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but they were only hearing that "He who was once our persecutor is now preaching the faith which he was once destroying";

and that because of the false brethren stealthily brought in, who crept in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring into bondage;

But from those who were reputed to be somewhatwhatever they were, it matters not to me, (God accepteth no mans person,) for to me those in reputation communicated nothing new.

But on the contrary, when they saw that I was intrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, as Peter was with that to the circumcised,

and when they knew the grace that was given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the gentiles, and they to the circumcised;

For before certain persons came from James, he used to eat with the gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew, and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.

But when I saw that they were not walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of gentiles, and not that of the Jews, how is it that thou compellest the gentiles to keep the customs of the Jews?

They show a zeal for you, but not in honesty; yea, they wish to exclude you, that ye may be zealous for them.

envyings, drunkenness, revelings, and things like these; of which I tell you beforehand, as I also told you in time past, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, these are constraining you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.

For not even do they who become circumcised themselves keep the Law; but they desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.