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He shall kiss me from the kisses of his mouth: for thy good breasts are above wine.

To the odor of the good ointments thy name shall be poured forth an ointment; for this, the maidens loved thee.

Draw me, we will run after thee: the king brought me to his chambers: we will exult and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy breasts above wine: the upright loved thee.

If thou shalt not know for thyself, O fair one among women, come forth for thyself at the heels of the flock, and feed thy kids by the shepherds' tents.

To my mares in Pharaoh's chariots I likened thee, O my neighbor.

The king yet in his divan, my spikenard gave its odor.

A cluster of cypress my beloved to me in the vineyards of the kids' fountain.

As the apple among the trees of the forest, so my beloved between the sons. In his shadow I delighted, and I sat down, and his fruit was sweet to my palate.

My beloved answered and said to me, Rise up for thyself, my friend, my beautiful one, and go for thyself.

The flowers were seen in the earth; the time of pruning came, and the voice of the turtle-dove was heard in our land.

The fig tree ripened its unripe figs, and the vines are in blossom; they gave an odor. Rise up, my friend, my beautiful one, and go for thyself.

My dove in the refuges of the rock, in the biding of the steep mountain: cause me to see thy form, cause me to hear thy voice; for thy voice is sweet and thy form becoming.

Seize for us the foxes, the little foxes destroying the vineyards: and our vineyards are in blossom.

Upon my bed in the night I sought him whom my soul loved: I sought him, and I found him not

I will arise now, and I will go round about in the city; in the streets, and in the broad places I will seek him whom my soul loved. I sought him, and I found him not

They watching going about in the city, found me: Saw ye him that my soul loved?

All of them holding the sword, being trained to war: each his sword upon his thigh from terror in the night

Go forth, ye daughters of Zion, and look upon king Solomon; upon the crown his mother crowned to him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart

Thou didst rob me of the heart, my sister, O bride; thou didst rob me of the heart with one of thine eyes, with one necklace of thy neck.

How beautiful were thy breasts, my sister, O bride! how good were thy breasts above wine, and the odor of thine ointments above all spices.

I Came to my garden, my sister, O spouse: I gathered my myrrh with my spices; I ate my droppings with my honey; I drank my wine with my milk: Eat, O friends; drink ye, and drink to the full, O beloved ones.

I slept and my heart waked: the voice of my beloved knocks at the door; Open to me, my sister, my friend, my dove, my perfect one: my head was filled with dew, my locks with the drops of the night

I put off my tunic, and how shall I put it on? I washed my feet; how shall I defile them?

I opened to my beloved, and my beloved turned about, he passed away: my soul went forth in his speaking: I sought and I found him not; I called him and he answered me not

They watching going round about in the city, found me; they struck me, they wounded me: they watching the wall took away my veil from me.

What is thy beloved above the beloved, O beautiful one among women? What thy beloved above the beloved, that thou didst thus adjure us?

His hands rings of gold completed in Tarshish: his bowels wrought ivory covered over with sapphires.

Where went thy beloved, O beautiful one among women? where turned away thy beloved, and we will seek him with thee.

My beloved went down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

She is one, my dove, my perfect one; she is one to her mother, she is the chosen to her bearing her. The daughters saw her and pronounced her happy; the queens and the concubines, and they will praise her.

Turn back, turn back, thou Shulamite; turn back, turn back, and we will look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As the stringed instrument of the camps.

How beautiful were thy steps with shoes, O daughter of a noble! the circuits of thy thighs a necklace, the work of the hands of an artist.

Thy navel a bowl of roundness, it will not want mixed wine; thy belly a heap of wheat enclosed with lilies.

Thy neck as a tower of ivory; thine eyes pools in Heshbon, by the gate of the daughter of many: thy nose as the tower of Lebanon viewing the face of Damascus.

Thy head upon thee as Carmel, and the locks of thy head as purple; the King being bound in curls.

How beautiful and how pleasant thou wert, O love, in delights!

And thy palate as good wine going to my beloved for uprightness, causing the lips of the sleeping to flow softly.

Come, my beloved, we will go forth to the field; we will lodge in the villages.

The mandrakes gave an odor, and upon our entrances all precious things, new also old, my beloved, I laid up for thee.

I will lead thee, I will bring thee to the house of my mother; thou wilt teach me: I will give thee to drink from spiced wine from the new wine of my pomegranate.

A little sister to us, and no breasts to her: what shall we do for our sister in the day it shall be spoken for her?

I am a wall, and my breasts as towers: then was I in his eyes as finding peace.

A vineyard was to Solomon in the place of a multitude; he gave the vineyards to those watching; each shall bring in its fruit a thousand of silver.

Thou sitting in the gardens, the companions attending to thy voice: cause thou me to hear.