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Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Any man of you when he doth bring near an offering to Jehovah, out of the cattle -- out of the herd, or out of the flock -- ye do bring near your offering.

Verse ConceptsTypes Of ChristHerdsRegulating Sacrifices

And if his offering is out of the flock -- out of the sheep or out of the goats -- for a burnt-offering, a male, a perfect one, he doth bring near,

Verse ConceptsGoatsSheepMale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesSheep And Goats

And if his offering is a burnt-offering out of the fowl to Jehovah, than he hath brought near his offering out of the turtle-doves or out of the young pigeons,

Verse ConceptsdovesOfferingsPigeonsBirds, Features Of

And when thou bringest near an offering, a present baked in an oven, it is of unleavened cakes of flour mixed with oil, or thin unleavened cakes anointed with oil.

Verse ConceptsGrain OfferingOvensCakesWafersAnimal Sacrifices, Meal OfferingOil On SacrificesBaking BreadMeat offerings

No present which ye bring near to Jehovah is made fermented, for with any leaven or any honey ye perfume no fire-offering to Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsLeavenFoodGrain OfferingUnleavened BreadYeastHoneyMeat offerings

And if his offering is a sacrifice of peace-offerings, if out of the herd he is bringing near, whether male or female, a perfect one he doth bring near before Jehovah,

Verse ConceptsCripplesFellowship OfferingAnimals, religious role ofTypes Of ChristHerdsPerfect SacrificesMale And Female AnimalsPeace offerings

And if his offering is out of the flock for a sacrifice of peace-offerings to Jehovah, male or female, a perfect one he doth bring near;

Verse ConceptsPerfect SacrificesMale And Female AnimalsSheep And Goats

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, When a person doth sin through ignorance against any of the commands of Jehovah regarding things which are not to be done, and hath done something against one of these --

Verse ConceptsSin OfferingUnintentionalIgnorance of God

And if the whole company of Israel err ignorantly, and the thing hath been hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done something against one of all the commands of Jehovah concerning things which are not to be done, and have been guilty;

Verse ConceptsCarelessnessIgnorance Of Evil

When a prince doth sin, and hath done something against one of all the commands of Jehovah his God regarding things which are not to be done, through ignorance, and hath been guilty --

Verse ConceptsUnintentional

or his sin wherein he hath sinned hath been made known unto him, then he hath brought in his offering, a kid of the goats, a male, a perfect one,

Verse ConceptsGoatsMale AnimalsSin Made KnownPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Goats

and he hath laid his hand on the head of the goat, and hath slaughtered it in the place where he doth slaughter the burnt-offering before Jehovah; it is a sin-offering.

Verse ConceptsHands On HeadsLaying Hands On SacrificesKilling SacrificesRegulations For The Sin Offering

And if any person of the people of the land sin through ignorance, by his doing something against one of the commands of Jehovah regarding things which are not to be done, and hath been guilty --

Verse ConceptsCarelessnessUnintentional

or his sin which he hath sinned hath been made known unto him, then he hath brought in his offering, a kid of the goats, a perfect one, a female, for his sin which he hath sinned,

Verse ConceptsGoatsFemale AnimalsSin Made KnownPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Goats

and he hath laid his hand on the head of the sin-offering, and hath slaughtered it for a sin-offering in the place where he slaughtereth the burnt-offering.

Verse ConceptsHands On HeadsLaying Hands On SacrificesKilling Sacrifices

And when a person doth sin, and hath heard the voice of an oath, and he is witness, or hath seen, or hath known -- if he declare not, then he hath borne his iniquity:

Verse ConceptsProof, As EvidenceSin BearerWitnesses, LegalAdjurationGuiltResponsibilityWitnessingSwearingMoralityRemoving People From Your LifeMaking Mistakestestimonypartnershipconsequencestestifyingperformance

'Or when a person cometh against any thing unclean, or against a carcase of an unclean beast, or against a carcase of unclean cattle, or against a carcase of an unclean teeming creature, and it hath been hidden from him, and he unclean, and guilty;

Verse ConceptsLivestockCarcass, Literal UseContaminationIgnorance Of EvilPeople Being PollutedRules About CorpsesGuiltpork

'Or when he cometh against uncleanness of man, even any of his uncleanness whereby he is unclean, and it hath been hidden from him, and he hath known, and hath been guilty:

Verse ConceptsIgnorance Of EvilSin Made Known

Or when a person sweareth, speaking wrongfully with the lips to do evil, or to do good, even anything which man speaketh wrongfully with an oath, and it hath been hid from him; -- when he hath known then he hath been guilty of one of these;

Verse ConceptsCarelessnessOaths, HumanAbsence Of ThoughtSin Made KnownSwearing Oaths FalselyRash PeopleSwearing

and hath brought in his guilt-offering to Jehovah for his sin which he hath sinned, a female out of the flock, a lamb, or a kid of the goats, for a sin-offering, and the priest hath made atonement for him, because of his sin.

