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And Jehovah will say to the sons of Israel, Was it not out of Egypt, and from the Amorite, and from the sons of Ammon and from Philisteim?

And ye forsook me, and ye will serve other gods: wherefore I will not add to save you.

And Gilead's wife will bring forth sons to him, and his wife's sons will grow, and they will drive out Jephthah, and they will say to him, Thou shalt not inherit in our father's house, for thou the son of another woman.

And it will be from days and the sons of Ammon will war with Israel.

And it will be when the sons of Ammon warred with Israel, and the old men of Israel will go to take Jephthah out of the land of Tob.

And Jephthah will say to the old men of Gilead, Did ye not hate me, and ye will drive me out from my father's house? and why came ye to me now when there is distress to you?

And Jephthah will send messengers to the king of the sons of Ammon, saying, What to me and to thee that thou camest to me to war in my land

And the king of the sons of Ammon will say to the messengers of Jephthah, Because Israel took my land in his coming up out of Egypt, from Arnon even to Jabbok, and even to Jordan: and now turn them back in peace.

And Jephthah will add yet and will send messengers to the king of the sons of Ammon:

When in their coming up out of Egypt, and Israel went in the desert, even to the sea of sedge, and he will come to Kadesh;

And now Jehovah the God of Israel drove out the Amorites from the face of his people Israel, and shalt thou inherit it?

Shalt thou not inherit what Chemosh thy god will give thee to inherit? and all which Jehovah our God drove out from our face, we will inherit it.

And it was, that coming forth which shall come forth from the doors of my house to my meeting in my turning back in peace from the sons of Ammon, and it was to Jehovah; and I brought it up a burnt-offering.

And it will be when he saw her, and he will tear his garments, and will say, Alas, my daughter bowing down, thou didst bow me down, and thou art in my trouble: and I opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I shall not be able to turn back.

And she will say to him, My father, opening thy mouth to Jehovah, do to me acording to what came forth from thy mouth, after that Jehovah did for thee vengeance of thine enemies, of the sons of Ammon.

And it will be from the end of two months, and she will turn back to her father and he will do to her his vow which he vowed: and she knew not man. And it will be a law in Israel,

And a man of Ephraim will cry out and will pass over north, and they will say to Jephthah, Why didst thou pass over to war against the sons of Ammon and didst not call to us to go with thee? we will burn thy house upon thee with fire.

And Jephthah will say to them, I was a man of strife, I and my people and the sons of Ammon greatly; and I shall cry out to you, and ye saved me not from their hands.

And Gilead will take the passages of Jordan before Ephraim: and it was that the escaped of Ephraim will say, I will pass over; and the men of Gilead will say to him, Thou an Ephrathite? and he will say, No.

And they will say to him, Say now Shibboleth: and he will say, Sibboleth and he will not form to speak thus. And they will seize him and they will slaughter him at the passages of Jordan. And there will fall in that time of Ephraim forty and two thousand.

And there will be to him forty sons and thirty sons' sons riding upon seventy young asses: and he will judge Israel eight years.

And the sons of Israel will add to do evil in the eyes of Jehovah; and Jehovah will give them into the hand of Philisteim forty years.

And he will say to me, Behold, thee conceiving, and thou bearest a son; and now drink not wine and strong drink, and thou shalt not eat any thing unclean, for the boy shall be consecrated to God from the womb, even to the day of his death.

And Manoah will pray to Jehovah and will say, With leave, my Lord, a man of God which thou sentest will he come now yet to us, and he will teach us what we shall do to the boy being brought forth.

And God will hear to the voice of Manoah, and the messenger of God will come yet to the woman, and she will sit in the field; and Manoah her man not with her.

And Manoah will say, Now shall come thy words. What shall be the judgment of the boy, and his work?

From all going forth from the vine of the wine she shall not eat, and wine and strong drink she shall not drink, and any thing unclean she shall not eat: all which I commanded she shall watch.

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to Manoah, If thou shalt detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou shalt do a burnt-offering thou shalt do it to Jehovah. For Manoah knew not that he was a messenger of Jehovah.

And Manoah will say to the messenger of Jehovah, What thy name, when shall come thy words and we honored thee?

And the messenger of Jehovah will say to him, Wherefore this wilt thou ask for my name, and it is wonderful?

And it will be in the going up of the flame from the altar to the heavens, and the messenger of Jehovah will go up in the flame of the altar and Manoah and his wife seeing; and they will fall upon their face to the earth.

And the messenger of Jehovah will no more add to be seen to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he is the messenger of Jehovah.

And his father and his mother knew not that it was from Jehovah that he seeking an occasion from Philisteim; for in this time Philisteim was ruling over Israel

And Samson will go down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and they will come even to the vineyards of Timnath: and behold, a young lion roared at his meeting.

And the spirit of Jehovah will fall suddenly upon him, and he will rend him as rending a kid, and nothing whatever in his hand: and he announced not to his father and to his mother what he did.

And he will break it off in his hands, and going, will go and eat, and he will go to his father and to his mother, and will give to them, and they will eat: and he announced not to them that from the body of the lion he broke off the honey.

And it will be when they saw him, and they will take thirty companions, and they will be with him.

And Samson will say to them, I will propose to you an enigma: if announcing, ye shall announce it to me in seven days of the drinking, and ye find out, and I will give to you thirty wide garments and thirty exchanges of garments:

And if ye shall not be able to announce to me, and ye give me thirty wide garments and thirty exchanges of garments: and they will say to him, Propose thine enigma and we will hear it.

And he will say to them, Out of him eating came forth food, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they were not able to announce the enigma in three days.

And it will be in the seventh day, and they will say to Samson's wife, Persuade thy man and he shall announce to us the enigma, lest we shall burn thee and thy father's house with fire: did ye not call to us to possess us?

And Samson's wife will weep upon him, and will say, Thou only hatedst me and lovedst me not: thou didst propose an enigma to the sons of my people, and to me thou didst not announce it. And he will say to her, Behold, to my father and to my mother I announced it not, and shall I announce to thee?

And she will weep upon him seven days which were to them of the drinking: and it will be in the seventh day, and he will announce to her, for she urged him: and she will announce the enigma to the sons of her people.

And the men of the city will say to him in the seventh day before the sun will go down, What is sweet above honey? and what is strong above the lion? and he will say to them, Unless ye ploughed with my heifer ye found not out my enigma.

And it will be after days in days of the wheat harvest, and Samson will look after his wife with a kid of the goats; and he will say, I will go to my wife to the chamber. And her father gave him not to go in.

And three thousand men of Judah will go down to the cleft of the rock Etam, and they will say to Samson, Knewest thou not that Philisteim is ruling over us? and what this thou didst to us? and he will say to them, As they did to me, so did I to them.

He came even to Lehi, and Philisteim shouted at his meeting: and the spirit of Jehovah will come suddenly upon him, and the cords which were upon his arms will be as flax which was burnt in fire, and his bands will melt from off his hands.

And he will find the jaw-bone of an ass, fresh, and he will stretch forth his hand and take it and will strike with it a thousand men.

And it will be when he finished to speak, and he will cast away the jawbone from his hand, and he will call that place, the lifting up the jaw-bone.

And God will rend the socket which is in the jaw-bone, and waters will come forth from it; and he will drink, and his spirit will turn back, and he will live. For this he called its name, the Fountain of him Calling, which is in Lehi even to this day.

To the Gazites, saying, Samson came here. And they will encompass, and will lie in wait for him all the night in the gate of the city, and they will be silent all the night, saying, During the light of the morning and we killed him.

And it will be after this, and he will love a woman in the valley of Shorek, and her name Delilah.

And the princes of Philisteim will come up and will say to her, Persuade him, and see in what is his great strength, and in what we shall prevail against him, and bind him to humble him: and we give to thee each a thousand and a hundred of silver.

And Delilah will say to Samson, Announce now to me in what is thy great strength, and in what thou shalt be bound to humble thee.

And lying in wait dwelling by her in the chamber. And she will say to him, Philisteim upon thee, Samson. And he will tear away the cords as a thread of tow will be torn away in its smelling the fire. And his strength was not known.

And Delilah will say to Samson, Behold, thou deceivest me, and thou wilt speak to me lies: this time announce to me now in what thou shalt be bound.

And Delilah will take new cords and will bind him with them, and she will say to him, Philisteim upon thee, Samson, (and the lier in wait dwelling in the chamber.) And he will tear them away from off his arms as a thread.

And Delilah will say to Samson, Till now thou deceivedst me, and thou wilt speak to me lies: announce to me in what thou shalt be bound. And he will say to her, If thou shalt weave the seven braids of my head with the warp.

And she will say to him, Wilt thou say, I loved thee, and thy heart not with me? This three times thou didst deceive me, and didst not announce to me in what is thy great strength.

And it will be in her pressing upon him with her words all the days, and she will urge him, and his soul will be shortened to death;

And Philisteim will seize him, and they will bore out his eyes, and will bring him down to Gaza and bind him with fetters of brass, and he will be grinding in the house of bonds.

And it will be when their heart will be joyful, and they will say, Call to Samson, and he shall play to us. And they will call to Samson from the house of bonds and he will play before them, and they will set him between the pillars.

And Samson will say, My soul shall die with Philisteim. And he will bow with strength, and the house will fall upon the princes and upon all the people which are in it And the dead will be more which he killed in his death than which he killed in his life.

And he will say to his mother, The thousand and one hundred of silver which was taken for thee, and thou cursedst me, and saidst also in mine ears, behold, the silver with me; I took it And his mother will say, Blessed my son to Jehovah.

And he will turn back the thousand and hundred of silver to his mother, and his mother will say, Consecrating, I consecrated the silver to Jehovah from my hand to my son, to make a carved thing and a molten: and now I will turn it back to thee.

