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And his wife will say to him, Yet thou art holding fast upon thine integrity: praise God and die.

For now I lay down and I shall rest; I slept: then there will be rest to me.

And thou knewest the multitude of thy seed, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth.

The eye of him seeing me shall not look after me: thine eyes are upon me, and I am not

Then thou wilt immerse me in the ditch, and my garments abhorred me.

And thou wilt say, My instruction is pure, and I was clean in thine eyes.

And he shall announce to thee hidden things of wisdom, for they are the double for understanding. And know thou that God will set to thee from thine iniquity.

For then thou shalt lift up thy face from spot; and thou wert firm, and thou shalt not fear:

Also to me a heart like you; I fall not more than you: and with whom not like these?

According to your knowledge I knew also: I fall not more than you.

Only two things thou wilt not do with me: then I shall not hide from thy face.

Also upon this one didst thou open thine eyes? and wilt thou bring Me into judgment with thee?

Who will give thou wilt hide me in hades? wilt thou cover me till the turning away of thine anger? wilt thou set for me a limit, and wilt thou remember me?

For thy mouth will accustom itself to thine iniquity, and thou wilt choose the tongue of the crafty.

Why shall thy heart take thee? and why shall thine eyes wink?

I, is my complaint to man? and then wherefore shall not my spirit be shortened?

Is not thine evil much? and no end to thine iniquities?

For then upon the Almighty shalt thou delight thyself, and thou shalt lift up thy face to God.

He will deliver the island of the innocent: and it was delivered by the pureness of thine hands.

If his sons shall be multiplied, for then the sword: and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread.

Then he saw, and he will recount it; he prepared it, and also he searched it out

And now the younger than I laughed upon me, which I rejected their fathers to set with the dogs of my flock.

Then he will uncover the ear of men, and will seal in their instruction,

Then they will cry, and he will not answer from the face of the pride of the evil.

Watch thyself; thou shalt not turn to iniquity: for upon this thou didst choose rather than affliction.

Shall it be recounted to him that I shall speak? If a man spake, then shall he be swallowed down.

Knewest thou? for shalt thou then be born, and the number of thy days great?

Scatter the overflowings of thine anger, and see every proud one and bring him low.

And Jehovah blessed the latter state of Job more than his beginning: and there will be to him fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses.