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And their wings joined every one to the other; they will not turn in their going, they will go each over against his face.

Verse ConceptsNot Turning AsideAngel's WingsGoing ForwardTouching Holy Things

And they will go each over against his face; to where the spirit will be there to go, they will go; they will not turn in their going.

Verse ConceptsMoving ForwardNot Turning AsideGoing Forward

In their going they will go upon their four sides: they will not turn in their going.

Verse ConceptsFour CornersNot Turning AsideNorth, South, East And WestFour SidesDirection

And thou son of man, thou shalt not be afraid of them, and thou shalt not be afraid of their words, if rebels and thorns with thee, and thou art dwelling with scorpions: thou shalt not be afraid of their words, and thou shalt not be terrified from their face, for they a house of contradiction.

Verse ConceptsBriersThornsMinisters, Way They Should TeachWicked Described AsScorpionsDo Not Fear Men

And thou son of man, hear what I speak to thee: Thou shalt not be contradiction as the house of contradiction: open thy mouth and eat what I give to thee.

Verse ConceptsRebellion, Against GodEating With MouthsPay Attention To God!rebellion

For not to a people deep of lip and heavy of tongue; thou art sent to the house of Israel;

Not to many peoples deep of lip and heavy of tongue which thou wilt not hear their words If to them I sent thee, they will hear to thee.

Verse ConceptsUnintelligiblenessNot Understanding Language

And the house of Israel will not hear to thee; for they are not willing to hear to me: for all the house of Israel are strong of forehead, and they are hard of heart.

Verse ConceptsFools, In Teaching Of Jesus ChristFools, Characteristics OfIndifferenceListeningCharacter Of WickedNature Of The HeartValidly Like God

As the diamond strong above the rock I gave thy forehead: thou shalt not fear them, and thou shalt not be terrified from their face, for they are a house of contradiction.

Verse ConceptsForeheadsFlintMineralsRebellion, Of IsraelHardnessGod Hardening PeopleStone ItemsDo Not Fear Men

In my saying to the unjust, Dying, thou shalt die; and thou admonished him not, and thou spakest not to admonish the unjust from his way of injustice to preserve him alive; this unjust one shall die in his iniquity, and his blood I will seek from thy hand.

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, Of LeadersResponsibility For Blood ShedGod Judges The WickedResponsible To WarnBloodPunishment of the The WickedResponsibilityChanging Yourself

And if thou hast admonished the unjust one, and he turned not back from his evil and from his way of injustice; he shall die in his iniquity and thou deliveredst thy soul.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of The WickedKeeping Oneself AliveRepent Lest You DieDyingResponsibilitywickednesssoulpeople

And in the just turning back from his justice and doing evil, and I gave a stumbling-block before his face, he shall die: for thou didst not admonish him, in his sins he shall die, and his justice shall not be remembered which he did; and his blood will I seek from thy hand.

Verse ConceptsApostates, PunishmentOffenceRighteous, TheStumblingAccountabilityResponsibility For Blood ShedWarning IndividualsGod HinderingIf You Turn From GodResponsible To WarnResponsibility

And if thou admonishedst the just for the just not to sin, and he sin not, living, he shall live, for he was admonished; and thou didst deliver thy soul.

Verse ConceptsKeeping Oneself AliveWarning Individuals

And thou, son of man; behold, they gave bands upon thee, and they bound thee with them, and thou shalt not go forth in the midst of them:

Verse ConceptsTying Up

And will cause thy tongue to cleave to thy palate, and thou wert dumb, and thou shalt not be to them for a man reproving: for they are a house of contradiction.

Verse ConceptsMutenessTongueDumbnessJoining Flesh And BonesDumb

And behold, I gave bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn from thy side to thy side, even to thy finishing the days of thy siege.

Verse ConceptsTurning Upside DownTying UpMan's Work Finished

And saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah behold, my soul not being defiled: and a carcass and the torn in pieces I ate not from my youth and even till now; there came not flesh of uncleanness into my mouth.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofMouthsYouthAnimals Torn To PiecesBeing Devoted From YouthDeath Of CreaturesCorpses Of AnimalsPeople Being UncleanForbidden Food

And she will change my judgments for injustice more than the nations, and my laws more than the lands which are round about her: for they rejected upon my judgments, and my laws they walked not in them.

