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And the altar of brass which Bezaleel, son of Uri, son of Hur, made, he set before the dwelling of Jehovah: and Solomon and the convocation will seek it

Wisdom and knowledge are given to thee; and riches and treasures and honor will I give to thee which was not thus to the kings that were before thee; and after thee it shell not be thus.

And the king will give the silver and the gold in Jerusalem as stones, and he gave cedars as sycamore trees which are in the low country for multitude.

Behold, I build a house to the name of Jehovah my God, to consecrate to him, to burn incense before him, incense of spices, and the arrangement always, and the burnt-offerings for morning and for evening, for the Sabbaths and for the new moons, and for the appointments of Jehovah our God. Forever this upon Israel.

And now send to me a man wise to work in gold and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and cerulean purple, and knowing to engrave engravings with the wise which are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, which David my father prepared.

And send to me cedar trees and cypresses, and algum trees from Lebanon: for I knew that thy servants are knowing to cut trees of Lebanon; and behold, my servants with thy servants,

And Solomon will number all the men, the strangers which are in the land of Israel, after the numbering which David his father numbered them; and they will be found a hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred.

And he will begin to build in the second month, in the second, and in the fourth year to his kingdom.

The two pillars and the reservoirs, and the capitals upon the head of the two pillars, and the two lattices to cover the two reservoirs of the capitals which were upon the head of the pillars.

And four hundred pomegranates to the two lattices; two rows of pomegranates to the one lattice to cover the two reservoirs of the capitals which are upon the face of the pillars.

And they will bring up the ark and the tent of appointment, and all the holy vessels that were in the tent, the priests, the Levites, brought them up.

And it will be in the coming forth of the priests from the holy place, (for all the priests being found were consecrated not to watch to the divisions:

And the priests were not able to stand to serve from the face of the cloud, for the glory of Jehovah filled the house of God.

And there I will set the ark where is there the covenant of Jehovah which he cut out with the sons of Israel

So that they shall fear thee to walk in thy ways all the days which they live upon the face of the land which thou gavest to our fathers.

If thy people shall go forth to war against their enemies in the way which thou shalt send them, and they prayed to thee the way of this city which thou didst choose in it, and the house that I built to thy name;

If they shall sin against thee, (for no man which shall not sin) and thou wert angry with them, and gavest them before the face of the enemy, and they taking them captive carried them captive to a land afar off or near;

And they turned back to their heart in the land which they were carried away captive there, and they turned back and made supplication to thee in the land of their captivity, saying, We sinned, we were perverse, and we did evil';

And they turned back to thee with all their heart and with all their soul into the land of their captivity where they carried them away captive; and they prayed the way of their land which thou gavest to their fathers, and the city which thou chosest, and to the house that I built for thy name.

And the priests were not able to come in to the house of Jehovah, for the glory of Jehovah filled the house of Jehovah.

And now I chose and I consecrated this house for my name to be there even to forever: and mine eyes and my heart were there all the days.

And Baalath and all the cities of the stores which were to Solomon, and all the cities of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen, and all the desire of Solomon which he delighted to build in Jerusalem and Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion.

All the people being left from the Hittites and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites and the Jebusites, which they were not from Israel,

From their sons who were left after them in the land which the sons of Israel consumed them not, and Solomon will bring them up for tribute even to this day.

And from the sons of Israel which Solomon gave not for servants for his work, for they the men of war and the chiefs of his thirds, and chiefs of his chariots and his horsemen.

And these the chiefs of the prefects which were to king Solomon, fifty and two hundred ruling over the people.

And the daughter of Pharaoh, Solomon brought up from the city of David to the house which he built for her: for he said, The wife to me shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, for they are holiness which to them came the ark of Jehovah.

And in the word of a day in a day to bring up according to the commands of Moses for the Sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the appointments, three times in the year, in the festival of unleavened, in the festival of sevens, and in the festival of the tents.

And the king will make the almug trees stair-cases to the house of Jehovah, and to the house of the king, and harps and lyres for those singing: and none were seen as they in the land of Judah.

And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year will be six hundred and sixty six talents of gold;

And they bringing each his gift, vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and garments, weapons and spices, horses and mules, the word of a year in a year.

And the rest of the words of Solomon, the first and the last, are they not written upon the words of Nathan the prophet, and upon the prophesy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

And it will be as Jeroboam son of Nebat heard, and he in Egypt where he fled from the face of Solomon the king, and Jeroboam will turn back from Egypt

Thy father hardened our yoke: and now lighten from the hard servitude of thy father, and from his heavy yoke which he gave upon us, and we will serve thee.

And king Rehoboam will consult with the old men who were standing before Solomon his father in his being alive, saying, How counsel ye me to turn back word to this people?

