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Concerning the Logos, the author of Life, we declare what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have consider'd, and what has been the object of our touch.

for the life was manifested, we have seen it, we testify of it, and denounce unto you, that eternal life which was with the father, and was manifested unto us.

My brethren, I don't prescribe you any new commandment, but the antient precept which you had from the beginning: and that is no other than the word which was originally delivered.

and every spirit that does not own that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not from God." this is that anti-christian spirit which you have heard was to come, and even now it appears in the world.

the divine love to us will be in the highest degree, if our condition in this world be the same as was that of Christ Jesus; so that we may appear with confidence in the day of judgment.

it appear'd by the water, and by the blood, who he was, even Jesus the Messiah; not by the water only, but by the water and by the blood: besides, the spirit is a witness too, now the spirit is truth itself.