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And it will be in the thirtieth year, in the fourth, in the fifth to the month, and I in the midst of the captivity by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened and I shall see visions of God.

And I shall see, and behold, the spirit of a tempest came from the north, a great cloud, and a fire taking itself, and a shining to it round about, and from its midst as the appearance of burnished brass from the midst of the fire.

And their faces: and their wings spread out from above; to each of the two being joined each, and two covering their bodies.

And from above to the expansion which was over their head as the appearance of a sapphire stone: the likeness of a throne, and over the likeness of a throne, the likeness as the appearance of a man upon it from above.

And I shall see as the appearance of burnished brass, as the appearance of fire within to it round about, from the appearance of his loins and above, and from the appearance of his loins to below, I saw as the appearance of fire, and a shining to it round about.

As the appearance of the bow which will be in the cloud in the day of rain, so the appearance of the shining round about This the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. And I shall see it and I shall fall upon my face, and I shall hear the voice of him speaking.

And thou son of man, hear what I speak to thee: Thou shalt not be contradiction as the house of contradiction: open thy mouth and eat what I give to thee.

And I shall see, and behold, a hand sent to me; and behold, in it a roll of a book.

And he will spread it out before me: and it was written the face and the back side: and written upon it lamentations, sighing, and Wo.

And he will say to me, Son of man, eat what thou shalt find; eat this roll, and go speak to the house of Israel.

And I shall open my mouth, and he will cause me to eat this roll.

And he will say to me, Son of man, thou shalt cause thy belly to eat, and thou shalt fill thy bowels with this roll which I give to thee. And eating it, it will be in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

And the spirit lifted me up, and it will take me and I shall go bitter, in the heat of my spirit; and the hand of Jehovah was strong upon me.

And I shall go to the captivity, the hill of the green ears, those dwelling at the river Chebar, and where they are sitting there, I shall sit there seven days, being astonished in the midst of them.

And it will be from the end of seven days, and the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And thou son of man take to thee a brick, and give thou it before thee, and delineate upon it the city Jerusalem;

And give siege against it, and build a watch tower against it, and cast a mound against it, and give the camp against it, and set battering-rams against it round about

And thou, take to thee an iron pan and give it a wall of iron between thee and between the city: and prepare thy face against it, and she was in siege, and press upon her. This a sign to the house of Israel.

And lie thou upon thy left side, and put the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: the number of days which thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt lift up their iniquity.

And finishing these, and thou didst lie upon thy right side the second time, and thou didst bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: a day for a year, a day for a year I gave it to thee,

And thou, take to thee wheat, and barley, and the bean, and lentiles, and millet, and spelt, and give them into one vessel, and make them to thee for bread, the number of days which thou didst lie upon thy side; three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat it

An thy food which thou shalt eat by weight, twenty shekels for a day: from time even to time shalt thou eat it.

And thou shalt eat it cakes of barley, and it shall be baked with dung coming forth of man, before their eyes.

And Jehovah will say, Like this shall the sons of Israel eat their defiled bread among the nations where I shall thrust them away there.

And saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah behold, my soul not being defiled: and a carcass and the torn in pieces I ate not from my youth and even till now; there came not flesh of uncleanness into my mouth.

And he will say to me, Son of man, behold me breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they ate bread by weight and with fear; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment

Thou shalt burn the third in fire in the midst of the city, according to the filling up of the days of the siege: and taking the third thou shalt strike it with the sword round about it; and the third thou shalt scatter to the wind; and I will draw out the sword after them.

And thou shalt yet take from them and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in fire: from it shall come forth fire to all the house of Israel.

And I did in thee what I did not, and what I will no more do like, because of all thine abominations.

For this the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I did judgments in thee, and I scattered all thy remnant to every wind.

A third of thee in death shall die, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third shall fall by the sword round about thee; and the third I will scatter to every wind, and I will draw out the sword after them.

And it was a reproach and reviling, an instruction and an astonishment to the nations which are round about thee, in my doing judgments in thee in anger and in wrath, and in reproofs of wrath. I Jehovah spake.

In my sending the evil arrows of famine upon them which were for destruction, which I shall send to destroy you: and I will add famine upon you, and I broke to you the staff of bread.

And I sent upon you famine and the evil beast, and it bereaved thee; and death and blood shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword upon thee. I Jehovah spake.

An end came, the end came: it awaked against thee; behold, it came.

