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Many writers have undertaken to compose accounts of the movement which has developed among us,

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksflexibility

just as the original eye-witnesses who became teachers of the message have handed it down to us.

Verse ConceptsBeginning Of SalvationSpectatorsFrom The Beginning

For that reason, Theophilus, and because I have investigated it all carefully from the beginning, I have determined to write a connected account of it for Your Excellency,

Verse ConceptsBooksWritingOrderly PatternsBeginning Of SalvationBeing Found OutOrderly AccountsFrom The BeginningWriting The New Testament

so that you may be reliably informed about the things you have been taught.

Verse ConceptsThe Truth Of The GospelSound DoctrineKnowing About God's Kingdomluck

Now you will keep silent and be unable to speak until the day when this happens, because you have not believed what I have said, for it will all be fulfilled in due time."

Verse ConceptsDeafnessdisabilitiesMutenessUnbelief, And Life Of FaithUnbelief, Examples OfSkepticismNot Believing PeopleDumbspeakingEverything Happening For A Reasongabriel

"This is what the Lord has done for me," she said, "now that he has deigned to remove the disgrace I have endured."

And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have gained God's approval.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodDivine FavourJesus BirthFavorBeing Scaredluckgabriel

and he will reign over Jacob's house forever; his reign will have no end."

Verse ConceptsendJacob, The PatriarchChrist Reigning ForeverSalvation For Israel

As he promised our forefathers To have mercy on Abraham and his descendants forever!"

Verse ConceptsThe Eternal CovenantChildren Of Abraham

But they made signs to the child's father and asked him what he wished to have the child named.

Verse ConceptsAsking Particular QuestionsPeople Naming People

For my eyes have seen your salvation

When his parents saw him they were amazed, and his mother said to him. "My child, why did you treat us like this? Here your father and I have been looking for you, and have been very anxious."

Verse ConceptsCriticism, against believersLove, And The WorldMothers, Responsibilities OfAnxiety, CauseWhy Does Jesus Do This?

Then produce fruit that will be consistent with your professed repentance! And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham for our forefather,' for I tell you, God can produce descendants for Abraham right out of these stones!

Verse ConceptsPeople Of God, In NtRepentance, Nature OfSecuritySelf DeceptionChildren Of AbrahamPotential Of FruitSigns Of RepentanceNervousness

"Ha! What do you want of us, Jesus, you Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are! You are God's Holy One!"

Verse ConceptsExorcismsChrist, Names ForJesus Christ, Holiness OfDestruction Of Satan's WorksWhat Have We In Common?Said To Be The ChristDemonic Influence

They were all seized with astonishment, and praised God, and filled with awe they said, "We have seen something wonderful today!"

Verse ConceptsAmazingReverence, And God's NatureAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesTodayFear Of ChristSpecific Praising Of GodAwesurprises

Jesus answered them, "It is not well people but the sick who have to have the doctor.

Verse ConceptsCuresdoctorsTax CollectorsGod As DoctorHealth Achieved

Jesus answered, "Have you not read even what David did, when he and his companions were hungry?

Verse ConceptsConsecrated BreadReading The Scriptures

"Alas for you who have plenty to eat now, for you will be hungry! "Alas for you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep!

Verse ConceptsLaughterReversalsWoe To The ProsperousFeeding The Poorhunger

And they went to Jesus and urged him strongly to do it, and said, "He deserves to have you do this for him,

Verse ConceptsWorthy People

So Jesus went with them. But when he was not far from the house, the captain sent some friends to him, to say to him, "Master, do not take any more trouble, for I am not a suitable person to have you under my roof.

Verse ConceptsPoverty, SpiritualPrayer, Advice For EffectiveRoofPeople Not Far Away

That is why I did not think I was fit to come to you. But simply say the word, and have my servant cured.

Verse ConceptsWorthinessPowers Of SpeechChrist SpeakingSeeking Honour

For I am myself under the orders of others, and I have soldiers under me, and I tell one to go, and he goes, and another to come, and he comes, and my slave to do something, and he does it."