Verse ConceptsGoatsFemale AnimalsSheep And GoatsPriests Atoning

And if his hand reach not to the sufficiency of a lamb, then he hath brought in his guilt-offering -- he who hath sinned -- two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to Jehovah, one for a sin-offering, and one for a burnt-offering;

Verse ConceptsdovesPigeonsPoverty, Remedies ForTwo AnimalsBeing Poor

And if his hand reach not to two turtle-doves, or to two young pigeons, then he hath brought in his offering -- he who hath sinned -- a tenth of an ephah of flour for a sin-offering; he putteth no oil on it, nor doth he put on it frankincense, for it is a sin-offering,

Verse ConceptsFooddovesFrankincenseIncenseOilPigeonsWeights And Measures, DryOil On SacrificesFragranceA Tenth Of ThingsBeing PoorEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For The Sin Offering

And when any person sinneth, and hath done something against one of all the commands of Jehovah regarding things which are not to be done, and hath not known, and he hath been guilty, and hath borne his iniquity,

Verse ConceptsGuilt, Human Aspects OfGuilt OfferingResponsibility, To GodSin BearerBearingIgnorance Of EvilIgnorance of God

'When any person doth sin, and hath committed a trespass against Jehovah, and hath lied to his fellow concerning a deposit, or concerning fellowship, or concerning violent robbery, or hath oppressed his fellow;

Verse ConceptsFraudCovenant breakersServants, BadUnfaithfulness, To GodAvoiding Deceitcheaters

or hath found a lost thing, and hath lied concerning it, and hath sworn to a falsehood, concerning one of all these which man doth, sinning in them:

Verse ConceptsFinding ThingsSwearing Oaths FalselyAvoiding Deceitlosing a loved oneMissing SomeoneBeing LostFeeling LostSwearingLoss Of A Loved OneLosing Someone

'Then it hath been, when he sinneth, and hath been guilty, that he hath returned the plunder which he hath taken violently away, or the thing which he hath got by oppression, or the deposit which hath been deposited with him, or the lost thing which he hath found;

Verse ConceptsGuilt

or all that concerning which he sweareth falsely, he hath even repaid it in its principal, and its fifth he is adding to it; to him whose it is he giveth it in the day of his guilt-offering.

Verse ConceptsRestitutionFractions, One Fifth

Every male among the sons of Aaron doth eat it -- a statute age-during to your generations, out of the fire-offerings of Jehovah: all that cometh against them is holy.'

Verse ConceptsGenerationsTouchMen WorshippingTouching Holy ThingsPermitted To Eat Offerings

Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, This is a law of the sin-offering: in the place where the burnt-offering is slaughtered is the sin-offering slaughtered before Jehovah; it is most holy.

Verse ConceptsKilling Sacrifices

in the place where they slaughter the burnt-offering they do slaughter the guilt-offering, and its blood one doth sprinkle on the altar round about,

Verse ConceptsSprinklingSprinkling BloodKilling SacrificesOther Right Parts

and every present, mixed with oil or dry, is for all the sons of Aaron -- one as another.

Verse ConceptsOil On Sacrifices

And if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow or free-will offering, in the day of his bringing near his sacrifice it is eaten; and on the morrow also the remnant of it is eaten;

Verse ConceptsFreewill OfferingVowsMaking VowsRemaining OfferingsPeople WillingFree Will

and the person who eateth of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings which are Jehovah's, and his uncleanness upon him, even that person hath been cut off from his people.

Verse ConceptsPollution ForbiddenThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

And when a person cometh against any thing unclean, of the uncleanness of man, or of the uncleanness of beasts, or of any unclean teeming creature, and hath eaten of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings which are Jehovah's, even that person hath been cut off from his people.'

