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For they will be a crown of grace for your head, and chain-ornaments about your neck.

Goods of great price will be ours, our houses will be full of wealth;

For their feet are running after evil, and they are quick to take a man's life.

And they are secretly waiting for their blood and making ready destruction for themselves.

Her words are sounding in the meeting-places, and in the doorways of the town:

Because your ears were shut to my voice; no one gave attention to my out-stretched hand;

When your fear comes on you like a storm, and your trouble like a rushing wind; when pain and sorrow come on you.

For they were haters of knowledge, and did not give their hearts to the fear of the Lord:

They had no desire for my teaching, and my words of protest were as nothing to them.

My son, if you will take my words to your heart, storing up my laws in your mind;

So that your ear gives attention to wisdom, and your heart is turned to knowledge;

Truly, if you are crying out for good sense, and your request is for knowledge;

Giving you salvation from the evil man, from those whose words are false;

So your store-houses will be full of grain, and your vessels overflowing with new wine.

My son, keep good sense, and do not let wise purpose go from your eyes.

Then you will go safely on your way, and your feet will have no cause for slipping.

Say not to your neighbour, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when you have it by you at the time.

Do not make evil designs against your neighbour, when he is living with you without fear.

Have no envy of the violent man, or take any of his ways as an example.

For I give you good teaching; do not give up the knowledge you are getting from me.

And he gave me teaching, saying to me, Keep my words in your heart; keep my rules so that you may have life:

Do not give her up, and she will keep you; give her your love, and she will make you safe.

Put her in a high place, and you will be lifted up by her; she will give you honour, when you give her your love.

She will put a crown of grace on your head, giving you a head-dress of glory.

Give ear, O my son, and let your heart be open to my sayings; and long life will be yours.

When you go, your way will not be narrow, and in running you will not have a fall.

Take learning in your hands, do not let her go: keep her, for she is your life.

Keep far from it, do not go near; be turned from it, and go on your way.

My son, give attention to my words; let your ear be turned to my sayings.

Let them not go from your eyes; keep them deep in your heart.

For they are life to him who gets them, and strength to all his flesh.

My son, give attention to my wisdom; let your ear be turned to my teaching:

So that you may be ruled by a wise purpose, and your lips may keep knowledge.

She never keeps her mind on the road of life; her ways are uncertain, she has no knowledge.

Give ear to me then, my sons, and do not put away my words from you.

For fear that you may give your honour to others, and your wealth to strange men:

And strange men may be full of your wealth, and the fruit of your work go to the house of others;

And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted;

I did not give attention to the voice of my teachers, my ear was not turned to those who were guiding me!

Let not your springs be flowing in the streets, or your streams of water in the open places.

As a loving hind and a gentle doe, let her breasts ever give you rapture; let your passion at all times be moved by her love.

Why let yourself, my son, go out of the way with a strange woman, and take another woman in your arms?

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he puts all his goings in the scales.

My son, if you have made yourself responsible for your neighbour, or given your word for another,

You are taken as in a net by the words of your mouth, the sayings of your lips have overcome you.

Do this, my son, and make yourself free, because you have come into the power of your neighbour; go without waiting, and make a strong request to your neighbour.

Having no chief, overseer, or ruler,

Then loss will come on you like an outlaw, and your need like an armed man

Keep them ever folded in your heart, and have them hanging round your neck.

In your walking, it will be your guide; when you are sleeping, it will keep watch over you; when you are awake, it will have talk with you.

Or may one go on lighted coals, and his feet not be burned?

He will not take any payment; and he will not make peace with you though your money offerings are increased.

Keep my rules and you will have life; let my teaching be to you as the light of your eyes;

Say to wisdom, You are my sister; let knowledge be named your special friend:

So that they may keep you from the strange woman, even from her whose words are smooth.

Come, let us take our pleasure in love till the morning, having joy in love's delights.