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And his sons used to go and hold a feast {at each other's house} on his day, and they would send, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

{Then when} the days of the feast had run their course, {Job would send}, and he would sanctify them. Thus he would arise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings [according to] the number of all of them, because Job thought, "Perhaps my children have sinned and {cursed} God in their heart." This is what Job used to do {all the time}.

And it happened {one day} {that} the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came into their midst.

So Yahweh said to Satan, "From where have you come?" Then Satan answered Yahweh and said, "From roaming on the earth and from walking about in it."

But, on the other hand, stretch out your hand and touch {all that belongs to him} [and see] {whether} he will {curse} you to your face."

So Yahweh said to Satan, "Look, {all that belongs to him} is in your {power}. Only do not stretch out your hand {against} him." So Satan went out from Yahweh's {presence}.

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The fire of God fell from the heavens, and it blazed up against the sheep and goats and against the servants, and it consumed them. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

At the time this one was speaking, {another} came and said, "Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their firstborn brother's house.

And behold, a great wind came from across the desert, and it struck the four corners of the house {so that} it fell upon the young people, and they died. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

So Yahweh {asked} Satan, "From where have you come?" And Satan answered Yahweh and said, "From roaming on the earth and from walking about in it."

But stretch out your hand and touch his bones and his flesh, [and see] {whether} he will {curse} you to your face."

So Satan went out from {Yahweh's presence}, and he inflicted Job with loathsome skin sores from the sole of his foot up to the crown of his head.

Thus Job's three friends heard of this calamity that had come upon him. So each set out from his [own] place: Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. And they met together to come to console him and to comfort him.

Let that day become darkness; may God not seek it from above, nor may daylight shine on it.

Let darkness and deep shadow claim it; let clouds settle on it; let them terrify it [with the] blackness of day.

Let darkness seize that night; let it not rejoice among [the] days of [the] year; let it not enter among [the] number of [the] months.

Look, let that night become barren; let a joyful song not enter it.

Let those who curse the day curse it, those who are skilled at rousing Leviathan.

Let the stars of its dawn be dark; let it hope for light but there be none, and let it not see [the] eyelids of dawn

because it did not shut the doors of my [mother's] womb, nor did it hide trouble from my eyes.

"Why did I not die at birth? [Why] did I [not] come forth from [the] womb and expire?

For now I would lie down, and I would be at peace; I would be asleep; then {I would be at rest}

There [the] wicked cease from troubling, and there [the] {weary} are at rest;

[the] prisoners are at ease together; they do not hear [the] oppressor's voice.

because the dread that I {feel} has come upon me, and what I feared befalls me.

I am not at ease, and I am not at peace, and I do not have rest, thus turmoil has come."

But now it has come to you, and you are worn out; it touches you, and you are horrified.

"And a word came stealing to me, and my ear received [the] whisper from it.

Amid troubling thoughts from night visions, at [the] falling of deep sleep on men,

It stood still, but I could not recognize its appearance; a form [was] {before} my eyes; [there was] a hush, and I heard a voice:

{Between morning and evening} they are destroyed; without [anyone] regarding [it] they perish forever.

whose harvest [the] hungry eats, and he takes it {from behind} [the] thorns; and [the] thirsty pants after their wealth.

In the daytime they meet [with] darkness, and they grope at noon as [in] the night.

From [the] scourge of [the] tongue you shall be hidden, and you shall not be afraid of destruction when it comes.

At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and you shall not fear the wild animals of the earth.

For your covenant [will be] with the stones of the field, and the wild animals of the field will be at peace with you.

"Look, we have searched this out--it [is] true; hear it and know [it] {yourself}."

"If only my vexation could be well weighed, and my calamity could be lifted up together [with it] in [the] balances,

for then it would be heavier than the sand of the seas; therefore my words have been rash,

Can tasteless [food] be eaten without salt, or is there taste in the white of a marshmallow plant?

But it will still be my consolation, and I would recoil in {unrelenting} pain, for I have not denied [the] words of [the] Holy One.

