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And it came to pass, in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month, that Moses spake unto the sons of Israel, according to all that Yahweh had given him in charge for them;

So spake unto you, at that time saying, I am unable, by myself, to carry you.

And I charged your judges, at that time, saying, - Ye are to hear between your brethren and shall judge righteously, between each magi and his brother and his sojourner.

Ye shall not take note of faces in judgment - so the small as the great, shall ye hear, ye shall not shrink from the face of any man, for judgment, unto God, belongeth, - but the thing which is too hard for you, shall ye bring near unto me, and I will hear it.

So I commanded you at that time all the things which ye should do.

And ye came near unto me all of you, and said Let us send men before us, that they may search out for us the land, - and bring us back word, the way by which we must go up, and the cities whereinto we must enter,

And they turned and went up the hill-country, and entered in as far as the ravine of Eshcol, and explored it.

And they took in their hand of the fruit of the country, and bare it down unto us, and brought us back word, and said, Good is the land, which Yahweh our God, is giving unto us.

and murmured in your tents and said, Because Yahweh hated us, hath he brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, - to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us.

who was going before you in the way - to search out for you a place, where ye might encamp, - in the fire by night, that ye might get sight of the way wherein ye should go, and in the cloud, by day.

saving Caleb son of Jephunneh, he, shall see it, and unto him, will I give the land through which he hath trodden, and unto his sons, - because he hath wholly followed Yahweh.

Joshua son of Nun, who standeth before thee, he, shall enter in thither, him, strengthen thou, for he, shall cause Israel to inherit it.

And your little ones, of whom ye said they should become, a prey, and your sons who to-day know not good and evil, they, shall enter in thither, - and unto them, will I give it, and they, shall possess it.

Food, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye eat, - yea even water, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye drink.

Now, the days in which we journeyed from Kadesh-barnea, as far as where we crossed the ravine of Zered, were thirty-eight years, - until all the generation of the men of war were consumed out of the midst of the camp, as Yahweh had sworn unto them.

Yea, even the hand of Yahweh was against them, to destroy them out of the midst of the camp, - until they were consumed.

So it came to pass when all the men of war were consumed by dying, out of the midst of the people,

so wilt thou draw near over against the sons of Ammon, do not thou besiege them neither engage in strife with them, - for I will not give of the land of the sons of Ammon unto thee as a possession, for unto the sons of Lot, have I given it as a possession.

The Avvim also, who dwelt in settlements as far as Gaza, Caphtorim, who were coming forth out of Caphtor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their stead.

So I sent messengers out of the desert of Kademoth, unto Sihon, king of Heshbon, - with words of peace saying:

Food for silver, shalt thou sell me so will I eat, and water for silver, shalt thou let me have, so will I drink, - only I would pass through on my feet; -

But Sihon king of Heshbon, was not willing, to let us pass along through it, - for Yahweh thy God had suffered him to make his spirit harsh and his heart bold, that he might give him into thy hand - (as appeareth this day).

So then Sihon came out to meet us he, and all his people, to give battle at Jahaz.

And we captured all his cities, at that time, and devoted to destruction every city of males, with the women and the little ones, - we left not remaining a survivor:

Then turned we and went up, the way of Bashan; and Og king of Bashan, came out to meet us, he, and all his people, to give battle at Edrei.

And we captured all his cities, at that time, there was no fortress which we took not from them, - sixty cities all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

Thus did we at that time take the land out of the hand of the two kings of the Amorites (which was over the Jordan), - from the ravine of Arnon as far as Mount Hermon.

Sidonians, call Hermon Sirion, - but, the Amorites, call it Senir.

And this land, took we in possession at that time, - from Aroer which is by the ravine of Arnon, and half the hill-country of Gilead and the cities thereof, gave I unto the Reubenites and unto the Gadites;

So I commanded you, at that time saying, - Yahweh your God hath given unto you this land to possess it, armed, shall ye pass over before your brethren the sons of Israel all the sons of valour,

Jeshua also, commanded I, at that time saying, - Thine are the eyes, that have seen all that Yahweh your God hath done unto these two kings, thus, will Yahweh do unto all the kingdoms whereunto thou, art passing over:

ye shall not fear them, - for, Yahweh your God, he, it is that is fighting for you.

My Lord Yahweh, thou thyself, hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, and thy firm hand, - as to which, what GOD is there, in the heavens or in the earth, that can do according to thy doings, and according to thy mighty deeds?