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, Ceremonial MattersPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsPeople Being PollutedThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

'And any blood ye do not eat in all your dwellings, of fowl, or of beast;

Verse ConceptsForbidden Foodvampires

and the right leg ye do make a heave-offering to the priest of the sacrifices of your peace-offerings;

Verse ConceptsShouldersThighs Of AnimalsOther Right PartsPeace offerings

and one slaughtereth, and Moses taketh of its blood, and putteth on the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot;

Verse ConceptsFeetEarsSprinklingThumbsToesKilling SacrificesOther Right Parts

and he bringeth near the sons of Aaron, and Moses putteth of the blood on the tip of their right ear, and on the thumb of their right hand, and on the great toe of their right foot. And Moses sprinkleth the blood on the altar round about,

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesSprinkling BloodOther Right Parts

And Moses taketh them from off their hands, and maketh perfume on the altar, on the burnt-offering, they are consecrations for sweet fragrance; it is a fire-offering to Jehovah;

Verse ConceptsRefreshing God

and from the opening of the tent of meeting ye go not out seven days, till the day of the fulness, the days of your consecration -- for seven days he doth consecrate your hand;

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysPresented At The DoorwayGoing OutsideOutside The House

'And unto the sons of Israel thou dost speak, saying, Take ye a kid of the goats for a sin-offering, and a calf, and a lamb, sons of a year, perfect ones, for a burnt-offering,

Verse ConceptsGoatsPerfect SacrificesAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing GoatsSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats

And he slaughtereth the bullock and the ram, a sacrifice of the peace-offerings, which are for the people, and sons of Aaron present the blood unto him (and he sprinkleth it on the altar round about),

Verse ConceptsSprinkling BloodKilling Sacrifices

And Moses calleth unto Mishael and unto Elzaphan, sons of Uzziel, uncle of Aaron, and saith unto them, 'Come near, bear your brethren from the front of the sanctuary unto the outside of the camp;'

Verse ConceptsCousinsCamps, Unclean ThingsCarrying Dead Bodies

And Moses saith unto Aaron, and to Eleazar, and to Ithamar his sons, 'Your heads ye do not uncover, and your garments ye do not rend, that ye die not, and on all the company He be wroth; as to your brethren, the whole house of Israel, they bewail the burning which Jehovah hath kindled;

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Tearing OfHairsCovering HeadsBare HeadsDeath Due To God's PresenceBurning PeopleNot Tearing ClothesDo Not MournGod Will Be AngryMourning The Death Of Others

Wine and strong drink thou dost not drink, thou, and thy sons with thee, in your going in unto the tent of meeting, and ye die not -- a statute age-during to your generations;

Verse ConceptsAbstinenceAlcoholOrdinancesPriests, Function In Ot TimesWineProhibitionEntering The TabernacleNot Drinking WineStrong DrinkDeath Due To God's PresenceDrinking No WineAlcoholic Beveragesbeeralcoholism

And Moses speaketh unto Aaron, and unto Eleazar, and unto Ithamar his sons, who are left, 'Take ye the present that is left from the fire-offerings of Jehovah, and eat it unleavened near the altar, for it is most holy,

Verse ConceptsYeastSacrifice On The Bronze Altar

And the goat of the sin-offering hath Moses diligently sought, and lo, it is burnt, and he is wroth against Eleazar, and against Ithamar, sons of Aaron, who are left, saying,

Verse ConceptsAnger, HumanAnger, Justified ExamplesBurning SacrificesSeeking For Concrete ThingsNamed People Angry With Others

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, This is the beast which ye do eat out of all the beasts which are on the earth:

Verse ConceptsFood DefinedRelation Of Animals To Man

Of their flesh ye do not eat, and against their carcase ye do not come -- unclean they are to you.

Verse ConceptsTouchCorpses Of AnimalsTouching Unclean ThingsForbidden FoodEating Meatporkfootball

This ye do eat of all which are in the waters; any one that hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the brooks, them ye do eat;

Verse ConceptsSea DwellersClean FoodBrooksFishThe SeaEating Meatpork

and any one that hath not fins and scales in the seas, and in the brooks, of any teeming creature of the waters, and of any creature which liveth, which is in the waters -- an abomination they are to you;

Verse ConceptsAbominationsSea DwellersUnclean SpiritsGod Hating ThingsUnclean Animals

yea, an abomination they are to you; of their flesh ye do not eat, and their carcase ye abominate.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsCorpses Of AnimalsForbidden FoodGod Hating Things

And these ye do abominate of the fowl; they are not eaten, an abomination they are: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

Verse ConceptsAbominationsEaglesBirds, Types Of BirdsVulturesForbidden FoodHating UncleannessBirdsfitness

'And by these ye are made unclean, any one who is coming against their carcase is unclean till the evening;

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until Eveningbugs

even every beast which is dividing the hoof, and is not cloven-footed, and the cud is not bringing up -- unclean they are to you; any one who is coming against them is unclean.