What [is] my strength, that I should wait? And what [is] my end, that {I should hold out}?

which are growing dark because of ice upon them, it will pile up snow.

In time they dry up, they disappear; when it [is] hot, they vanish from their place.

Is it because I have said, 'Give to me,' or, 'Offer a bribe for me from your wealth'?

How painful are {upright words}! But what does {your reproof} reprove?

"What [is] a human being that you make him great and that {you fix your mind on him},

[If] I have sinned, what have I done to you, watcher of humanity? Why have you made me as a target for yourself, so that I have become a burden to myself?

"Indeed, please inquire of former generations, and consider {what their ancestors have found},

While it [is] in its flower [and] is not plucked, yet it withers {before} all grass.

He will lean himself against his house, but it will not stand; he will take hold of it, but it will not endure.

If he destroys him from his place, then it deceives him, [saying], 'I have never seen you.'

Yet he will fill your mouth [with] laughter and your lips [with] a shout of joy.

[He is the one] who alone stretches out [the] heavens and [who] tramples on [the] waves of [the] sea.

If {it is a matter of} strength, look, [he is] mighty. But if {it is a matter of} justice, who can summon me?

Even though I am righteous, my mouth will condemn me; [even though] I [am] blameless, yet it would pronounce me guilty.

It [is all] one; therefore I say, 'He destroys [both the] blameless and [the] wicked.'

When the whip kills suddenly, he mocks at [the] despair of [the] innocent.

The earth is given into [the] hand of [the] wicked; he covers the face of its judge-- if [it is] not [he], then who [is] it?

"My inner self loathes my life; {I want to give vent to my complaint}; I want to speak out of [the] bitterness of my inner self.

Is it good for you that you oppress, that you despise the labor of your hands, and you smile over the schemes of [the] wicked?

that you seek out my iniquity, and you search for my sin

Did you not pour me out like milk and {curdle me} like cheese?

" 'Yet you hid these [things] in your heart; I know that this {was your purpose}.

If I am guilty, woe to me! But if I am righteous, I dare not lift my head; [I am] filled [with] shame, and [just] look [at] my misery!

to [the] land of darkness, like [the] darkness of a deep shadow and {chaos}, so that it shines forth like darkness.'"

{It is higher than the heaven}; what can you do? [It is] deeper than Sheol; what can you know?

For he knows {those who are worthless}; {when he sees} iniquity, {he will not consider it}.

if iniquity [is] in your hand, put it far away, and you must not let wickedness reside in your tents--

{Those at ease have contempt} for [the] thought of {disaster}, [but it is] ready for those unstable of foot.

[The] tents of [the] destroyers are at peace, and [there is] security for those who provoke God, [for those] whom God brings into his hand.

or ask the earth, and it will teach you, and the fishes of the sea will declare to you.

If he tears down, then it will not be rebuilt; if he shuts a man in, then he cannot be freed.

Look, [if] he withholds the water, then they dry up; and [if] he sends them out, then they overwhelm [the] land.

"Look, my eye has seen everything; my ear has heard and has understood it.

{What you know}, I myself also know-- I [am] not more inferior than you.

{O that} you would keep completely silent, and [that] it would become wisdom for you.

[Will it be] well, if he examines you? Or can you deceive him like deceiving a human being?

"Indeed, there is hope for a tree: if it is cut down, then it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not cease;

at the scent of water it will bud, and it will put forth branches like a young plant.

{so} a man lies down, and he does not arise. {Until the heavens are no more}, they will not awaken, and they will not be roused out of their sleep.

If a man dies, will he live [again]? All the days of my compulsory service I will wait, until the coming of my relief.

"But a mountain falls; it crumbles away, and a rock moves away from its place.

His children may [come to] honor, but he does not know [it]; or they may become lowly, but he does not realize it.

"{What is worse}, you yourself are doing away with fear, and you are lessening meditation {before} God.

What do you know that we do not know? [What] do you understand that [is] not clear to us?

that you turn your spirit against God, and you let [such] words go out of your mouth?