And he will turn back the silver to his mother; and his mother will take two hundred of silver and will give it to the goldsmith, and he will make it a carved thing and molten: and it will be in the house of Micah.

And the sons of Dan will send from their families five men from their extremities, men sons of power, from Zorah and Eshtaol, to search the land and to examine it; and they will say to them, Go and examine the land: and they will come to mount Ephraim, even to the house of Micah, and they will lodge there.

And they with the house of Micah, and they knew the voice of the youth, the Levite: and they will turn aside there and say to him, Who brought thee hither? and what didst thou in here? and what to thee here?

And they will say to him, Ask now of God, and we shall know whether our way shall prosper which we go upon it.

And the priest will say to them, Go for peace: before Jehovah, your way which ye shall go in it.

And they will come to their brethren of Zomh and Eshtaol; and their brethren will say to them, What ye?

In your going, ye shall come to a people confiding, and to a land of many hands: for God gave it into your hand, a place where no want there of any word which is in the earth.

And they will go up and encamp in the City of Forests, in Judah: for this they called that place the camp of Dan, even to this day: behold, it behind the City of Forests.

And the five men going to search the land of Laish will answer and say to their brethren, Knew ye that there is in these houses an ephod, and a teraphim, and a carved thing, and a molten? and now know ye what ye will do.

And the six hundred men girded with their weapons of war, stood at the door, which were of the sons of Dan.

And the five men having gone to search the land will go up; they will come in there; they took the carved thing and the ephod, and the teraphim and the molten thing: and the priest stood at the door of the gate, and the six hundred men girded with weapons of war.

And these came in to Micah's house, and they will take the carved thing, the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten thing; and the priest will say to them, What are ye doing?

And they will say to him, Be silent; put thy hand upon thy mouth and go with us, and be to us for father and for priest: is it good for thee to be priest to the house of one man, or for thee to be priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel?

And they will call to the sons of Dan, and they will turn their faces and say to Micah, What to thee that thou criedst out?

And he will say, My gods which I made, ye took away, and the priest, and ye will go: and what to me yet? and what this ye will say to me, What to thee?

And they took what Micah made, and the priest which was to him, and they will go to Laish, upon a people quiet and confiding: and they will strike them with the mouth of the sword, and they will burn the city with fire.

And there was none delivering, for it was far off from Sidon, and the word was not to them with man; and it is in the valley which is to the house of the street And they will build the city and dwell in it

And they will call the name of the city, Dan, in the name of Dan their father, who will be born to Israel. And yet Laish the name of the city at first.

And it will be in those days, and no king in Israel; and it will be a man, a Levite, sojourning in the sides of mount Ephraim, and he will take to him a wife, a concubine, from the House of Bread, of Judah.

And her husband will rise and go after her to speak to her heart, to turn it back; and his young man with him and a pair of asses: and she will bring him into her father's house; and the father of the girl will see him and will rejoice at his meeting.

And his father-in-law, the girl's father, will hold fast upon him, and he will dwell with, him three days: and they will eat and drink and lodge there.

And it will be in the fourth day, and they will rise early in the morning, and he will rise up to go: and the girl's father will say to his son-in-law, Strengthen thine heart with a bit of bread, and afterward ye shall go.

And they will sit down and eat, they two together, and drink: and the girl's father will say to the man, Be willing, now, and lodge, and do good to thy heart.

And he will rise early in the morning in the fifth day, to go, and the girl's father will say, Strengthen now thy heart. And they lingered till the day declined, and they two will eat.

They with Jebus, and the day gone down greatly; and the youth will say to his lord, Go, now, and we will turn to this city of the Jebusitcs, and we will lodge in it.

And behold, an old man came in from his work out of the field in the evening, and the man from mount Ephraim; and he sojourned in Gib-eab; and the men of the place, sons of the Jaminite.

And he will bring him to his house, and will bring for the asses: and they will wash their feet, and eat and drink

And the men were not willing to hear to him: and the man will lay hold upon his concubine and will bring out to them without, and they will know her, and will gratify their desires upon her all the night, even till morning: and they will send her away in the ascending of the dawn.

And the woman will come at the turning of the morning and she will fall at the door of the house where her lord there, even till the light

And her lord will rise in the morning and will open the doors of the house and will come forth to go to his way, and behold, the woman his concubine, fallen at the door of the house, and her hands upon the threshold.

And it was, all seeing and saying, It was not, and it was not seen according to this from the day of the coming up of the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt till this day: consider for yourselves upon it; take counsel and speak.

And the chiefs of all the people of all the tribes of Israel will be drawn out in the gathering of the people of God, four hundred thousand men, footmen, drawing swords.

And the tribes of Israel will send men into all the tribes of Benjamin, saying, What this evil which was among you?

And the sons of Benjamin will be gathered together from the cities to Gibeah to go out to war with the sons of Israel