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This is the word of the LORD, that came unto Hosea the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah kings of Judah: and in the time of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel.

Verse ConceptsTimes Of PeopleKings of judah

She conceived yet again, and bare a daughter. And he said unto him, "Call her name Loruhamah, that is, 'Not obtaining mercy,' for I will have no pity upon the house of Israel, but forget them, and put them clean out of remembrance.

Verse ConceptsUnforgivenessGod Naming PeopleGod Not ForgivingGod Without Mercy

Now when she had weaned Loruhamah, she conceived again, and bare a son.

Verse ConceptsWeaningBirth Control

Their mother hath broken her wedlock, and she that bare them, is come to confusion. For she said, 'I will go after my lovers, that give me my water and my bread, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

Verse ConceptsBad Decision Making ExamplesWaterWoolBarteringHarlotsConceptionMan Providing WaterProvision Of OilPeople Providing FoodShame Of Bad Conduct

Yet are the princes of Judah become like them, that remove the landmarks: therefore will I pour out my wrath upon them like water.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesLand, As A Divine ResponsibilityProperty, LandResistanceStonesLandmarksGod Will Be Angrywaterfalls

They have sown wind, therefore shall they reap a whirlwind. Their seed shall bear no corn, there shall no meal be made of their increase: though they reap, yet shall strangers devour it up.

Verse Conceptsevil, warnings againstDebaucherySowing And ReapingUnfruitfulnessWeather, As God's JudgmentWhirlwindsWindFruits Of SinReapingNot Reaping What You SowSuffering From ForeignersHurricanesReaping What You Sowsowing

They pour out no wine for a drink offering unto the LORD, neither give they him their slain offerings: but they be unto them as mourner's meats, wherein all they that eat them are defiled. For the bread that they have such lust unto, shall not come into the house of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsMournersPollutionsRepulsive FoodMourning DeathMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsNot Pleasing God

Ephraim flyeth like a bird, so shall their glory also: Insomuch that they shall neither beget, conceive nor bear children.

Verse ConceptsThe Glory Of ManPregnancyWombConceptionBirth Not Being PossibleThose FlyingLosing HonourHaving A Babyflyingteenagerchildbearing

I learned Ephraim to go, and bare them in mine arms, but they regarded not me that would have helped them.

Verse ConceptsArmsEmbracingGod TeachingGod HealsGod's Healing Love

I will come upon them as a she bear, that is robbed of her whelps, and I will break that stubborn heart of theirs. There will I devour them as a lion: yea the wild beast shall tear them.

Verse ConceptsPeople Torn To PiecesThe Act Of OpeningWild Animals DevouringGod Like A LionLike CreaturesBereavement