Verse ConceptsSanitation, FoodTouching Unclean ThingsCleft HoofsNoting What Animals Eat

And any one going on its paws, among all the beasts which are going on four -- unclean they are to you; any one who is coming against their carcase is unclean until the evening;

Verse ConceptsTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean SpiritsUnclean Until EveningFeet Of CreaturesClean And UncleanUnclean Animalscats

and he who is lifting up their carcase doth wash his garments, and hath been unclean until the evening -- unclean they are to you.

Verse ConceptsWashingClean ClothesUnclean Until EveningCarrying Other Loads

And this is to you the unclean among the teeming things which are teeming on the earth: the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after its kind,

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Types OfMiceAccording To Its KindLizardsMolesMany CreaturesKinds Of Living Things

these are the unclean to you among all which are teeming; any one who is coming against them in their death is unclean till the evening.

Verse ConceptsCorpses Of AnimalsUnclean Until Evening

'And anything on which any one of them falleth, in their death, is unclean, of any vessel of wood or garment or skin or sack, any vessel in which work is done is brought into water, and hath been unclean till the evening, then it hath been clean;

Verse ConceptsDressClean ObjectsUnclean Until Evening

and anything on which any of their carcase falleth is unclean (oven or double pots), it is broken down, unclean they are, yea, unclean they are to you.

Verse ConceptsBakingOvensBreaking Containersporkcookingpot

Only -- a fountain or pit, a collection of water, is clean, but that which is coming against their carcase is unclean;

Verse ConceptsTouching Unclean Things

'And when any of the beasts which are to you for food dieth, he who is coming against its carcase is unclean till the evening;

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until EveningRules About Corpses

any thing going on the belly, and any going on four, unto every multiplier of feet, to every teeming thing which is teeming on the earth -- ye do not eat them, for they are an abomination;

Verse ConceptsAbominationsCrawlingUnclean SpiritsFeet Of CreaturesClean And UncleanClean AnimalsForbidden FoodUnclean AnimalsEating Meatbugsworms

For I am Jehovah your God, and ye have sanctified yourselves, and ye have been holy, for I am holy; and ye do not defile your persons with any teeming thing which is creeping on the earth;

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordLaw, OtSexual Sin, Nature OfSin, And God's CharacterUnclean SpiritsPeople Polluting ThemselvesThe Lord Is GodBe Holy For I Am Holy

for I am Jehovah who am bringing you up out of the land of Egypt to become your God; and ye have been holy, for I am holy.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Acts Of In OtClaimsI Am The LordBe Holy For I Am HolyI Will Be Their GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

'And in the fulness of the days of her cleansing for son or for daughter she doth bring in a lamb, a son of a year, for a burnt-offering, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove for a sin-offering, unto the opening of the tent of meeting, unto the priest;

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsSacrifices At The DoorwayAnimals At Specific Ages

and he hath brought it near before Jehovah, and hath made atonement for her, and she hath been cleansed from the fountain of her blood; this is the law of her who is bearing, in regard to a male or to a female.

Verse ConceptsBleedingBirthRegulations For Men And WomenPriests Atoning

'And if her hand find not the sufficiency of a sheep, then she hath taken two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, one for a burnt-offering, and one for a sin-offering, and the priest hath made atonement for her, and she hath been cleansed.'

Verse ConceptsLambsPigeonsPoverty, Remedies ForBeing PoorPriests Atoning

'When a man hath in the skin of his flesh a rising, or scab, or bright spot, and it hath become in the skin of his flesh a leprous plague, then he hath been brought in unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests;

Verse ConceptsLaw, OtHuman SkinBlemished People

Or when the raw flesh turneth back, and hath been turned to white, then he hath come in unto the priest,

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsLiving Things

and there hath been in the place of the ulcer a white rising, or a bright white spot, very red, then it hath been seen by the priest,

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsRed Parts Of The Body

'Or when flesh hath in its skin a fiery burning, and the quickening of the burning, the bright white spot, hath been very red or white,

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsRed Parts Of The BodyRemoving People From Your Lifescars

'And when a man (or a woman) hath in him a plague in the head or in the beard,

Verse ConceptsFacial Hairscars

then hath the priest seen the plague, and lo, its appearance is deeper than the skin, and in it a thin shining hair, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it is a scall -- it is a leprosy of the head or of the beard.

