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Just as it is written in the prophet Isaiah, "Behold, I am sending my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way,

Verse ConceptsDemons, Exorcism OfPreparing God's WayHeraldIn Order Of RankGod Sends ProphetsNamed Prophets Of The Lord

And all the Judean region and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem went out to him and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.

Verse ConceptsJohn's BaptismRevival, CorporateRivers And StreamsBaptised By JohnIn The JordanSin Confessedconfessing

And [as he] was passing by along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, Simon's brother, casting [a net] into the sea (for they were fishermen).

Verse ConceptsFishermenCall To ServiceFishing

And going on a little [farther], he saw James the [son] of Zebedee and his brother John, and they [were] in the boat mending the nets.

Verse ConceptsNetsMendingBoatsRepairing

And they were amazed at his teaching, because he was teaching them like one who had authority, and not like the scribes.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsTeachers Of The LawAmazement, Of Jesus ChristChrist TeachingNot Like People

And they were all amazed, so that [they began] to discuss with one another, saying, "What is this? A new teaching with authority! He even commands the unclean spirits and they obey him."

Verse ConceptsAmazingExorcismsevil, victory overDemons, Delivered FromNewnessAmazement, Of Jesus ChristAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesChrist's DominionAuthority Of ChristWhat Is This?Christ's Ordersdoctrine

Now [when it] was evening, when the sun had set, they began bringing to him all those {who were sick} and those who were demon-possessed.

Verse ConceptsDemon PossessionThe SunEvenings For Jesus And His DisciplesThose Demonised

And he healed many {who were sick} with various diseases and expelled many demons. And he did not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsdriving outDemons, Christ's AuthoritySpiritsMiracles Of ChristEvil Spirits DiscernmentJesus Casting Out DemonsChrist Concealing ThingsJesus Healing

And Simon and those [who were] with him searched diligently for him.

Verse ConceptsFinding

And a leper came to him, entreating him and kneeling down, saying to him, "If you are willing, you are able to make me clean."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsChrist Willing

And he said to him, "See to it that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and bring for your cleansing [the things] which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTPriesthood, In NtPriests, Tasks In Nt TimesSin OfferingWitness To The GospelChrist Concealing ThingsPurifying Oneself

But he went out [and] began to proclaim [it] freely and to spread abroad the account, so that he was no longer able to enter publicly into a town. But he was staying outside in deserted places, and they were coming to him from all directions.

Verse ConceptsUnwise ZealGod's Deed RevealedTemporary Stay In The Wildernesslonliness

And [when] they were not able to bring [him] to him because of the crowd, they removed the roof where he was. And [after] digging through, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic was lying.

Verse ConceptsRooftopCrowdsHousesRoofBedsThe Act Of OpeningOpening WallsLowering PeopleDisadvantages Of CrowdsUnable To Do Other ThingsBringing Men To Jesus

Now some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts,

Verse ConceptsReasoned Argument

And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they were reasoning like this within themselves, said to them, "Why are you considering these [things] in your hearts?

Verse ConceptsSinful HeartsHeart, Fallen And RedeemedSpirit, Nature OfSpiritual PerceptionHow Jesus Knows The HeartDiscernment of JesusReasoned ArgumentChrist Knowing About PeopleGod Knowing the Human Heart

Which is easier to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say 'Get up and pick up your stretcher and walk'?

Verse ConceptsParalyticsBedsThe Healed WalkingEasy For PeopleGet Up!God Has Forgiven

"I say to you, get up, pick up your stretcher, and go to your home."

Verse ConceptsGet Up!

And he got up and immediately picked up his stretcher [and] went out in front of [them] all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We have never seen [anything] like this!"

Verse ConceptsHealingReverence, And God's NatureAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesLiving WitnessesUnique EventsCrowds AmazedPeople Getting UpSpecific Praising Of God

And it happened that he {was dining} in his house, and many tax collectors and sinners {were dining with} Jesus and his disciples, for there were many and they were following him.

Verse ConceptsFollowing Jesus ChristGuestsHospitality, Examples OfTax CollectorsServing JesusReclining To EatReceiving Jesus As A GuestJesus Eating

And [when] Jesus heard [it], he said to them, "Those who are healthy do not have need of a physician, but those {who are sick}. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Verse ConceptsCuresdoctorsIronyKingdom Of God, Entry IntoMind, Of ChristSin, Deliverance From GodTax CollectorsPhysicianGod As DoctorHealth AchievedIllnesspatients

And John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, and they came and said to him, "{Why} do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?"

