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My bowels, my bowels! I shall afflict the walls of my heart; my heart made commotion to me; I shall not be silent, for the voice of the trumpet thou didst hear, O my soul, the tumult of war.

Verse ConceptsAgony, In HeartAgony, God's JudgmentRenewed HeartBowelsTrumpets For BattleOther References To The HeartReady For WarWarTragedyheartbeat

O Jehovah, are not thine eyes upon faithfulness? thou didst smite them, and they were not pained; thou didst consume them, they refused to take instruction: they made their faces firm above the rock; they refused to turn back.

Verse ConceptsIndifferenceMineralsPrayerlessnessRepentance, Importance OfSensitivityStubbornness, Consequences OfAfflictions Of The WickedAdmonition, RecievingObstinacy Against GodSelf WillGod, All knowing

How shall ye say, We are wise, and the law of Jehovah with us? Behold, surely for falsehood he made the style of the scribes a lie.

Verse ConceptsPensDecadenceFalse WisdomMaking God A LiarMisrepresentationBreaking God's Lawcredibility

Thus shall ye say to them, The gods who made not the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.

Verse ConceptsGod, The CreatorLanguages

He made the earth in his power, setting upright the habitable globe by his wisdom, and by his understanding he stretched out the heavens.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Creation OfGod, Wisdom OfCreation Of The Physical HeavensPower, Of GodPower Of God, ShownGod's Creation

At the voice his giving a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he will bring the lifting up from the end of the earth; he made lightnings to the rain, and he will bring forth the wind from his treasures.

Verse ConceptsEarth, God SustainingNatureRainStoringThunderWeather, God's Sovereignty OverWindElements, Control OfVapourDivine Power Over NatureGod Sending RainGod Dispensing WindGod's VoiceGod's StorehousesProvidence, Of God In NatureGod Controlling The Rain

Pour out thy wrath upon the nations which knew thee not, and upon the families that called not upon thy name: for they ate up Jacob and consumed him, and they will finish him, and they made desolate his dwelling.

Verse ConceptsFamilies, Nature OfCalling upon GodDestruction Of CountriesNot Knowing GodGod Angry With The NationsNot PrayingNot Seeking God

Thou didst plant them; they took root; they went on, also they made fruit: thou being near in their mouth, and far off from their reins.

Verse ConceptsLipsNominal ReligionRootsMetaphorical PlantingLack Of Meaning

And the vessel which he made was destroyed as clay in the hand of the potter: and he turned back, and he will make another vessel as was right in the eyes of the potter to make.

Verse ConceptsThings Wearing OutWeedpotprocess

And they drank and they staggered, and they were mad from the face of the sword which I sent in the midst of them.

Verse ConceptsStaggeringGod Making Drunk

I made the earth, the man and the cattle which are upon the face of the earth, by my great power and by mine arm stretched forth, and I gave it to whom was right in mine eyes.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Creation OfArmsNatureStrength, DivineMan, Creation OfGifts Of GodGod Showed His PowerOther Gifts Of GodWhat Else God Created

Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Shomeron: they planting, planted, and they made common

Verse ConceptsEnjoyment, Material ThingsOccupationsSamaritansSowing And ReapingPlanting VineyardsLiteral PlantingFarming

For a man to send away his servant, and a man his maid, the Hebrew or the Hebrewess, free; for a man not to serve with them with a Jew his brother.

Verse ConceptsRegulations For Men And Women

And all the chiefs will hear, and all the people which came into the covenant, to send away a man his servant and a man his maid, free, no more to serve with them, and they will hear and will send away.

Verse ConceptsRegulations For Men And Womenliberation

And ye will turn back and pollute my name, and ye will cause to turn back a man his servant and a man his maid, whom ye sent away free to their soul, and ye will subdue them to be to you for servants and for maids

Verse ConceptsIrreverencePeople Changing Their MindsMaking Slaves

And king Zedekiah son of Josiah will reign instead of Coniah son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babel made king in the land of Judah.

Verse ConceptsMaking KingsKings Of All Israel Or JudahKings of judah

And the chiefs will be angry against Jeremiah and they struck him, and gave him to the house of bonds the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they made it for a house of prison.

Verse ConceptsArrestingCruelty, examples ofFloggingAnger, HumanHousesImprisonmentsPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects Ofjail

And they will take Jeremiah and send him to the pit of Malchiah son of the king which was in the enclosure of the prison: and they will cast Jeremiah with cords, and in the pit no water but mud: and Jeremiah will sink in the mud.

Verse ConceptsDungeonsInjuryMonotonyPersecution, Forms OfPersecution, Nature OfPrisonersPunishment, Legal Aspects OfRopesSuffering, Causes OfCisternsLowering PeopleMarshes

And king Zedekiah will swear to Jeremiah in secret, saying, Jehovah lives who made to us this soul, if I shall put thee to death, and if I shall give thee into the hand of these men who are seeking thy soul

Verse ConceptsBreath Of LifeOaths, HumanSecrecyGod Giving LifeKilling Prophets

And Ishmael son of Nethaniah came forth to meet them from Mizpeh; he went going and weeping: and it will be as he fell in with them, and he will say to them, Come to Gedaliah, son of Ahikam.

Verse ConceptsHypocrisy, Examples Of

And the pit where Ishmael cast there all the corpses of the men whom he struck by the hand of Gedaliah was that which king Asa made from the face of Baasha king of Israel: Ishmael son of Nethaniah filled it with the wounded.

Verse ConceptsCorpses Of Other PeopleList Of Kings Of Israel

For this, my heart shall sound for Moab as pipes, and my heart shall sound for the men of Kirheres as pipes: for the riches he made perished.

Verse ConceptsFlutesLamentingRiches, Nature OfMusical Instruments, types ofRiches, Description OfWailing

For I made Esau naked, I uncovered his secret places, he shall not be able to hide: his seed was laid waste, and his brethren and his neighbors, and he is not

Verse ConceptsGod Stripping Peoplehiding

He made the earth by his power, he prepared the habitable globe by his wisdom, and by his understanding he stretched forth the heavens.

Verse ConceptsCreation Of The Physical HeavensUnderstandingGod, All knowing

A runner shall run to meet a runner, and he announcing, to meet him announcing, to announce to the king of Babel that his city was taken from the extremity.

Verse ConceptsMessengerCapturing Cities

For this, thus said Jehovah: Behold me pleading thy cause, and I took vengeance with thy vengeance; and I dried up her sea, and made her fountains dry.

Verse Conceptsdrynessdefence, divineWellsGod Drying Things UpGod DefendingWells, Figurative UseFamineRevenge

In their heat I will set their drinkings, and I made them drunken so that they shall exult, and sleep an eternal sleep, and they shall not rouse up, says Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsBanquets, ActivitiesLaughterSleep, And DeathGod Making Drunk

And I made drunk her chiefs and her wise, her prefects and her rulers, and her strong ones: and they shall sleep an eternal sleep, and they shall not rise up, says the King, Jehovah of armies his name.

Verse ConceptsSleep, And DeathWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanGod Making DrunkHis Name Is The Lord

The two pillars, the one sea, and the twelve oxen of brass which were under the bases, which king Solomon made for the house of Jehovah; there was no weight to their brass of all these vessels.

Verse ConceptsThe Number TwelveAnimals, Types OfTwo Parts Of ConstructionsTwelve Animals