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so that he who opposes the ruler, disobeys the orders of God: and will be punished too for resisting, by those very powers.

who art thou that judgest the domestick of another? his staying or removal depends solely upon his master: yea, he shall be fixed: for God is able to establish him.

he that observes a day, and he that obobserves it not, act both from a sense of duty. he that eats, consisiders it as the bounty of his Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that forbeareth to eat, considers his forbearance as enjoined by his Lord, and giveth God thanks for the rest.

for it is written, "as I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God."

for he that thus pays his allegiance to Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of men.

do not for such a thing as meat, pull down what God has been raising. all things indeed are pure; but they become evil to him who by eating giveth offence.

for I tell you, that Jesus Christ was a minister to the Jews, to manifest the veracity of God in fulfilling the promises made to the fathers:

and you Gentiles ought to glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, "for this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name ."

nevertheless, brethren, I have writ to the Gentile part of you, and admonish'd you with the greater freedom by virtue of the commission that God has given me,

I value as a good christian. salute Urbane my assistant in the cause of Christ,

your christianity is very well known in the world. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you as expert in that which is good, as unpractis'd in what is evil.

and by the writings of the prophets (according to the commandment of the eternal God) made known to all the Gentiles, to induce them to obey the faith: