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It is His name-- faith in that name being the condition--which has strengthened this man whom you behold and know; and the faith which He has given has made this man sound and strong again, as you can all see.

So they recalled the Apostles, and ordered them altogether to give up speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus.

"Give me too," he said, "that power, so that every one on whom I place my hands will receive the Holy Spirit."

but information of their intention was given to him. They even watched the gates, day and night, in order to murder him;

This statement of Peter's silenced his opponents. They extolled the goodness of God, and said, "So, then, to the Gentiles also God has given the repentance which leads to Life."

And as to His having raised Him from among the dead, never again to be in the position of one soon to return to decay, He speaks thus: 'I will give you the holy and trustworthy promises made to David.'

Because in another Psalm also He says, 'Thou wilt not give up Thy Holy One to undergo decay.'

Then, as he had made up his mind to cross over into Greece, the brethren wrote to the disciples in Corinth begging them to give him a kindly welcome. Upon his arrival he rendered valuable help to those who through grace had believed;

"I am a Jew," replied Paul, "belonging to Tarsus in Cilicia, and am a citizen of no unimportant city. Give me leave, I pray you, to speak to the people."

and Paul called one of the Captains and said, "Take this young man to the Tribune, for he has information to give him."

So the Tribune sent the youth home, cautioning him. "Do not let any one know that you have given me this information," he said.

At the same time he hoped that Paul would give him money; and for this reason he sent for him the oftener to converse with him.

If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar."

My reply was that it is not the custom among the Romans to give up any one for punishment before the accused has had his accusers face to face, and has had an opportunity of defending himself against the charge which has been brought against him.

who are so familiar with all the customs and speculations that prevail among the Jews; and for this reason, I pray you, give me a patient hearing.

"Be fully assured, therefore, that this salvation--God's salvation--has now been sent to the Gentiles, and that they, at any rate, will give heed."