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And in this confidence I intended to visit you, before going elsewhere, that you might have a pleasure twice over.

And for this very reason I wrote you, that I might not come only to be grieved by those who ought to give me joy; and because I trusted in you all, that my joy is the joy of all of you.

For this very purpose also I wrote you (before), that I might test you, to see if you were obedient in every respect.

Nay, their minds were made dull; for to this very day, at the public reading of the Old Testament, the same veil rests thereon, because it is not revealed to them that in Christ the veil is taken away.

This is what comforts me. In addition to this comfort of mine, I have been made still happier by the happiness of Titus; because his spirit was refreshed by you all.

And I will give you my opinion in this matter; for this offering is fitting in your case, considering that you made a beginning before others, not only in the willingness to do something but also in actually doing something a year ago.

I may carry the gospel to countries beyond you; and not be boasting of work made ready to my hand within another man's limit.

Yes, though I be unskilled in speech, at least I am not in knowledge; indeed I made this perfectly plain to you in all things and among all men.

Is it a sin, forsooth, that I humbled myself that you might be exalted, in preaching the gospel to you free of cost?