Verse ConceptsAsceticism, People PracticingPharisees, Beliefs OfDisciples Of John The BaptistCharacteristics Of PhariseesWho Will FastWhy Do People Not Do This?Jesus As A Bridegroom

And Jesus said to them, "The {bridegroom's attendants} are not able to fast while the bridegroom is with them, [are they]? As long a time [as] they have the bridegroom with them, they are not able to fast.

Verse ConceptsGuestsMarriage, Customs ConcerningWeddingsChrist Not Always With PeopleWedding GuestsWho Will FastJesus As A Bridegroom

And the Pharisees began to say to him, "Behold, why are they doing what is not permitted on the Sabbath?"

Verse ConceptsComplaintsRitualLegalismPharisees Concerned About ChristThe Sabbath And Christ

And he said to them, "Have you never read what David did when he had need and he and those [who were] with him were hungry--

Verse ConceptsConsecrated BreadReading The Scriptures

how he entered into the house of God in the time of Abiathar the high priest and ate the bread of the presentation, which it is not permitted to eat (except the priests) and also gave [it] to those who were with him?"

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtEntering The TabernaclePeople Providing FoodRoyal Priesthood

And they were watching him closely [to see] if he would heal him on the Sabbath, in order that they could accuse him.

Verse ConceptsWatchfulness, Of BelieversWatching To EntrapWatching ChristJesus HealingThe Sabbath And ChristJesus Healing On Sabbath

And looking around at them with anger, grieved at the hardness of their hearts, he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched [it] out, and his hand was restored.

Verse ConceptsAngerAttitudes Of StubbornnessAnger, HumanHardness Of HeartHeart, DivineAnger, Justified ExamplesAnger Of Man, RighteousStretching OutChrist SeeingObstinate IndividualsThose Jesus Healed

For he had healed many, so that all those who {were suffering from diseases} pressed about him in order that they could touch him.

Verse ConceptsdiseasesPopularityPersonal ContactPopularity Of ChristDealing With Many PeoplePressingTouching For HealingJesus Healing

And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, were falling down before him and crying out, saying, "You are the Son of God!"

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofSaid To Be The ChristBowing Before Messiah

And a crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Behold, your mother and your brothers [are] outside looking for you."

Verse ConceptsCrowds SeekingCrowds Around Jesus

And he answered them [and] said, "Who is my mother or my brothers?"

Verse ConceptsWho Is The One?Christ's True Family

And looking around at those who were sitting around him in a circle, he said, "Behold, my mother and my brothers!

Verse ConceptsSitting At The FeetChrist's True Family

And other [seed] fell on the rocky ground where it did not have much soil, and it sprang up at once, because it did not have [any] depth of soil.

Verse ConceptsShallownessSprouting PlantsSuddenlySproutingThings Going Up

And he said to them, "To you has been granted the secret of the kingdom of God, but to those who are outside everything is in parables,

Verse ConceptsAcademicsMysteryOutsidersUnderstandingOutside The KingdomGod Revealing MysteriesJesus Using Parablessecretsefficiency

And these are the ones beside the path where the word is sown, and whenever they hear [it], immediately Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Enemies InTemptation, Sources OfUnbelief, Nature And Effects OfHearing God's WordUsing RoadsTaking God's ThingsPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seedssowing

And these are like the ones sown on the rocky ground, who whenever they hear the word immediately receive it with joy.

Verse ConceptsShallownessSuddenlyHearing God's WordRejoicing In God's Word

And they have no root in themselves, but are temporary. Then [when] affliction or persecution comes because of the word, immediately they fall away.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, In Christian LivingShallownessFor The Sake Of ThingsPersecutionpressure

And others are the ones sown among the thorn plants--these are the ones who hear the word,

Verse ConceptsHearing God's WordSowing Seeds

And those are the ones sown on the good soil, who hear the word and receive [it] and bear fruit--one thirty and one sixty and one a hundred [times as much]."

Verse ConceptsFruit, SpiritualFaith, Nature OfAcceptance, Of The GospelThirtySixtiesOne HundredThe Source Of FruitFertile LandLand ProducingHearing God's WordHundredfold Return

And he said to them, "Surely a lamp is not brought so that it may be put under a bushel basket or under a bed, [is it]? [Is it] not so that it may be put on a lampstand?

