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And it will be after the death of Saul, and David turned back from striking Amalek, and David sat down two days in Ziklag.

And it will be in the third day, and behold, a man came from the camp from Saul, and his garments rent and dust upon his head: and it will be in his coming to David and he will fall to the earth and worship him.

And David will say to him, What was the word? announce now to me. And he will say that the people fled from the battle, and also many fell from the people, and they will die and also Saul and Jonathan his son died.

And he will say to me, Stand now, upon me, and kill me, for perplexity seized me because my soul is yet all in me.

(And he will say to teach the sons of Judah the bow: it was written upon the book of Jasher.)

And it will be after this, and David will ask in Jehovah, saying, Shall I go up into one of the cities of Judah? and Jehovah will say to him, Go up. And David will say, Whither shall I go up? and he will say, To Hebron.

And Joab son of Zeruiah, and the servants of David, will go forth and meet them at the pool of Gibeon together: and these will sit by the pool from hence, and those by the pool from thence.

And Abner will add yet to say to Asahel, Turn aside for thyself from after me: wherefore shall I strike thee to the earth? and how shall I lift up my face to Joab thy brother?

And he will refuse to turn aside: and Abner will strike him with the extremity of the spear in the belly, and the spear will come forth from behind him, and he will fall there and die in his place: and it will be, all coming to the place where Asahel fell there and he will die, and they will stand.

And Abner will call to Joab and say, Shall the sword consume forever? knewest thou not that it will be bitter at the last? and how long wilt thou not say to the people to turn back from after their brethren?

And Joab will strike upon the trumpet, and all the people will stand, and no more pursue after Israel, and they will no more add to fight.

And they will lift up Asahel and bury him in the grave of his father, which was in the House of Bread. And Joab and his men will go all night and it will shine to them in Hebron.

And it will be in there being war between the house of Saul and between the house of David, and Abner was strong for the house of Saul.

And it will kindle to Abner greatly for the words of the man of shame, and he will say, Am I the head of a dog which against Judah this day will do mercy with the house of Saul thy father to his brethren and to his friends, and not delivering thee into the hand of David, and thou wilt review over me concerning the woman this day?

Thus will God do to Abner, and thus will he add to him, for as Jehovah sware to David that thus I will do to him:

And Abner will send messengers to David for his sake, saying, To whom the land? saying, Cut out thy covenant with me, and behold, my hand with thee to turn about to thee all Israel.

And he will say, Good; I will cut out with thee a covenant: but one word I ask from thee, saying, Thou shalt not see my face if before thy bringing Michal, Saul's daughter, in thy coming to see my face.

And Abner will say to David, I will arise and go and gather to my lord the king, all Israel, and they shall cut out with thee a covenant, and thou didst reign over all that thy soul shall desire. And David will send away Abner, and he will go in peace.

And Joab will come to the king and he will say, What didst thou? behold, Abner came to thee; wherefore this thou sentest him away, and going, he went?

Thou knewest Abner son of Ner, for to deceive thee he came, and to know thy going out and thy coming in, and to know all which thou doest

It will stay upon the head of Joab and to all the house of his father; and there shall not be cut off from the house of Joab, him flowing, and the leprous, and him holding fast upon a staff, and him falling upon a sword, and him diminished in bread.

And they will bury Abner in Hebron: and the king will lift up his voice and weep at the grave of Abner; and all the people will weep.

Thy hands not bound, and thy feet were not joined to fetters as falling before the sons of iniquity thou fellest. And all the people will add to weep over him.

And all the people will come to cause David to eat bread, while yet day. And David will swear, saying, Thus will God do to me, and thus will he add, if before the going down of the sun I shall taste bread or anything.

And all the people knew, and it will be good in their eyes, as all the king did was good in the eyes of all the people.

And all the people knew, and all Israel, in that day, that it was not from the king to kill Abner son of Ner.

And to Jonathan, Saul's son, a son smitten in the feet: he was the son of five years in the news coming of Saul and Jonathan from Jezreel, and his nurse will lift him up and flee: and it will be in her springing up to flee, and he will fall, and he will be lame: and his name Mephibosheth.

And the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, will go, and they will come about the heat of the day to the house of the man of shame; and he lay down upon the bed at noon.

And behold, they came even to the midst of the house, taking wheat; and they will strike him in the belly; and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped.

Much more when wicked men killed a just man in his house upon his bed; and now shall I not seek out his blood from your hand and take you away from the earth?

And David will command the boys and they will kill them and cut off their hands and their feet, and hang them over the pain Hebron. And the head of Ishbosheth they took and they will bury it in the grave of Abner in Hebron.

Also yesterday, also the third day, in Saul being king over us, thou wert bringing out and bringing in Israel And Jehovah will say to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be for leader over Israel.

And all the old men of Israel will come to the king to Hebron; and king David will cut out for them a covenant in Hebron before Jehovah, and they will anoint David for king over Israel

And David will dwell in the fastness, and he will call it the city of David. And David will build round about from Millo and its house.

And Hiram, king of Tyre, will send messengers to David, and wood of cedars and artificers of wood, and artificers of stone of the wall: and they will build a house for David.

And David will take yet concubines and wives from Jerusalem after his coming from Hebron, and there will be yet born to David sons and daughters.

And the rovers will add yet to come up, and they will be dispersed in the valley of Rephaim.

And it shall be in thy hearing the voice of the going in the heads of the weepings, then thou shalt be active, for then Jehovah will go forth before thee to strike upon the camp of the rovers.

And David will yet gather together all the chosen in Israel, thirty thousand.

And David will rise and go and all the people which were with him from the lords of Judah, to bring up from thence the ark of God which the name was called the name of Jehovah of armies sitting the cherubims over it

And they caused the ark of God to ride upon a new wagon, and they will lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which was in the hill: and Uzzah and his brother, sons of Abinadab, led the new wagon.

And they will lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which is in the hill, with the ark of God: and Ahio went before the ark.

And it will kindle to David because Jehovah broke a breach upon Uzzah: and he will call that place the Breach of Uzzah, even to this day.

And David would not remove to him the ark of Jehovah to the city of David: and David will turn it to the house of the servant of Obed-Edom the Gititte.

And it will be announced to king David, saying, Jehovah blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all which is to him, on account of the ark of God. And David will go and bring up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the city of David with joy.

And it will be when they lifting up the ark of Jehovah went six steps, and he will sacrifice oxen and fat things.

And they will bring in the ark of Jehovah, and set it in its place in the midst of the tent which David stretched out for it: and David will bring up a burnt-offering before Jehovah and peace.

And I was vile yet above this and I was humbled in mine eyes, and with the maids of which thou spakest with them I shall be honored.

And it will be when the king sat in his house, and Jehovah gave rest to him from round about from all his enemies.

And I set a place for my people, for Israel, and I planted him and he dwelt in his place, and he shall be no more moved; and the sons of iniquity shall not add to humble him as in the beginning.

And this yet will be small in thine eyes, Lord Jehovah; and thou wilt speak also to the house of thy servant for remoteness. And this the law of man, Lord Jehovah?

And what shall David yet add to speak to thee? for thou knewest thy servant, Lord Jehovah.

And it will be after this, and David will strike the rovers and subdue them: and David will take the bridle of the metropolis out of the hand of the rovers.

And David will say, Is there yet any which was left to the house of Saul? and I will do with him mercy for sake of Jonathan.

And the king will say, Is there not yet a man to the house of Saul? and I will do with him the mercy of God. And Ziba will say to the king, Yet a son to Jonathan, smitten of the feet

And David will say to him, Thou shalt not fear, for doing, I will do with thee mercy for sake of Jonathan thy father; and I turned back to thee all the field of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat bread upon my table always.

And he will worship him and say, What is thy servant that thou didst look to a dead dog which is like me?

And work for him the land, thou and thy sons, and thy servants, and bring in and it being bread for the son of thy lord, and they shall eat: and Mephibosheth, son of thy lord, shall eat always bread upon my table. And to Ziba, fifteen sons and twenty servants.

And Ziba will say to the king, According to all which my lord the king will command, so will thy servant do. And Mephibosheth ate at my table as one of the sons of the king.

And Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem; for at the king's table be always ate; and he was lame in his two feet.

And it will be after this, and the king of the sons of Ammon will die, and Hanun his son will reign in his stead.

And the chiefs of the sons of Ammon will say to Hanun their lord, Is David honoring thy father in thine eyes, that he sent comforters to thee? is it not for the sake of searching out the city, and to spy it out, and to overthrow it, David sent his servants to thee?

And the sons of Ammon will go forth and they will arrange the battle at the opening of the gate: and Aram of Zobah and Rehob and Ish-Tob, and Maacah by themselves in the field.

And it will be announced to David, and he will gather together all Israel, and he will pass over Jordan and will come to Helam. And Aram will arrange to meet David, and they will war with him.

And all the kings, servants of Hadadezer, will see that they were smitten before Israel, and they will be at peace with Israel, and serve them. And Aram will be afraid yet to save the sons of Ammon.

And it will be at the return of the year, at the time of the going forth of kings, and David will send Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they will destroy the sons of Ammon, and they will watch closely against Rabbah And David will dwell in Jerusalem.

And it will be at the time of the evening, and David will rise from off his bed, and will go upon the roof of the king's house: and he will see from the roof a woman washing herself; and the woman good of aspect exceedingly.

And Uriah will lie at the door of the house of the king with all the servants of his lord, and will not go down to his house.

And Uriah will say to David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, dwell in tents; and my lord Joab and the servants of my lord are encamping upon the face of the field; and shall I come into my house to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? Thee living and thy soul living, if I shall do this word.

And David will call for him, and he will eat before him and drink; and he will make him drunk: and he will go forth in the evening to lie upon his bed with the servants of his lord; and he will not go down to his house.

And it will be in the morning, and David will write a letter to Joab, and send by the hand of Uriah.

And it will be in Joab's watching the city, and he will give Uriah to the place where he knew that strong men were there.

And it being if the wrath of the king shall go up, and he say to thee, Wherefore drew ye near to the city to fight? did ye not know that they cast from above the wall?

And the messenger will say to David, That the men were strengthened upon us, and they came out to us to the field, and they were upon them, even to the door of the gate.

And they beholding, aimed at thy servants from above the wall: and from the servants of the king will die, and also thy servant, Uriah the Hittite died.

And David will say to the messenger, Thus shalt thou say to Joab, This same word shall not be evil in thine eyes, as this, and as this, the sword shall consume: strengthen thy battle against the city and pull it down: and strengthen yourselves.

And to the poor, not anything except one little ewe lamb which he found, and he will save it alive: and it will grow with him and with his sons together; it will eat from his morsel and will drink from his cup, and will lie in his bosom, and be to him as a daughter.

And I will give thee the house of thy lord and thy lord's wives into thy bosom, and I will give to thee the house of Israel and Judah; and if little, I will add to thee according to these and according to these.

And the old men of his house will rise to him to lift him up from the earth; and he would not, and he ate not bread with them.

And it will be in the seventh day, and the child will die. And David's servants feared to announce to him that the child died: for they said, Behold, in the child being living we spake to him and he heard not to our voice, and how shall we say to him the child died, and do evil?

And David will rise from the earth and wash, and be anointed, and he will change his garments, and will go into the house of Jehovah and worship, and go to his house; and he will ask and they will set bread to him, and he will eat.

And his servants will say to him, What this word which thou didst? for sake of the child living thou didst fast and weep, and when the child died thou didst rise and thou wilt eat bread.

And he will say, The child yet living, and I fasted and wept; for I said, ho will know Jehovah will compassionate me, and the child live?

And now gather together the rest of the people and encamp against the city, and take it, lest I shall take the city, and my name was called upon it

And David will gather all the people together and go to Rabbah, and war against it and take it

And he will take the crown of their king from his head; and its weight a talent of gold and a precious stone; and it will be upon David's head. And he brought forth the spoil of the city exceeding much.

And the people which were in it he brought forth, and he will put at the saw and at the threshing-sledge of iron, and at axes of iron, and caused them to pass over through the brick-kiln: and thus he will do to all the cities of the sons of Ammon. And David will turn back, and all the people, to Jerusalem.

And it will be after this, and to Absalom son of David a fair sister, and her name Tamar; and Amnon, son of David, loved her.

And Amnon will be pressed to be sick for sake of Tamar his sister, for she was a virgin; and it will be hard in the eyes of Amnon to do anything to her.

And Jonadab will say to him, Lie upon thy bed and be sick, and thy father coming to see thee, and say to him, Now my sister Tamar shall come and give me to eat bread and make the food before mine eyes, so that I shall see and eat from her hand.

And Amnon will lie down and be sick: and the king will come to see him, and Amnon will say to the king, Will Tamar my sister come now, and she shall make before mine eyes two cakes, and I will eat from her hand.

And she will take a frying-pan and pour out before him; and he will refuse to eat. And Amnon will say, Bring out every man from me. And they brought forth every man from him.

And Amnon will say to Tamar, Bring the cakes into the chamber, and I will eat from thine hand And Tamar will take the cakes which she made and bring to Amnon her brother into the chamber.

And she will bring near to him to eat, and he will lay hold upon her and say, Come lie with me, my sister.

And she will say to him, No, my brother, thou shalt not humble me; for so it shall not be done in Israel: thou shalt not do this folly.

And king David heard all the words and it will kindle to him greatly.

And it will be for two years of days, and shearers will be to Absalom in Baal-Hazor, which is with Ephraim: and Absalom will call for all the king's sons.

And it will be they in the way, and the report came to David saying, Absalom struck all the king's sons and not one remaining of them.