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and not being able to come nigh him because of the crowd, they stripped off the roofing of the house where he was; and having broken a way through, they let down with ropes the couch, on which the paralytic lay.

And taking the hand of the damsel, he saith unto her, Talitha cumi! which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise!

And a favourable day being come for her purpose, when Herod on his birth-day made a supper for his nobles, and military commanders, and the principal personages of Galilee;

IN those days the multitude being exceedingly great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus calling his disciples to him, said unto them,

For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him: and after being killed, the third day he shall rise again.

And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and looking round about upon all things, it being now even-tide, he departed to Bethany with the twelve.

And they convey him to a place called Golgotha, which is being interpreted, The place of a skull.

And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, for what cause hast thou abandoned me?