Verse ConceptsDisclosuresWeights And Measures, DryZeal, ReligiousParables Of Christ

And he said, "With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or by what parable can we present it?

Verse ConceptsComparingJesus Using ParablesParables Of The Kingdom

[It is] like a mustard seed that when sown on the ground, [although it] is the smallest of all the seeds that [are] on the ground,

Verse ConceptsSmall ThingsPlanting SeedsSeedsSowing Seeds

but when it is sown it grows up and becomes the largest of all the garden herbs, and sends out large branches so that the birds of the sky are able to nest in its shade."

Verse ConceptsShadowsBig ThingsPlants Growing Up

And with many parables such as these he was speaking the word to them, as they were able to hear [it].

Verse ConceptsUnderstandingHearing ChristJesus Using Parables

And leaving the crowd, they took him along, as he was, in the boat. And other boats were with him.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsCrowds AvoidedBoats

And a great storm of wind developed, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already being filled [with water].

Verse ConceptsStormsBoatsSwamped

And {they were terribly frightened} and began to say to one another, "Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"

Verse ConceptsConfusionWho Is Jesus?Fear Of ChristThe Sea Stilledoverwhelmed

And he was asking him "{What is your name}?" And he said to him, "My name [is] Legion, because we are many."

Verse ConceptsSatanticLonelinessMany Spiritual BeingsDemonspork

And he permitted them. And the unclean spirits came out [and] entered into the pigs, and the herd--about two thousand--rushed headlong down the steep slope into the sea and were drowned in the sea.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsTwo ThousandGroups RunningDemons EnteringComing Out Of PeopleDeath Of CreaturesOthers Going Down

And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man sitting [there] clothed and in his right mind--the one who had had the legion--and they were afraid.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsevil, victory overDemons, Delivered FromFear, Caused ByLiving WitnessesNakednessClothing OneselfDrawing Near To ChristSitting At The FeetRegaining SanityFear Of ChristThose Demonised

And he did not permit him, but said to him, "Go to your home to your [people] and tell them all that the Lord has done for you, and [that] he has had mercy on you."

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, kinds ofTestify On God's BehalfExperimental KnowledgeAcknowledging ChristReceiving God's MercyGod's Work In UsFamily And Friends

And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him, and they were all astonished.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesChrist's Work

And he was imploring him many [times], saying, "My little daughter {is at the point of death}! Come, lay your hands on her, so that she will get well and will live."

Verse ConceptsDeath, Means OfBad ParentsLove, And The WorldParents Duty To ChildrenParental LoveKept Alive By MenLaying On Hands To HealHow Healing CameFaith And HealingHealth And Healing

[While] he was still speaking, they came from the synagogue ruler's [house] saying, "Your daughter has died. Why trouble the Teacher further?"

Verse ConceptsWhile Still SpeakingDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsTroubling Individualsharassment

And [when he] entered, he said to them, "Why are you agitated and weeping? The child is not dead, but is sleeping."

Verse ConceptsLast ThingsMourningSleep, And DeathDisorder Among PeopleNot DyingDeath AvertedMourning The Death Of OthersDeath Of A Child

And they began laughing at him. But he sent [them] all out [and] took along the father and mother of the child, and those [who were] with him, and went in to where the child was.

Verse ConceptsLaughterEntering HousesChrist Driving Out PeopleChrist Going With PeopleMocking Christ

and immediately the girl stood up and began walking around (for she was twelve years old). And {immediately they were utterly and completely astonished}.

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesAstonishmentThe Healed WalkingPeople Getting Up

And [when] the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard [him] were amazed, saying, "Where did this man [get] these [things]? And what [is] this wisdom that has been granted to this man, and the miracles such as these performed through his hands?

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of ChristSabbath, In NtSynagogueAmazement, Of Jesus ChristChrist's WisdomChrist TeachingOn The SabbathWhere From?Teaching Wisdom

And whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, [as you] go out from there, shake off the dust that is on your feet for a testimony against them."

Verse ConceptsGesturesFeetHospitality, A Duty Of God's PeopleOpportunities, And SalvationWiping DustPeople Abandoning Peoplefatedustwelcome

And King Herod heard [it], because his name had become known. And they were saying, "John, the one who baptizes, has been raised from the dead, and because of this these miraculous powers are at work in him."

