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"Look, [in] this you are not right--I will answer you: Indeed, God is greater than a human being.

Indeed, God speaks in one [way], even in two, [yet] [someone] does not perceive it.

He prays to God, then he accepts him, and he sees his face with a shout of joy, and he repays to the human being his righteousness.

Look, God does all these [things] twice, three times with a person

Let us choose justice for ourselves; let us determine among ourselves what [is] good--

for Job has said, 'I am righteous, but God has taken away my justice.

Indeed, he says, 'A man does not profit when he takes delight in God.'

"Therefore, listen to me, {people who have sense}: far be it from God {that he should commit wickedness} and that Shaddai {should do wrong}.

What's more, God truly does not act wickedly, and Shaddai does not pervert justice.

Indeed, he has not yet appointed [a time] for man to go to God in the judgment.

but he remains quiet, and who can condemn? And he hides [his] face, and who can behold him? Yet [he is] over a nation and over a person alike,

"Indeed, does anyone say to God, 'I have endured [chastisement]; I will not act corruptly [again];

for he adds transgression to his sin; he claps hands among us, and he multiplies his words against God.'"

"Do you think this [is] justice when you say, '{I am right} before God'?

"Surely God does not hear an empty plea, and Shaddai does not regard it.

"Bear with me a little longer, and {I will explain}, for {I still have something to say on God's behalf}.

Look, God [is] mighty but does not despise [anyone]; [he is] mighty [and] {good in understanding}.

You must not long for the night, to cut off people {in their place}.

"Look, God is exalted in his power; who [is] a teacher like him?

"God thunders with his voice in marvelous ways; he does great things, and we cannot comprehend.

Do you know {how God commands them} and [how] he causes his cloud's lightning to shine?

From [the] north comes gold-- awesome majesty [is] around God.

"Who has cut open a channel for the torrents and a way for [the] {thunder bolts},

Who prepares for the crow its prey, when its young ones cry to God for help, [and] they wander around {for lack of food}?

When they crouch, they bring forth their young ones; they get rid of their labor pains.

because God made it forget wisdom, and he did not give it a share in understanding.

"Shall a faultfinder contend with Shaddai? Anyone who argues with God must answer it."

"It [is] the first of God's actions; the [one who] made him furnishes [it with] his sword.

"I will not keep quiet [concerning] its limbs or concerning [the] extent of its might and [the] gracefulness of its frame.