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Let's swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole like those who go down into the Pit.

but these people lie in wait for their own blood. They ambush only themselves.

"Because I called out to you and you refused to respond I appealed, but no one paid attention

Indeed, a perverse man is utterly disgusting to the LORD, but he takes the upright into his confidence.

The LORD's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous.

But in the end she is as bitter as wormwood, and as sharp as a double-edged sword.

You aren't thinking about where her life is headed; her steps wander, but you do not realize it.

but prepares its provisions in the summer and gathers its food in the harvest.

but when he is discovered, he must restore seven-fold, forfeiting the entire value of his house.

I've decorated my bed with new coverings embroidered linen from Egypt.

I've perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

But he does not realize that the dead lurk there, and her invited guests wind up in the depths of Sheol.

Blessings come upon the head of the righteous, but the words of the wicked conceal violence.

Whoever walks in integrity lives prudently, but whoever perverts his way of life will be exposed.

Wisdom characterizes the speech of the discerning, but the rod is for the backs of those lacking discernment.

What the righteous person says nourishes many, but fools die because they lack discerning hearts.

What the wicked fears will come about, but the longing of the righteous will be granted.

To the upright, the way of the LORD is a place of safety, but it's a place of ruin to those who practice evil.

The righteous will never be overthrown, but the wicked will never inhabit the land.

The words of the righteous overflow with wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut out.

Righteous lips know what is prudent, but the words of the wicked are perverse.

The integrity of the righteous guides them, but the hypocrisy of the treacherous destroys them.

The righteousness of the innocent creates a level path, but the wicked fall by their wickedness.

The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the treacherous are trapped by their evil desires.

A gracious man benefits himself, but the cruel person damages himself.

Genuine righteousness leads to life, but whoever pursues evil will die.

The desire of the righteous is to seek good, but the hope of the wicked results in wrath.

The person seeking good will find favor, but anyone who searches for evil it will find him!

The good person will gain favor from the LORD, but the man who plots evil will be condemned by him.

A person doesn't gain security by wickedness, but the righteous won't be uprooted.

The words of the wicked lead to bloodshed, but the speech of the upright delivers them.

After they're overthrown, the wicked won't be found, but the house of the righteous stands firm.

A man is praised because of his wise words, but the perverted mind will be despised.

It's better to be unimportant, yet have a servant, than to pretend to be important, but lack food.

The wicked desires what evil people gain, but the foundation of the righteous is productive.

An evil man's sinful speech ensnares him, but the righteous person escapes from trouble.

A truthful saying is trusted forever, but the liar only for a moment.

From the fruit of his words a man receives benefit, but the treacherous crave violence.

One person pretends to be wealthy, but has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet is rich.

The life of a wealthy man may be held for ransom, but whoever is poor receives no threats.

The light of the righteous shines, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.