And they will speak to him, saying, If thou wilt be for good to this people, and pleasing them, and speak to them good words, and they were servants to thee all the days.

And the children which grew up with him will speak with him, saying, Thou shalt say thus to the people who spake to thee, saying, Thy father made heavy our yoke, and lighten thou from us; thus shalt thou say to them, My little finger thick above my father's loins.

And now my father loaded upon you a heavy yoke, and I will add upon your yoke: my father corrected you with whips, and I with scorpions.

And he will speak to them according to the counsel of the children, saying, My father wade heavy your yoke, and I will add upon it: my father corrected you with whips, and I with scorpions.

And Rehoboam will come to Jerusalem, and he will convoke together the house of Judah and Benjamin a hundred and eighty thousand chosen, making war to fight with Israel, to turn back the kingdom to Rehoboam.

Thus said Jehovah, Ye shall not go up, and ye shall not war with your brethren: turn ye back each to his house: for from me was this word. And they will hear the words of Jehovah and turn back from going against Jeroboam.

And Zorah, and Ajalon, and Hebron, which are in Judah and in Benjamin, cities of fortifications.

And the priests and the Levites which were in all Israel stood forth to him from all their bound.

And it will be in the fifth year to king Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, (for they transgressed against Jehovah,)

And he will take fortified cities which were to Judah and he will come even to Jerusalem.

And Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam, and the chiefs of Judah who were gathered together to Jerusalem from the face of Shishak, and he will say to them, Thus said Jehovah, Ye forsook me, and I also left you in the hand of Shishak.

And the words of Rehoboam, the first and the last, are they not written in the words of Shemaiah the prophet, and Iddo the seeing for the enrolling? And wars of Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days.

And in the eighteenth year to king Jeroboam, Abijah will reign over Judah.

And three years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother, Michaiah. daughter of Uriel from Gibeah. And war was between Abijah and Jeroboam.

And Abijah will bind on the battle with the strength of the strong ones of war, four hundred thousand chosen men: and Jeroboam arranged the battle with him with eight hundred thou. sand, each chosen, strong of power.

And we, Jehovah is our God, and we forsook him not; and the priests serving to Jehovah, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites in the work:

And burning to Jehovah the burnt-offering in the morning, in the morning, and in the evening, in the evening, and incense of spices, and the arrangement of bread upon the pure table; and the chandelier of gold and its lamps to burn in the evening, in the evening: for we watch the watches of Jehovah our God; and ye forsook him.

And behold, with us God for head, and his priests and trumpets of loud noise to cry against you. O ye sons of Israel, ye shall not wage war with Jehovah God of your fathers, for ye shall not prosper.

And Judah will turn, and behold, to them the war before and behind: and they will cry out to Jehovah and the priests trumpeting with the trumpets.

And he will build cities of fortification in Judah: for the land rested, and not with him war in these years; for Jehovah gave rest to him.

And he will say to Judah, We will build these cities, and surround a wall, and towers, doors and bars, and the land yet before us: for we sought Jehovah our God, and he will give to us rest from round about And they will build and prosper.

And Asa will call to Jehovah his God, and he will say, O Jehovah, nothing with thee to help between many to those of no power: help us, O Jehovah our God, for upon thee we relied, and in thy name we came against this multitude. O Jehovah, thou our God; man shall not detain with thee.

And Asa will pursue them, and the people which were with him, even to the lodging-place: and there will fall from the Cushites to nothing being to them, for they were broken before Jehovah, and before his camp; and they will lift up exceeding much spoil.

And he will go forth before Asa, and say to him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; Jehovah is with you in your being with him; and if ye will seek him he will be found to you; and if ye will forsake him, he will forsake you.

And they will gather together at Jerusalem in the third month, for the fifteenth year to the kingdom of Asa.

And the heights were not removed from Israel: but the heart of Asa was complete all his days.

And war was not even to the thirty and fifth year to the kingdom of Asa.

In the thirty and sixth year to the kingdom of Asa, Baasha king of Israel came up against Judah, and he will build Ramah, not to give him coming out and going in to Asa, king of Judah.

And the son of Hadad will hear to king Asa, and he will send chiefs of the armies which were with him against the cities of Israel; and they will strike Ijon and Dan and Abel-Maim, and all the stores of the cities of Naphtali.

Were not the Cushites and the Lubims for an army for multitude, for chariots, and for horsemen to a great multitude? and in thy relying upon Jehovah he gave them into thy hand.

And Asa in the thirty and ninth year to his kingdom will be diseased in his feet, his disease even to above: and also in his disease he sought not Jehovah but in physicians.

And Asa will lie down with his fathers, and he will die in the year forty and one to his kingdom.

And in the third year to his kingdom he sent to his chiefs to the son of power, and to the servant of Jehovah, and to him Remembered of Jehovah, and to the Gift of God, and to Who as God, to teach in the cities of Judah.