Verse ConceptsAttitudes Of RejectionRejecting ThingsRejection Of GodGrowth Of EvilThey Do Not Keep Commands

For this, said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your tumult more than the nations which are round about you ye went not in my laws, and my judgments ye did not, and according to the judgments of the nations which are round about you ye did not

Verse ConceptsCitizenshipThey Do Not Keep Commands

And I did in thee what I did not, and what I will no more do like, because of all thine abominations.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Idolatry IsUnique Events

For this, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, if not because thou didst defile my holy place with all thine abominable things, and with all thine abominations, and I will also diminish; and mine eye shall not spare, and also I will not pity.

Verse ConceptsAbominations, Judgments OfGod Without MercyNot SparingPolluting Holy PlacesDefilement

And they shall know that I am Jehovah; not in vain spake I to do to them this evil.

Verse ConceptsUseless LabourGod Can Harm People

And mine eye shall not spare upon thee, and I will not pity: for I will give thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsKnowledge, Of GodReward, DivineThe Recompense Of The WickedGod Without MercyNot Sparingpity

The circle came to thee, thou inhabiting the land: the time came, the day of consternation drew near, and not the shout of joy of the mountains.

Verse ConceptsLack Of RejoicingCelebrationcelebrating

And mine eye shall not spare, and I will not pity: I will give upon thee according to thy ways, and thine abominations, they shall be in the midst of thee; and ye knew that I am Jehovah striking.

Verse ConceptsGod Beating PeopleGod Without MercyNot SparingRepaying Evil For Evilpity

Violence rose up for a rod of injustice: not from them, not from their multitude, and not from their confusion: and nothing eminent in them.

Verse ConceptsThings Passing AwayGathering MuchPursuing ViolencePlants Growing UpBecoming Poor

The time came, the day drew near: he buying shall not rejoice, and he selling, shall not mourn: for burning upon all her multitude.

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingThe Day Of JudgementDo Not MournLack Of Rejoicing

For he selling shall not turn back to the sale, and it was in their yet living: for the vision for all her multitude; it shall not turn back, and a man shall not be strengthened in his iniquity of his life.

Verse ConceptsVisions From GodPeople not returning

They will cast their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be for uncleanness: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the outpouring of Jehovah: they shall not satisfy their souls, and they shall not fill their bowels: for it was the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

Verse ConceptsAbilityTo DeliverdissatisfactionGoldThrowing AwaySatisfactionStomachsStumblingTreasureSalvation Not By WorksSending Things AwayThe Entrance Of SinThings Which Cannot SaveHindering God's WorkMoney's DeficienciesSaving Money

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man, what the old men of the house of Israel are doing in darkness, a man in the chambers of his images? for they are saying, Jehovah sees us not; Jehovah forsook the earth.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceShrinesSecret SinsConcealment, Of SinGod Not SeeingActing In SecretLooking And SeeingScofferselders

And also I will do in wrath: mine eye shall not spare and I will not pity: and they shall call in mine ear with a great voice, and I will not hear them.

Verse ConceptsHearingCries Of Distress To GodGod Without MercyNot SparingAnger And Forgivenesspity

And to these he said in mine ears, Pass through into the city after him, and strike: your eye shall not spare, and ye shall not pity.

Verse ConceptsGod Will Kill His PeopleNot SparingPeople Following PeopleShow No Mercypity

The old man, the young man, and the virgin, and little ones, and women, ye shall slay to destruction: and every man which upon him the mark, ye shall not touch; and ye shall begin from my holy place. And they will begin upon the old men which are before the house

Verse ConceptsTouchActivity BegunGod Will Kill His PeopleChild AbuseThe Elderly

And he will say to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, great exceedingly, and the land will be filled with blood and the city being filled with wresting: for they said, Jehovah forsook the land, and Jehovah saw not

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Causes OfPerversionGod, All knowingGod Not SeeingKilling Many PeopleGod's People SinningScoffers

In their going, upon their four sides they will go; they will not turn in their going, for to the place where the head will turn after it will they go; they will not turn in their going.

Verse ConceptsFour CornersNot Turning AsideNorth, South, East And WestFour SidesDirection

And in the going of the cherubs, the wheels by them will go: and in the lifting up of the cherubs their wings to rise up from the earth, the wheels they also from beside them will not turn.

Verse ConceptsWheelsAngel's WingsPersons With ThingsCreatures Going UpOther Creatures Going UpCherubim

This shall not be to you for a pot, and ye shall not be in the midst of her for flesh; upon the bound of Israel will I judge you.

Verse ConceptsCaldronsPots For Cooking And Eatingcookingpotbordersclosure

And ye shall know That I am Jehovah: for in my laws ye went not, and my judgments ye did not; and according to the judgments of the nations round about you ye did.

Verse ConceptsConformityImitating Wicked PeopleWhat Foreigners DoYou Will Know I Am The LordThey Do Not Keep Commands

Son of man, thou art dwelling in the midst of a house of contradiction, which to them eyes to see, and they saw not: ears to them to hear, and they heard not: for they are a house of contradiction.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Blindness, In UnbelieversLack Of DiscernmentHearingIndifferenceSensitivityApathyDullnessSpiritual DeafnessNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsUnhearingrebellion

Before their eyes upon the shoulder thou shalt lift up, in thick darkness thou shalt bring forth: thou shalt cover thy face, and thou shalt not see the earth: for I gave thee a wonder to the house of Israel.

Verse ConceptsDarkness Of NightPeople As SignsSeeing SituationsCarrying Other Loads

Son of man, did not the house of Israel, the house of contradiction, say to thee, What doest thou?

Verse ConceptsWhat Do You Do?

And the prince which is in the midst of them shall lift up upon the shoulder in thick darkness, and go forth: they shall break through into the wall to bring forth by it: he shall cover his face so that be shall not see the earth with the eye.

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening WallsGoing OutsideDarkness Of NightCarrying Other Loads

And I spread my net upon him, and he was taken in my net: and I brought him to Babel the land of the Chaldeans, and he shall not see it, and there he shall die.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Israel Exiled ToHuntingNetsGod TrappingBlindingOther Blinding

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo upon the foolish prophets which are going after their spirit, and they saw not

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfSpirit, Nature OfNo VisionsFalse Prophets Denouncedimaginationprophets

Ye went not up into the breaches, and ye will wall in the wall upon the house of Israel to stand in the war in the day of Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDLukewarmnessThe Act Of OpeningOpening WallsPeople OvercomingThe Fact Of That DayBattle

They saw vanity and a divination of falsehood, saying, says Jehovah: and Jehovah sent them not: and they waited to raise up the word.

Verse ConceptsDeception Through False TeachersProphets Who Were Not SentMan's Words Fulfilled

Saw ye not a vision of falsehood, and ye said, a divination of a lie, and saying, says Jehovah; and I spake not

Verse ConceptsProphets Who Were Not Sent

And mine hand shall be upon the prophets seeing falsehood, and divining a lie: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, and they shall not be written in the writing of the house of Israel, and to the land of Israel they shall not come in; and ye knew that I am the Lord Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsDeceit Leading to JudgmentGod's HandEntering The KingdomFalse VisionsGod OpposingGod's Hands In Opposition

And behold, the wall fell; shall it not be said to you, Where the plastering which ye plastered?

Verse ConceptsPlaster

Ye will profane me to my people for handfuls of barley and for morsels of bread, to kill the souls which shall not die, and to preserve alive the souls which shall not live, by your falsehood to my people hearing the falsehood?

Verse ConceptsGrainListeningTemptressesKept Alive By MenProphesying LiesRemaining FoodMisusing God's NameKilling Israelitesmagic

Because ye afflicted the heart of the just one with falsehood, and I afflicted him not; and to strengthen the hands of the evil one not to turn back from his evil way, to preserve him alive.

Verse ConceptsParticipation, In SinNot Turning AsideKeeping Oneself AlivePeople Encouraging Others

For this, ye shall not see falsehood, and ye shall no more divine a divination: and I delivered my people from your hand: and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsNo VisionsGod Saving From Enemies

If I shall cause the evil beast to pass through upon the land, and it was bereaved, and there was desolation from not passing through from the face of the beast:

Verse ConceptsLand Becoming Empty

And these three men in its midst, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, they shall not deliver sons and daughters, for they alone shall be delivered.

Verse ConceptsThree MenChildren SufferingSaving Oneself

And they comforted you, for ye shall see their way and their doings; and ye know that not in vain did I do all which I did in her, says the Lord Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsUseless LabourHuman Comfort

Behold, in its being whole, it will not do for work: but if the fire consumed it, and it was burnt, did it yet do for work?

Verse ConceptsScorching

And thy nativity, in the day thou wert born thy navel was not cut, and thou wert not washed in water for my looking upon; and salting, thou welt not salted, and swathing, thou wert not swathed.

Verse ConceptsClothWrapping A BabyMidwifeMedicineSaltSanitation, DisinfectionBabiesSevering Body PartsNew BornSournessJesus Birthnegativitycutting

And thou wilt take from thy garments and make to thee heights being spotted, and thou wilt commit fornication upon them: thou earnest not in, and it shall not be.

Verse ConceptsUnique EventsColorwhores

And with all thine abominations and thy fornications thou didst not remember the days of thy youth, in thy being naked and nakedness, and thou wert trod under foot in thy blood.

Verse ConceptsYouthLimitations Of YouthCovered With BloodNaked In Origin

And thou wilt commit fornication with the sons of Assur, from thy not being satisfied; and thou wilt commit fornication with them, and thou wert not satisfied.

Verse ConceptsInsatiablewhores

And thou wilt multiply thy fornination at the land of Canaan with the Chaldeans, and also thou wert not satisfied with this,

Verse ConceptsTradeInsatiable

In thy building thy brothel in the head of every way, and thou madest thy height in every street; and thou wert not as a harlot to scorn a gift

Verse ConceptsCity SquaresUsing RoadsNot Like Peoplewhores

Because that thou didst not remember the days of thy youth, and thou wilt disquiet me in all these; and lo, I also gave thy way upon the head, says the Lord Jehovah: and thou didst not do wickedness upon all thine abominations.

Verse ConceptsLewdnessMarriage, Between God And His PeopleYouthful DevotionGod Will RequiteThey Committed Immorality

And thou wentest not in their ways, and thou didst not their abominations: loathing as a little, and thou wilt be corrupted above them in all thy ways.

Verse ConceptsDeteriorationImitating Wicked PeopleOutdoingGod's People Sinningcorruption

And Shomeron sinned not according to half thy sins: and thou wilt multiply thine abominations above them, and thou wilt justify thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou didst.

Verse ConceptsComparisonsAppearancesHalf Of ThingsPeople In RighteousnessGod's People Sinning

And thy sister Sodom was not for a hearing in thy mouth in the day of thy pride.

Verse ConceptsProud People

And thou didst remember thy ways, and thou wert ashamed in thy receiving thy sisters great above thee, to the younger than thee: and I gave them to thee for daughters, and not from thy covenant

Verse ConceptsShamePeople RememberingRelated NationsShame Of Bad ConductBuilding Relationships

Say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Shall it prosper? shall he not pluck up its roots, and cut off its fruit, and dry up all the fresh foliage of its springing up? It shall be dried up, and not in its great strength, and by much people to lift it up from its roots.

Verse ConceptsRootsUnfruitfulnessMany EnemiesPlants Growing UpEasy For People

And behold, being planted, shall it prosper? as the east wind strikes upon it? drying up, shall it not be dried up? it shall be dried up upon the risings of its springing up.

Verse ConceptseastOut Of The EastPlants Growing UpThe East Wind

Say now to the house of contradiction, Knew ye not what are these? Say, Behold, the king of Babel coming to Jerusalem, and he will take her king and her chiefs, and bring them to him into Babel.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Israel Exiled ToNoblesRebellion, Of IsraelKings ExiledMeaningIgnorant Of Facts

To be a low kingdom, not to be lifted up, to watch his covenant to stand to it

Verse ConceptsThose Subjected To PeopleHumbling Oneself

I live, says the Lord Jehovah, if not in the place the king making him king which he despised his oath, and which he broke his covenant with him, in the midst of Babel he shall die.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Israel Exiled ToPossibility Of DeathAuthority Delegated To People

And not with great strength and with a great convocation, shall Pharaoh do for him in the war by throwing up a mound and by building a watchtower to cut off many souls?

Verse ConceptsFortsAttempting To KillSiege MoundsEarthly Armies

And he despised the oath to break the covenant, and behold, he gave his hand, and doing all these he shall not escape.

Verse ConceptsGuaranteeNo Escape

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I live, if not mine oath which he despised, and my covenant which he brake, and I gave it upon his head.

Verse ConceptsBreaking The Covenant

And I spread my net upon him and he was taken in my net, and I brought him to Babel, and I contended with him there for his transgression which he transgressed against me.