But Yahweh had been provoked with me for your sakes, and hearkened not unto me, - and Yahweh said unto me, Enough for thee! do not add a word unto me further in this matter.

Ye shall not add unto the word which, I, am commanding you, neither shall ye take away therefrom, - that ye may keep the commandments of Yahweh your God, which, I, am commanding you.

Yours are the eyes, that have seen what Yahweh did in Baal-peor, for every man who went after Baal-peor, did Yahweh thy God destroy out of thy midst;

See! I have taught you statutes, and regulations, as Yahweh my God commanded me, - that ye should do so, in the midst of the land whereinto ye are entering to possess it.

For what great nation is there which hath gods nigh unto it, - like Yahweh our God, whensoever we have cried out unto him.

Or what great nation which hath righteous statutes and regulations, like all this law, which, I, am setting before you to-day?

Only take thou heed to thyself and keep thy soul diligently, so that thou forget not the things which thine own eyes have seen, and so that they go not out of thy heart, all the days of thy life, - but thou shalt make them known unto thy sons and unto thy son's sons: -

What day thou didst stand before Yahweh thy God, in Horeb, when Yahweh said unto me, Gather unto me the people, that I may let them hear my words, - which they must learn that they may revere me all the days which they are living upon the soil, their children also, must they teach.

Then spake Yahweh unto you out of the midst of the fire, - a voice of words, ye were hearing, no form, were ye seeing, there was only a voice.

And unto me, gave Yahweh command, at that time, to teach you statutes and regulations, - that ye should do them, in the land whereinto ye are passing over to possess it.

Ye must take diligent heed, therefore unto your own souls, for ye saw no manner of form, on the day Yahweh spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire;

whereas you, hath Yahweh taken, and brought you forth out of a smelting-pot of iron, out of Egypt, - that ye might become his own inherited people as at this day.

In thy distress, when all these things have found thee out - in the afterpart of the days, thou wilt return unto Yahweh thy God, and writ hearken to his voice.

For ask, I pray you, of the former days which were before thee, even from the day when God created man upon the earth, yea from one end of the heavens even to the other end of the heavens, - whether aught was ever brought to pass, like this great thing, or was ever heard of like it:

Did a people ever hear the voice of a god speaking out of the midst of fire, as, thou, didst hear, and yet live?

Or did a god ever make trial of entering in to take unto him a nation out of the midst of a nation, by provings, by signs and by wonders and by fighting, and by a firm hand and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors, - according to all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt, before your eyes?

Out of the heavens, he let thee hear his voice to instruct thee, - and, upon the earth, he let thee see his great fire, and his own words, thou didst hear out of the midst of the fire.

And because that he loved thy fathers, therefore chose he his seed after him, - and brought thee forth with his presence with his great might, out of Egypt;

to dispossess nations, greater and stronger than thou from before thee, - to bring thee in. to give unto thee their land for an inheritance: As at this day.

So then thou must consider to-day, and bring it back to thy heart, that, Yahweh, he is God in the heavens above and upon the earth beneath, - there is none other.

So shalt thou keep his statutes and his commandments which, I, am commanding thee to-day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy sons after thee, - and to the end thou mayest prolong thy days upon the soil, which Yahweh thy God, is giving thee, all the days.

These, are the testimonies, and the statutes and the regulations, - which Moses spake unto the sons of Israel when they came forth out of Egypt:

over the Jordan in the valley over against Beth-peor, in the land of Sihon king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, - whom Moses and the sons of Israel smote, when they came forth out of Egypt:

(I was standing between Yahweh and you, at that time, to declare unto you the word of Yahweh, - for ye shrank with fear from the presence of the fire, and went not up in the mount) saying: -

I, am Yahweh thy God, who have brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt out of the house of servants: -

Observe the sabbath day, to hallow it, - as Yahweh thy God, hath commanded thee:

So shalt thou remember that a servant, wast thou in the land of Egypt, and that Yahweh thy God brought thee forth from thence, with a firm hand, and with a stretched-out arm, - for this cause, hath Yahweh thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day:

These words, spake Yahweh unto all the convocation of you in the mount out of the midst of the fire the cloud and the thick gloom, a loud voice, and added not, - and he wrote them upon two tables of stone, and gave them unto me.

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, the mountain also burning with fire, then drew ye near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes and your elders,

and ye said - Lo! Yahweh our God hath let us see his glory and his greatness, his voice also, have we heard out of the midst of the fire, - this day, have we seen, that God may speak with man who yet may live.