Verse ConceptsPower, God's SavingSuperstitionTetrarchWho He Might BeWhy It Happened

But others were saying, "He is Elijah," and others were saying, "[He is] a prophet like one of the prophets."

Verse ConceptsJesus The ProphetWho He Might Be

For John had been saying to Herod, "It is not permitted for you to have your brother's wife."

Verse ConceptsFaultsevil, believers' responses toSaying RepeatedlyMarriage ControlledTransferring Wives

And he said to them, "You yourselves come privately to an isolated place and rest for a short time." For those [who were] coming and going were many, and they did not even have time to eat.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TimeHow Disciples LearnRest, PhysicalRecreationRetirementSolitudeDealing With Many PeopleComing To RestPeople EatingDisadvantages Of CrowdsGod Giving RestRest

And getting out [of the boat] he saw the large crowd and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep {without} a shepherd, and he began to teach them many [things].

Verse ConceptsCompassionAffection, ExpressingCrowdsLargenessGrace, And Jesus ChristMercy, Of Jesus ChristShepherds, As Church LeaderInadequate ShepherdingCompassion, Of ChristJesus As Our TeacherChrist TeachingBeginning To Teach

And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men.

Verse ConceptsFive ThousandPeople EatingNumbers Of Males

For they all saw him and were terrified. But immediately he spoke with them and said to them, "Have courage, I am [he]! Do not be afraid!"

Verse ConceptsFear, Of UnknownThe Existence Of ChristThis Is MeFear Of ChristTake Courage!Do Not Fear For God Will HelpFear And Worrycheerleading

And he went up with them into the boat, and the wind abated. And {they were extraordinarily} astounded within themselves,

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesCessationBoatsThings Stopping

And [as] they were getting out of the boat, [people] recognized him immediately.

Verse ConceptsRecognising People

They ran about [through] that whole region and began to carry around those {who were sick} on stretchers, wherever they heard that he was.

Verse ConceptsBedsGroups RunningPeople Carrying Live People

And wherever he would go, into villages or into towns or to farms, they would put those who were sick in the marketplaces and would implore him that if they could touch even the edge of his cloak. And all those who touched it were healed.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth InCloaksBeggarsMarketsTasselsStreetsOuter GarmentsFringe Of ClothesTouching For HealingJesus Healing

And [when they come] from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many other [traditions] which they have received [and] hold fast to--[for example,] the washing of cups and pitchers and bronze kettles and dining couches.)

Verse ConceptsMarketsBrassPurifying OneselfClean ObjectsHow People Eatmarketing

And he said to them, "You splendidly ignore the commandment of God so that you can keep your tradition.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NT

But you say, 'If a man says to his father or to his mother, "Whatever {benefit you would have received} from me [is] corban" (that is, a gift [to God]),

Verse ConceptsGrain OfferingDishonouring ParentsChildren, UngratefulMaking VowsNot Honouring ParentsOffering SacrificesBeing Devoted to GodSupporthelphelpingparenthood

you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother,

Verse ConceptsNot Honouring Parents

[thus] making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down, and you do many similar [things] such as this."

Verse ConceptsAdding to the BibleRejection Of GodRejection Of God's WordWord Of GodRejecting God's WordThe Word Of Godculture

There is nothing outside of a person that is able to defile him [by] going into him. But the things that go out of a person are the things that defile a person."

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfExternalsEntering The MouthComing Out Of PeopleFood PermittedDefilementprepping

And he said to them, "So are you also without understanding? Do you not understand that everything [that is] outside that goes into a person [is] not able to defile him?

Verse ConceptsExternalsEntering The MouthBeing Without UnderstandingDefilementprepping

And he said to her, "Because of this statement, go! The demon has gone out of your daughter."

Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth InMission, Of Jesus ChristComing Out Of People

And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had difficulty speaking, and they were imploring him that he would place his hand on him.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesDiseases, Kinds OfBeggarsHandsLaying On Of HandsNatural DeafnessLaying On Hands To HealSpeech Impediments

And his ears were opened and {his difficulty in speaking was removed} and he began to speak normally.

Verse ConceptsEarsPersonal ContactThe Deaf HearingPlainnessDumbnessDumbThe Dumb Speaking