Verse ConceptsNarrow ThingsThe Hair Of The BodyYellowBrownColorHair

'And when a man or woman hath in the skin of their flesh bright spots, white bright spots,

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsBlemished Peoplescars

And when there is in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead, a very red white plague, it is a leprosy breaking out in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead;

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsRed Parts Of The Body

and the priest hath seen him, and lo, the rising of the very red white plague in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead, is as the appearance of leprosy, in the skin of the flesh,

Verse ConceptsWhite SpotsRed Parts Of The Body

As to the leper in whom is the plague, his garments are rent, and his head is uncovered, and he covereth over the upper lip, and 'Unclean! unclean!' he calleth;

Verse ConceptsCovering The MouthPurity, Nature OfVeilsQuarantiningCovering HeadsFacial Hair

And when there is in any garment a plague of leprosy, -- in a garment of wool, or in a garment of linen,

Verse Conceptsmold

or in the warp, or in the woof, of linen or of wool, or in a skin, or in any work of skin,

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal Skins

and the plague hath been very green or very red in the garment, or in the skin, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it is a plague of leprosy, and it hath been shewn the priest.

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal SkinsGreenRed Parts Of The Body

and he hath seen the plague on the seventh day, and the plague hath spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in the skin, of all that is made of skin for work; the plague is a fretting leprosy, it is unclean.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekCordsAnimal SkinsDay 7Unclean Thingsmold

And he hath burnt the garment, or the warp, or the woof, in wool or in linen, or any vessel of skin in which the plague is; for it is a fretting leprosy; with fire it is burnt.

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal Skinsmold

'And if the priest see, and lo, the plague hath not spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin,

Verse ConceptsSpreadingCordsAnimal Skins

And the priest hath seen that which hath the plague after it hath been washed, and lo, the plague hath not changed its aspect, and the plague hath not spread, -- it is unclean; with fire thou dost burn it; it is a fretting in its back-part or in its front-part.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingUnclean Things

And if the priest hath seen, and lo, the plague is become weak after it hath been washed, then he hath rent it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof;

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal Skinsmold

and if it still be seen in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it is a fretting; with fire thou dost burn it -- that in which the plague is.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingCordsAnimal Skinsmold

'And the garment, or the warp, or the woof, or any vessel of skin which thou dost wash when the plague hath turned aside from them, then it hath been washed a second time, and hath been clean.

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingCordsAnimal SkinsClean Clothes

This is the law of a plague of leprosy in a garment of wool or of linen, or of the warp or of the woof, or of any vessel of skin, to pronounce it clean or to pronounce it unclean.'

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal SkinsClean And UncleanUnclean Thingsmold

And on the eighth day he taketh two lambs, perfect ones, and one ewe-lamb, daughter of a year, a perfect one, and three tenth deals of flour for a present, mixed with oil, and one log of oil.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LiquidDay 8Oil On SacrificesMale AnimalsFemale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesAnimals At Specific AgesEphah [Ten Omers]Making Cereal Offerings And LibationsOther Volume Measures

And he hath slaughtered the lamb in the place where he slaughtereth the sin-offering and the burnt-offering, in the holy place; for like the sin-offering the guilt-offering is to the priest; it is most holy.

Verse ConceptsAnimal Sacrifices, Trespass OfferingFood For Priests DefinedKilling SacrificesPriests Possessing

'And the priest hath taken of the blood of the guilt-offering, and the priest hath put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesOther Right Parts

And of the residue of the oil which is on his palm, the priest putteth on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the blood of the guilt-offering;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesAnointed By PeopleOther Right Parts

and two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, which his hand reacheth to, and one hath been a sin-offering, and the one a burnt-offering;

Verse ConceptsdovesPigeonsTwo Animals

and he hath slaughtered the lamb of the guilt-offering, and the priest hath taken of the blood of the guilt-offering, and hath put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesKilling SacrificesOther Right Parts

And the priest hath put of the oil which is on his palm, on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the guilt-offering;

Verse ConceptsThumbsToesAnointed By PeopleOther Right Parts

'And he hath made the one of the turtle-doves, or of the young pigeons (from that which his hand reacheth to,

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of PossessionsPigeons

When ye come in unto the land of Canaan, which I am giving to you for a possession, and I have put a plague of leprosy in a house in the land of your possession;

Verse ConceptsInvasionsmold