The time drawing near I will pour out my wrath upon thee, and I completed mine anger against thee: and I judged thee according to thy ways, and I gave upon thee all thine abominations.

Behold the day, behold, it came: the circle shall go forth; the rod blossomed, pride flourished.

For he selling shall not turn back to the sale, and it was in their yet living: for the vision for all her multitude; it shall not turn back, and a man shall not be strengthened in his iniquity of his life.

They will cast their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be for uncleanness: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the outpouring of Jehovah: they shall not satisfy their souls, and they shall not fill their bowels: for it was the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

The matter of his ornament they set for pride; and they made the images of their abominations, their abominable things upon it: for this I gave it to them for uncleanness.

And I gave it into the hands of strangers for plunder, and to the unjust of the earth for a spoil; and they profaned it

And I turned my face from them, and they profaned my secret; and the rapacious came into it and profaned it

And it was in the sixth year, in the sixth, in the fifth to the month, I sitting in my house, and the old men of Judah sitting before me, and the hand of the Lord Jehovah fell there upon me.

And he sent forth the likeness of a hand, and he took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and between the heavens, and it brought me to Jerusalem in the visions of God, to the door of the gate within, looking to the north; where was there the seat of the image of jealousy possessing

And he said to me, Son of man, lift up now thine eyes the way of the north. And I lifter up mine eyes the way of the north, and behold, from the north at the gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entrance.

And he said to me, Son of man, west thou what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Israel are doing here, to go far off from my holy place? And thou shalt yet turn back, thou shalt see great abominations.

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man, what the old men of the house of Israel are doing in darkness, a man in the chambers of his images? for they are saying, Jehovah sees us not; Jehovah forsook the earth.

And he said to me, Thou shalt turn back yet; thou shalt see great abominations which they are doing.

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? yet shalt thou turn back, thou shalt see abominations great above these.

And he said to me, Sawest, thou son of man? Was it light to the house of Judah doing the abominations which they did here? for they filled the land with violence, and they turned back to irritate me: and behold them sending the branch to their nose.

And the glory of the God of Israel came up from the cherub where he Was upon it, to the threshold of the house. And he will call to the man clothed with linen to whom the inkhorn of the scribe upon his loins.

And it will be as they were striking them, and I being left, and I shall fall upon my face, and I shall cry, and saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah! destroyest thou all the remnant of Israel in thy pouring forth thy wrath upon Jerusalem?

And it will be in his commanding the man clothed with linen, saying, Take the fire from between the wheel from between the cherubs; and he will go in and stand by the wheel.

In their going, upon their four sides they will go; they will not turn in their going, for to the place where the head will turn after it will they go; they will not turn in their going.

And the glory of Jehovah went forth from off the threshold of the house, and it will stand over the cherubs.

And the cherubs will lift up their wings, and will rise from the earth before mine eyes: in their going forth and the wheels with them, and they will stand at the door of the eastern gate of the house of Jehovah; and the glory of the God of Israel over them from above.

And the spirit of Jehovah will fall upon me, and he will say to me, Say, Thus said Jehovah; Thus ye said, O house of Israel: and the risings of your spirit, I knew it.

And it will be as I prophesied, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, died. And I shall fall upon my face and cry with a great voice, and saying, Ah. Lord Jehovah, thou makest a completion with the remnant of Israel.

And the spirit lifted me up, and it will bring me to Chaldea to the captivity, in a vision by the spirit of God. And the vision which I saw will go up from me.

Before their eyes break through to thee in the wall, and bring forth by it

Son of man, did not the house of Israel, the house of contradiction, say to thee, What doest thou?

Say, I am your wonder: as I did, so it shall be done to them: by emigrating, they shall go into captivity.

And the prince which is in the midst of them shall lift up upon the shoulder in thick darkness, and go forth: they shall break through into the wall to bring forth by it: he shall cover his face so that be shall not see the earth with the eye.

And I spread my net upon him, and he was taken in my net: and I brought him to Babel the land of the Chaldeans, and he shall not see it, and there he shall die.

And all which are round about him to help, and all his hosts, I will scatter to every wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.

Son of man, thou shalt eat thy bread with trembling, and thou shalt drink thy water with disquiet and with dread;

And say to the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to the land of Israel: they shall eat their bread with dread, and they shall drink their waters with astonishment, that her land shall be laid waste from her fulness from the violence of all dwelling in her.