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTHuman Authority, Nature OfAuthority Delegated To PeoplePeople Sending PeopleMen's OrdersObeying People

When Jesus heard this, he was astonished at him, and turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, "I tell you, I have not found such faith as this even in Israel!"

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristFaith, Growth InCommendationMission, Of Jesus ChristMarvellingAttitudes Of Faithsurprises

And he answered them, "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard. The blind are regaining their sight, the lame can walk, the lepers are being cured and the deaf can hear, the dead are being raised and good news is being preached to the poor.

Verse ConceptsDeafnessCripplesHearingKingdom Of God, Entry IntoLamenessLast DaysPoverty, Remedies ForNatural DeafnessThe Healed WalkingThe Deaf HearingHearing ChristHealing Of The BlindTelling Of JesusThose Helping The Poor

They are like children sitting about in the bazaar and calling out to one another, " 'We have played the flute for you, and you would not dance! We have wailed and you would not weep!'

Verse ConceptsdanceFlutesAmusementsLeisure, And PastimesMarketsMarketplacesMusic To CelebrateLike ChildrenNot Mourning

So take care how you listen. For people who have will have more given to them, and from people who have nothing, even what they think they have will be taken away."

Verse ConceptsPossessingAdding BlessingThoughts Of The WickedTaking HeedThose To Whom God GivesTaking God's Things

But Herod said, "John I have beheaded, but who can this be about whom I hear such reports?" And he endeavored to see him.

Verse ConceptsBeheadingMartyrdom, Methods OfRemoving HeadsKilling DisciplesThe First Sight Of ChristWho Is Jesus?

But he said to them, "Give them food yourselves!" And they said, "We have only five loaves and two fish, unless we go ourselves and buy food for all these people."

Verse ConceptsdoubtersFive ThingsBuying FoodFeeding GroupsTwo AnimalsFish

For there were about five thousand men. But he said to his disciples, "Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each."

Verse ConceptsFiftiesFive ThousandReclining To EatNumbers Of Malesgroups

When the disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, "Master, will you have us order fire to come down from heaven and consume them?"

Verse ConceptsLightningVindictivenessFire From HeavenGod Acts From HeavenDiscipleship

Alas for you, Chorazin! Alas for you, Bethsaida! For if the wonders that have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes!

Verse ConceptsGesturesAshesSackcloth And AshesAshes Of HumiliationSigns Of RepentanceWoe To The Wicked

For I tell you, many prophets and kings have wished to see what you see, and could not see it, and to hear what you hear, and could not hear it!"

Verse ConceptsNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsNature Of KingsUnhearing

for a friend of mine has just come to my house after a journey, and I have nothing for him to eat,'

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalJourneyVisitingParticular JourneysNo Food

and he answers from inside, 'Do not bother me; the door is now fastened, and my children and I have gone to bed; I cannot get up and give you any.'

Verse ConceptsBedroomsKeysBedsShutting DoorsLeave Us AloneNot Able To Get UpUnable To Do Other Things

Alas for you Pharisees! For you love to have the front seat in the synagogues and to be saluted with respect in public places.

Verse ConceptsGreetingsLove, Nature OfMarketsPride, Examples OfSeatsLoving Other ThingsSeeking HonourSpoken Greetingsrecognitionphariseesimportance

Alas for you experts in the Law! For you have taken the key to the door of knowledge, but you have not entered it yourselves, and you have kept out those who tried to enter."

Verse ConceptsFalse ReligionGuidance, Need For God'sKeysWoeStumbling BlocksEntering The KingdomDrawbacks To KnowledgeTaking God's ThingsScience

And he said to himself, 'What am I going to do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?'

Verse ConceptsWorldly DilemmasStores Of FoodNo Room

And he said to his disciples, "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about life, wondering what you will have to eat, or about your body, wondering what you will have to wear.

