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according to the promise he made to our ancestors to Abraham and his descendants forever."

Indeed, a sword will pierce your own soul, too, so that the inner thoughts of many people might be revealed."

Every valley will be filled, and every mountain and hill will be leveled. The crooked ways will be made straight, and the rough roads will be made smooth.

When Jesus stepped out on the shore, a man from the city met him. This man was controlled by demons and had not worn clothes for a long time. He did not live in a house but in the tombs.

The next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd met Jesus.

Later, an argument started among the disciples as to which of them might be the greatest.

You fools! The one who made the outside made the inside, too, didn't he?

There is nothing covered up that won't be exposed and nothing secret that won't be made known.

Then Jesus taught in one town and village after another as he made his way to Jerusalem.

When Jesus saw them, he told them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." While they were going, they were made clean.

Jesus asked, "Ten men were made clean, weren't they? Where are the other nine?

He told them, "Just after you go into the city, a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters

Even Herod and his soldiers treated him with contempt and made fun of him. He put a magnificent robe on Jesus and sent him back to Pilate.

As they led Jesus away, they grabbed Simon, a man from Cyrene, as he was coming in from the country, and they put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.

The soldiers also made fun of Jesus by coming up and offering him sour wine,