For who is there of all flesh, that ever heard the voice of a Living God speaking out of the midst of fire as we, and yet lived?

Oh that this their heart might remain in them to revere me, and to keep all my commandments all the days, - that it might he well with them and with their sons unto times age-abiding.

Thou, therefore here stand with me and let me speak unto thee - all the commandment and the statutes and the regulations which thou shalt teach them, - that they may do them in the land which I am giving unto them to possess it.

In all the way which Yahweh your God hath commanded you, must ye walk, - that ye may live and it be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land, which ye shall possess.

This, then is the commandment - namely the statutes and the regulations, which Yahweh your God bath commanded to teach you, - that ye may do them in the land whither ye are passing over to possess it:

Therefore shalt thou hear, O Israel, and shalt observe to do, that it may be well with thee, and that ye may multiply greatly, as Yahweh the God of thy fathom hath spoken to thee, in a land flowing with milk and honey.

So shall it be, when Yahweh thy God shall bring thee into the land, which he sware to thy fathers - to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob to give unto thee, - into cities great and goodly, which thou didst not build;

and houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and hewn cisterns which thou hewedst not, vineyards and oliveyards which thou plantedst not, - and shalt eat and be full,

take heed unto thyself, lest thou forget Yahweh, - who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt out of the house of servants.

so shalt thou do what is right and what is pleasing in the eyes of Yahweh, - that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest enter in and possess the good land, which Yahweh sware unto thy fathers;

to thrust out all thine enemies from before thee, - As spake Yahweh.

When thy son shall ask thee in time to come, saying, - What mean the testimonies and the statutes and the regulations, which Yahweh our God commanded you?

Then shalt thou say unto thy son, Servants, were we unto Pharaoh in Egypt, - and Yahweh brought us forth out of Egypt with a firm hand;

So then Yahweh commanded us to do all these statutes, to revere Yahweh our God, - for our good, all the days, to preserve us alive as at this day;

but because Yahweh loved you and because he would keep the oath which he sware unto your fathers, did Yahweh bring you forth with a firm hand, - and redeem thee out of the house of servants, out of the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Then shall it come to pass if ye will hearken unto these regulations, and keep and do them, then will Yahweh thy God keep with thee the covenant and the lovingkindness which he sware unto thy fathers;

and thou shalt devour all the peoples whom, Yahweh thy God, delivering up unto thee, thine eye shall not look with pity upon them, neither shalt thou serve their gods, for a snare, would it be unto thee.

thou must not be afraid of them, - thou must, remember, what Yahweh thy God did, unto Pharaoh and unto all Egypt:

the great provings which thine own eyes saw, and the signs and the wonders and the firm hand and the stretched-out arm, wherewith Yahweh thy God brought thee forth, - so, will Yahweh thy God do unto all the peoples, before whom thou art afraid.

Thou shalt not be affrighted at their presence, - for Yahweh thy God in thy midst is a Go great and to be revered.

So will Yahweh thy God, clear away these nations from before thee little by little, - thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the wild beast of the field should multiply ever thee.

The carved images of their gods, shalt thou consume with fire, - thou shalt not covet the silver and gold upon them to take unto thee, lest thou be ensnared thereby; for the abomination of Yahweh thy God, it is;

and thou shalt not bring an abomination into thy house, and so become devoted to destruction, like it, thou shalt, abhor, it, and thou shalt, loathe it, because a thing devoted to destruction, it is.

So then, thou shalt remember all the way in which Yahweh thy God caused thee to journey these forty years in the desert, - that he might humble time to put thee to the proof to know what was in thy heart, - whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or not.

a land of wheat and barley, and vine and fig-tree, and pomegranate, - a land of olive oil, and honey:

a land wherein not in scarcity, shalt thou eat food, thou shalt lack nothing therein, - a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest hew copper.

lest thou eat, and be satisfied, - and goodly houses, thou build and inhabit;

and so thy heart be lifted up, - and thou forget Yahweh thy God, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt out of the house of servants;

who caused thee to journey through the great and terrible desert, of fiery serpents and scorpions, and thirsty wastes where was no water, - who brought forth for thee water out of the flinty rock;

But thou shalt remember Yahweh thy God, that it was, he, who had been giving thee strength to get wealth, - that so he might establish his covenant which he sware to thy fathers as at this day.