Verse ConceptsTemporal BlessingsWorrySeeking FoodProvision For The BodyLiving SoulsChrist Speaking To DisciplesDo Not Be AnxiousInstruction About ClothesNot WorryingWorryingTaking Care Of Your Bodyanxious

But if God so dresses the wild grass, which is alive today, and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more surely will he clothe you, who have so little faith?

Verse ConceptsTransient WorldGod Clothing PeopleFurnacesNot Believing In Jesustomorrow

But you must strive to find his kingdom, and you will have these other things besides.

Verse ConceptsClaimsKnowing God, Effects OfSeeking GodWorryAdding BlessingPutting God First

But you may be sure of this, that if the master of the house had known what time the thief was coming, he would have been on the watch, and would not have let his house be broken into.

Verse ConceptsWhen?The Lord As A Thiefthieves

But one who does wrong without knowing them will be lightly punished. From anyone who has been given much, much will be required, and of the man to whom people have intrusted much, they will demand even more.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TalentsResponsibility, To GodSin, Nature OfStewardshipTrustworthinessWork, Divine And HumanIgnorance Of EvilGod's NeedsFaithful In MuchThose To Whom God GivesAccountabilityResponsibility

I have come to bring fire down to the earth, and how I wish it were kindled already!

Verse ConceptsInward FireThe Universe DestroyedFire Of Christdivision

I tell you, you will never get out again until you have paid the last cent!"

Verse ConceptsSettling Accounts

And he said to the gardener, 'Here I have come three years to look for fruit on this fig tree, without finding any. Cut it down. Why should it waste the ground?'

Verse ConceptsDivine DelaysFelling TreesThree YearsSeeking For Concrete ThingsNo Roomspacecutting

perhaps it will bear fruit next year. But if it does not, you can have it cut down.' "

Verse ConceptsDivine DelaysFelling TreesBearing FruitOlive Treescutting

And did not this woman, who is a descendant of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen years, have to be released from those bonds on the Sabbath day?"

Verse ConceptsdaughtersCripplesevil, origins ofPainRescueSatan, Defeat OfSatan, Kingdom OfBindingSatan, Work Of15 To 20 YearsChildren Of AbrahamOn The SabbathJesus Healing On Sabbath

Then you will go on to say, 'We have been entertained with you, and you have taught in our streets!'

Verse ConceptsRoadsThe EucharistThe Presence Of ChristChrist TeachingUsing RoadsEating And Drinking

O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! murdering the prophets, and stoning those who are sent to her, how often I have longed to gather your children around me, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you refused!

Verse ConceptsGod, Feminine Descriptions OfAffection, ExpressingBeing Earnest For IsraelMale And FemaleMercy, Of Jesus ChristMothers, As A SymbolProphets, Lives OfSensitivityWingsChickensGathered By GodDuplicating WordsWings Of BirdsKilling ProphetsPeople Unwilling

"When someone invites you to a wedding supper, do not take the best place, for someone more distinguished than you are may have been invited,

Verse ConceptsCelebritiesSocial FellowshipSeatsDo Not Be ProudGuest RoomsWaiting Till Marriageimportance

And they all immediately began to excuse themselves. The first one said to him, 'I have bought a piece of land, and I must go and look at it. Please have me excused.'

Verse ConceptsComplacencyBuying and sellingLove, Abuse OfReal EstateGuest Rooms

Another said, 'I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to examine them. Please have me excused.'

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingYokesOwning LivestockFive AnimalsTesting Other Thingstrying

For I tell you that none of those men who were invited shall have any of my dinner!' "

Verse ConceptsGuestsTasteReprobates

and when he reaches home, he calls in his friends and neighbors, and says to them, 'Congratulate me, for I have found my lost sheep!'

Verse ConceptsThe Soul Winners JoyFinding ThingsGathering FriendsLosing A FriendLosing FriendsBeing Lost

And when she finds it, she calls in her friends and neighbors, and says to them, 'Congratulate me, for I have found the coin that I lost!'

