with him, having cast about himself a fine Indian cloth, over his naked body, - and they are securing him;

And Jesus said - I, am; and ye shall see the Son of Man - sitting, on the right hand, of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.

And, he, began to be cursing and swearing - I know not this man, of whom ye are speaking!

Now the centurion, who was standing near, out over against him, seeing, that, thus, he ceased to breathe, said - Truly, this man, was God's son!

And, entering into the tomb, they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, - and they were greatly alarmed.