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At all times in my prayers, - making supplication - if, by some means, even now, at any time, I may have a way opened, in the will of God, to come unto you;

Inasmuch as, what may be known of God, is manifest among them, for, God, unto them, hath made it manifest, -

And, exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God, for the likeness of an image of a corruptible man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and reptiles:

For this cause, God gave them up unto dishonourable passions; for, even their females, exchanged away the natural use into that which is against nature, -

Whisperers, detractors, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, vain boasters, inventors of vices, unto parents unyielding,

Who, indeed, having acknowledged the righteous sentence of God, - that, they who such things as these do practise, are worthy of death, not only, the same things, are doing, but are even delighting together with them who are practising them .

We know, however, that, the sentence of God, is according to truth against them who, such things as these, do practise.

And reckonest thou this, O man - who dost judge them who such things do practise, and yet art doing the same, that, thou, shalt escape the sentence of God?

But glory and honour and peace - unto every one who worketh what is good, both unto Jew first and unto Greek:

If, however, thou, art taking the name of Jew, and resting thyself upon law, and boasting in God,

That in law dost boast, Through the transgression of the law, art thou dishonouring God?

Much, every way: - First, indeed, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.

For what? If some distrusted, shall their distrust make, the trust of God, void?

Far be it! But let, God, prove to be, true, albeit, every man, be false! Even as it is written - That thou mightest be declared righteous in thy words, and overcome when thou art in judgment.

But, if, our unrighteousness, commendeth, God's righteousness, what shall we say? Surely, not unrighteous, is God who visiteth with his anger? After the manner of men, I am speaking, -

Far be it! Else how shall God judge the world?

But, if, the truth of God, by my falsehood, hath the more abounded unto his glory, why, any longer, am, even I, as a sinner, to be judged?

And why not, according as we are injuriously charged, and according as some affirm that we say, Let us do the bad things, that the good ones may come? whose sentence is, just.

Now we know that, whatsoever things the law saith, to them who are within the law, it speaketh, in order that, every mouth, may be stopped and all the world come, under penal sentence, unto God.

In the forbearance of God, - with a view to a showing forth of his righteousness in the present season, that he might be righteous even when declaring righteous him that hath faith in Jesus.

Or, is God the God, of Jews only, and not of the nations also? Yea! of the nations also: -

If, at all events, God is one, who will declare righteous - the circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through their faith.

For what doth the Scripture say? And Abraham believed in God, and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness.

Just as David also affirmeth the happiness of the man unto whom God reckoneth righteousness apart from works: -

Even as it is written - Father of many nations, have I appointed thee: before him whom he believed - God, who causeth the dead to live, and calleth the things that are not as things that are: -

For, scarcely in behalf of a righteous man, will one die, - in behalf of the good man indeed, peradventure one even dareth to die;

But thanks be unto God, that - whereas ye were servants of sin, ye became obedient out of the heart unto the mould of teaching into which ye were delivered;

Did, then, that which is good, unto me become death? Far be it! But it was sin, that it might appear sin, through that which was good unto me working out death, in order that, exceeding sinful, might sin become through the commandment.

Butthanks be unto God! - Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hence, then, - I myself, with the mind, indeed, am in servitude unto a law of God; but; with the flesh; unto a law of sin.

And, he that searcheth the hearts, knoweth what is preferred by the Spirit - that, according to God, he maketh intercession in behalf of saints;

Nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It is not, however, as though the word of God had failed; for, not all they who are of Israel, the same are Israel.

They, in fact, not being yet born, nor having practised anything good or bad, - in order that the purpose of God by way of election might stand, - not by works but by him that was calling,

What, then, shall we say? Is there injustice with God? Far be it!

O man! Who, nevertheless, art, thou, that art answering again unto God? Shall the thing formed say unto him that formed it - Why didst thou make me thus?

For I bear them witness that they have, a zeal for God, - but not according to correct knowledge;