Verse ConceptsFinding ThingsGathering FriendsRejoicing In SuccessLosing A FriendLosing Friends

When he came to himself he said, 'How many hired men my father has, who have more than enough to eat, and here I am, dying of hunger!

Verse ConceptsSelf KnowledgeRegaining SanitySoliloquyNo FoodDeath Of A Fatherhomecoming

I will get up, and go to my father, and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your eyes;

Verse ConceptsFaultsConversion, examples ofSin, Nature OfPeople Getting UpWe Have SinnedBeing A Good Father

His son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your eyes; I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired men!'

Verse ConceptsGuilt, Human Aspects OfRepentance, Examples OfConviction Of SinAfflicted Saints, Examples OfWe Have SinnedBeing A Good Father

And he said to his father, 'Here I have served you all these years, and have never disobeyed an order of yours, and you have never given me a kid, so that I could entertain my friends.

Verse ConceptsGoatsAction For A Long TimeEating Drinking And RejoicingObeying People

But when your son here came, who has eaten up your property with women of the street, for him you killed the calf you have been fattening!'

Verse ConceptsBitterness, Examples OfProstitutionWantonnessFat AnimalsKilling Domesticated AnimalsEating Cattle

But he said to him, 'My child, you have been with me all the time, and everything I have is yours.

Verse ConceptsSonsLiving TogetherSharing Material Things

So if you have proved untrustworthy in using your ill-gotten wealth, who will trust you with true riches?

Verse ConceptsWealthEntrustingRight Use Of WealthTreasure In HeavenFinancesMoney Management

And if you have been untrustworthy about what belonged to someone else, who will give you what belongs to you?

Verse ConceptsFraudPossessingServants, BadFaithfulnessPropertyTreating OthersTrusting OthersMoney Managementpossessions

for I have five brothers; let him warn them so that they will not also come to this place of torture.'

Verse ConceptsFive PeopleWarning IndividualsDeath Of A Family MemberSiblingsGodly ManFamily Deathtestifyinglazarus

Abraham answered, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them listen to them.'

Verse ConceptsTaking The Law To HeartWritten In The Prophets

And the Master said, "If your faith is as big as a mustard seed, you might have said to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots and planted in the sea,' and it would have obeyed you!

Verse ConceptsFaith, And Blessings Of GodSmallnessSmall ThingsPlucking OutLiteral PlantingHarming TreesIn The Heart Of The SeaObeying PeopleFaith Moving MountainsSeeds

So you also, when you do all you have been ordered to do, must say, 'We are good-for-nothing slaves! We have done only what we ought to have done!' "

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTServants, GoodDuty

And he would not for a time, but afterward he said to himself, 'Though I have no fear of God nor respect for men,

Verse ConceptsHeartlessnessBeing Seen By ManNo Fear Of GodPeople Unwilling

But the tax-collector stood at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven, but struck his breast, and said, 'O God, have mercy on a sinner like me!'

Verse ConceptsContritionReconciliation, Of The World To GodRepentance, Examples OfRepentance, Nature OfConviction Of SinBeating OneselfBe Merciful!Far From Heredistancebreastspitytaxes

People brought babies to him to have him touch them, but the disciples, when they saw it, reproved them for it.

Verse ConceptsRebukeSensitivityTouchTouching For HealingThe Disciples ReactionsChildren And The Kingdom

And he said, "I have obeyed all these commandments ever since I was a child."

Verse ConceptsBeing Devoted From YouthI Keep The Commandments

And when Jesus saw it, he said, "How hard it will be for those who have money to get into the Kingdom of God!

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to the worldEntering The KingdomDrawbacks To RichesHard To Be Saved

And the other one came in and said, 'Here is your twenty dollars, sir. I have kept it put away in a handkerchief,

Verse ConceptsNapkinsHidden ThingsClean FacesLarge DenominationsTalents