Son of man, what this parable to you upon the land of Israel, saying, The days will be prolonged and every vision perished?

For this, say to them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I caused this parable to cease, and they shall no more use it for a parable in Israel; but speak to them: The days drew near, and the word of every vision.

For I am Jehovah: I will speak, what word I will speak and it shall be done; it shall no more be protracted: for in your days, O house of contradiction, I will speak the word, and I did it, says the Lord Jehovah.

For this, say to them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: No more shall my words be protracted, for I will speak the word and it shall be done, says the Lord Jehovah.

Because, and because they led my people astray, saying, Peace; and no peace; and he built a wall and they plastering it with plaster:

Say to them plastering with plaster: And it shall fall: there was a violent rain poured out; and ye, O hailstones, shall fall; and the spirit of storms shall rend.

And behold, the wall fell; shall it not be said to you, Where the plastering which ye plastered?

And I broke in pieces the wall which ye plastered with plaster, and I caused it to touch the earth, and its foundation was uncovered and it fell, and ye were consumed in its midst: and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

And I finished my wrath upon the wall, and upon those plastering it with plaster, and saying to you, No wall, and none plastering it;

And say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo to them sewing together cushions for all the joints of the hands, and making cushions upon the head of every height to lie in wait for souls! will ye lie in wait for the souls to my people, and will ye preserve alive the souls to you?

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Behold me against your pillows with which ye lie in wait there for the souls to break forth, and I rent them from your arms, and I sent away the souls, the souls which ye lie in wait for to break forth.

And I rent your cushions and I delivered my people from your hand, and they shall no more be in your hand for being laid in wait for; and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

Son of man, these men brought up their blocks upon their heart, and they gave the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their face: shall I be sought out, shall I be sought oat for them?

For a man, a man of the house of Israel, and of the stranger who shall sojourn in Israel, and he shall separate himself from after me, and shall bring up his blocks into his heart, and shall set the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and coming to the prophet to seek out to him for me; I Jehovah will answer to him for me:

Son of man, if a land shall sin against me to cover a transgression, and I stretched forth my hands upon it, and I broke to it the staff of bread, and sent famine upon it, and I cut off from it man and cattle:

If I shall cause the evil beast to pass through upon the land, and it was bereaved, and there was desolation from not passing through from the face of the beast:

Or I shall bring a sword upon that land, and I said, Sword, thou shalt pass through the land; and I cut off from it man and cattle.

Or I shall send death to that land, and I poured out my wrath upon it in blood, to cut off from it man and cattle

For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Also if I sent my four evil judgments, sword and famine, and the evil beast, and death to Jerusalem, to cut off from it man and cattle?

And behold, there was left in it an escaping, sons and daughters being brought forth: behold them, they shall be brought forth to you, and ye saw their way and their doings: and ye were comforted concerning the evil which I brought upon Jerusalem, all which I brought upon her.

Son of man, what is the tree of the vine above every tree, the vine-shoot which was upon the trees of the forest.

Shall wood be taken from it to do for work? or will they take from it a peg to hang upon it any vessel?

Behold, it was given to the fire to consume; the fire consumed its two ends, and the midst of it was burned. Will it succeed for work.

Behold, in its being whole, it will not do for work: but if the fire consumed it, and it was burnt, did it yet do for work?

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: As the tree of the vine upon the tree of the forest which I gave it to the fire for consuming, thus I gave the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

And thou shalt be decked with gold and silver, and thy clothing fine linen and silk, and variegation; fine flour and honey and oil thou didst eat; and thou wilt be fair, very exceedingly, and thou wilt prosper into a kingdom.

And a name went forth to thee among the nations in thy beauty: for it was perfected by my decoration which I put upon thee, says the Lord Jehovah

And thou wilt trust in thy beauty, and commit fornication upon thy name, and thou wilt pour out thy fornications upon every one passing by; to him it will be.

And thou wilt take from thy garments and make to thee heights being spotted, and thou wilt commit fornication upon them: thou earnest not in, and it shall not be.

And my bread which I gave to thee, fine flour and oil and honey I gave thee to eat, and thou didst give it before them for an odor of sweetness: and it will be, says the Lord Jehovah.

And thou wilt take thy sons and thy daughters which thou didst bear to me, and thou wilt sacrifice them for these to eat From thy fornication is it small?

And it will be after all thine evil, Wo, wo to thee! says the Lord Jehovah