Verse ConceptsBabylon, Israel Exiled ToNetsGod TrappingExile In ProspectGod SuingUnfaithful

Not to eat upon the mountains, and not to lift up his eyes to the blocks of the house of Israel, and not to defile his neighbor's wife, and he shall not come near to a woman of uncleanness.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfBleedingSex And UncleannessAdulteryAvoiding IdolatryHow People EatSacrificing On The High Places

And he shall not oppress a man; he shall turn back his pledge to the debtor; he will not strip off plunder, his bread he will give to him hungry, and the naked he will cover with a garment;

Verse ConceptsCreditBenevolenceClothing The NeedyNaked In PovertyCancelling DebtsLaws About PledgesPeople Providing Food

And he shall not give upon interest, and he shall not take interest, from iniquity he shall turn back his hand; he shall do judgment of truth between man to man.

Verse ConceptsExcessGreed, Believers' Response ToInterestLending

And he doing not all these, but eating upon the mountains and defiling his neighbor's wife,

Verse ConceptsShrinesAdulteryHow People EatSacrificing On The High Places

Oppressing the poor and needy, stripping off plunder, he will not turn back the pledge, and he lifted up his eyes to the blocks, doing abomination,

Verse ConceptsCreditPoor, The Wicked Response ToOppressorsDo Not StealLaws About PledgesNot Helping The Poor

Giving upon interest, and taking interest: and living, he shall not live: doing all these abominations, dying, he shall die; his bloods shall be upon him.

Verse ConceptsInterest

And behold, he begat a son, and he will see all his father's sins which he did, and he will see and will not do like them;

Verse ConceptsNot Imitating EvilEthicsFathers Responsibilities

Not eating upon the mountains, and not lifting up his eyes to the blocks of the house of Israel, not defiling his neighbor's wife,

Verse ConceptsAdulteryHow People EatNot Worshipping IdolsSacrificing On The High Places

And not oppressing a man, not binding the pledge, and not stripping off plunder, giving his bread to him hungry, and clothing the naked with a garment

Verse ConceptsClothing The NeedyNaked In PovertyLaws About PledgesPeople Providing Food

Turning back his hand from the poor, taking not usury and interest, doing my judgment, going in my laws; he shall not die in the iniquity of his father; living, he shall live.

Verse ConceptsSins Of The FathersIf You Keep The Commandments

His father because oppressing, he oppressed, stripping off, he stripped off the brother, and he did not good in the midst of my people, and behold him dying in his iniquity.

Verse ConceptsOppressors

And ye said, Why bore not the son upon the iniquity of the father? and the son doing judgment and justice, watching all my laws, and he will do them; living, he shall live.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltSins Of The FathersResults Of Keeping The CommandmentsFathers Responsibilities

The soul sinning, it shall die. The son shall not bear for the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear for the iniquity of the son: the justice of the just one shall be upon him, and the injustice of the unjust one shall be upon him.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadFathers, Sin Of TheBeing Born In SinCreditResponsibility, To GodPersonal ResponsibilitySins Of The FathersPeople In RighteousnessSin Clings To The SinnerParents SinPunishmentPunishmentsPunishment of the The WickedDadsResponsibilityParents Being Wrong

And if the unjust one shall turn back from all his sins which he did, and he watched all my laws and did judgment and justice; living, he shall live; he shall not die.

Verse ConceptsRenunciationSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfBlessings Of ObediencePunishment of the The Wicked

All his transgressions which he did shall not be remembered to him: in his justice which he did he shall live.

And in the just turning back from his justice, and doing iniquity according to all the abominations which the unjust one did, will he do and live? all his justices which he did shall not be remembered: in his transgression which he transgressed and in his sins which he sinned, in them he shall die.

Verse ConceptsRighteous, TheSanctification, Means And ResultsDoing The Right Thing

And ye said, The way of Jehovah will not make even. Hear ye now, O house of Israel; shall not my way make even? shall not your ways make hot even?

Verse ConceptsGod, Perfection OfSuffering, Of The InnocentApparent InjusticeIs God Unjust?

And he will see and turn back from all his transgressions which he did, living, he shall live; he shall not die.

Verse ConceptsTurning From EvilLife Through Repentance

And the house of Israel said, The way of Jehovah will not make even. Will not my ways make even, O house of Israel, shall not your way not make even?

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To God

For this I will judge you, O house of Israel, each according to his ways, says the Lord Jehovah: Turn back and withdraw from all your transgressions; and iniquity shall not be to you for a stumbling block.

Verse ConceptsConversion, nature ofResponsibility, To GodTurning From EvilDo Not HinderJudging Others Actions