And the fear of Jehovah will be upon all the kingdoms of the lands that are round about Judah, and they warred not with Jehoshaphat

And much work was to him in the cities of Judah: and the men of war strong of power in Jerusalem.

And upon his hand him Jehovah gave, and with him a hundred and eighty thousand armed for war.

And he will go down at the end of years to Ahab to Shomeron. And Ahab will sacrifice to him sheep and oxen for multitude, and to the people which are with him, and he will stimulate him to go up to Ramoth-Gilead.

And Ahab king of Israel will say to Jehoshaphat king of Judah. Wilt thou go with me to Ramoth-Gilead? And he will say to him, As me, as thou; as thy people, my people; and with thee in war.

And the king of Israel will gather together the prophets, four hundred men, and he will say to them, Shall we go to Ramoth-Gilead to war, or shall I desist? And they will say, Go up, and God will give into the hand of the king.

And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sitting each upon his throne, being clothed in garments, and sitting in the area of the door of the gate of Shomeron: and all the prophets prophesying before them.

And he will come to the king, and the king will say to him, Micaiah, shall we go to Ramoth-Gilead to war, or shall I desist? And he will say, Go ye up and prosper, and they shall be given into your hand.

And the king of Israel will say to Jehoshaphat, Disguising myself and going into the war; and thou, put on thy garments. And the king of Israel will disguise himself, and will go into the war.

And the king of Aram commanded the chiefs of the chariots which were with him, saying, Ye shall not war with small and great, but with the king of Israel, him only.

And it will be as the chiefs of the chariots, seeing Jehoshaphat, and they said, He is the king of Israel. And they will surround about him to wage war: and Jehoshaphat will cry out, and Jehovah helped him, and God stimulates them from him.

But good words were found with thee, for thou didst burn the images from the land, and didst prepare heart to seek God.

And now the fear of Jehovah shall be upon you: watch ye and do: for not iniquity with Jehovah our God, and lifting up of faces, and taking a gift

And every contention which shall come upon you from your brethren dwelling in their cities, between blood to blood, between law to command, to precepts and to judgments, and warn ye them and they shall not trespass against Jehovah, and wrath being upon you and upon your brethren: thus shall ye do and not trespass.

And it will be after this, the sons of Moab and the sons of Ammon came, and with them from the Ammonites against Jehoshaphat for war.

And he will say, O Jehovah God of our fathers, art thou not he the God in the heavens? and thou art ruling over all the kingdoms of the nations? and in thine hand power and strength, and none to stand with thee?

Art thou not our God? Thou didst dispossess the inhabitants of this land from before thy people Israel, and thou. wilt give it to the seed of Abraham thy beloved forever.

If evil shall come upon us, the sword, judgment, and death and famine, we shall stand before this house and before thee, for thy name is upon this house, and we will cry to thee from our straits, and thou wilt hear, and thou wilt save.

O our God, wilt thou not judge against them? for no power in us before this great multitude coming against us; and we shall not know what we shall do: for our eyes are upon thee.

Not to you to war in this: set yourselves, stand ye, and see the salvation of Jehovah with you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Ye shall not fear, and ye shall not be terrified; to-morrow go ye forth before them, and Jehovah with you.

And they will rise early in the morning and go forth to the desert of Tekoa: and in their going forth Jehoshaphat stood, and he will say, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabiting Jerusalem; Believe in Jehovah your God and ye shall be firm; believe in his prophets and prosper.

And in the fourth day they were convoked together to the valley of praise; for there they praised Jehovah: for this, they called the name of that place, The valley of praise, even to this day.

Only the heights were not removed: and yet the people prepared not their heart to the God of their fathers.

And Jehovah will rouse up against Jehoram the spirit of the rovers and the Arabians which were upon the hand of the Cushitea

The son of forty and two years was Ahaziah in his reigning, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother's name Athaliah, daughter of Omri.

And he will do the evil in the eyes of Jehovah as the house of Ahab: for they were were counseling to him after the death of his father, for destruction to him.

Also he went in their counsel, and he will go with Jehoram son of Ahab king of Israel to war against Hazael, king of Aram in Ramoth-Gilead: and the Syrians will strike Joram.

And in the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and he will take chiefs of hundreds to Azariah son of Jeroham, and to Ishmael son of Jehohanan, and to Azariah son of Obed, and with Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and with Elishaphat son of Zichri, with him in covenant.

And they shall not come into the house of Jehovah except the priests and those serving to the Levites; they shall come in for they are holy: and all the people shall watch the watches of Jehovah.

And Jehoiada the priest will give to the chiefs of hundreds, spears and shields and bucklers, which were to king David, which were in the house of God.